K4 Publishing System now available for Adobe InDesign CS2 - Accelerated Print and Web Publishing Workflows With K4 Version 5.5 and Adobe Creative Suite 2
Press Release
Hamburg, Germany–(QUARKvsINDESIGN.com)–May 24th, 2005–InDesign and InCopy solution provider SoftCare today announced K4 Publishing System version 5.5, fully compatible with Adobe Creative Suite 2. K4, a standard editorial system for magazines and creative agencies, combines layout and design software Adobe InDesign CS2 with Adobe InCopy CS2, a professional writing and editing program that tightly integrates with InDesign. As one of the first InDesign plug-in developers, SoftCare supports as usual promptly and entirely the new versions of Adobe InDesign and InCopy software with the K4 Publishing System. Additionally, K4 remains compatible with InDesign CS and InCopy CS. This combination offers publishing houses, creative agencies and corporations the possibility to benefit from Adobe Creative Suite 2 right after its release or to continue using Adobe Creative Suite with the new version of K4.
One of the sensational new features in InCopy CS2 allows editors to place and scale images directly in InCopy. Other features, which are supported both for InDesign CS2 and InCopy CS2, include dynamic footnote support with preferred numbering and layout options. Editors can also link to multiple user dictionaries and import and export word lists for easy exchange with colleagues. These features in combination with K4 help further improve the editorial workflow and keep users on the cutting edge of technological enhancements.
An optional add-on production tool in K4 version 5.5 that helps increase efficiency is the new K4 XML-Exporter. This K4 module exports all K4 objects to a standardized output format. Data can be re-used automatically for archiving, syndication, Web publishing or transferred to asset management systems. K4 XML-Exporter transforms all data into an open XML format defined by SoftCare. This intermediate format is designed to provide everything that may be needed for a later XSL transformation into a final XML format for a publisher’s individual needs. K4 XML-Exporter represents a cost-effective means to re-use issue-related data and to archive the data for later re-use. Furthermore, InDesign and InCopy users can create and save text elements that will not appear on the printed page. Editors are now able to prepare both the print issue and the online issue at the same time, including items such as hyperlinks or Web teasers.
“InDesign CS2 and InCopy CS2 increase the efficiency of collaborative publishing processes without sacrificing the quality of individuals,” said Chad Siegel, Product manager, Professional Publishing Solutions at Adobe. “Medium-to-large sized publishers can significantly benefit from the advanced collaboration features found in SoftCare’s editorial solutions.”
K4 Publishing System version 5.5 and the optional K4 XML-Exporter are available from SoftCare’s integration partners worldwide. Customers using K4 version 5.0 or higher are eligible to receive a free update under the maintenance agreement and can purchase K4 XML-Exporter as an option. K4 supports Mac OS X, including Mac OS X 10.4 “Tiger”, and Windows clients in mixed platform environments. The server software is available for Mac OS X Server, Windows, SUN Solaris and Linux.
A detailed list of the new features can be downloaded at: http://www.k4publishingsystem.com
About K4 Publishing System
The award-winning K4 Publishing System is a standard solution for professional publishing workflows built around Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy and was the first editorial system for InDesign on the market. With its multilevel security controls and robust customization options, K4 supports a transparent and secure production workflow for individual workgroups or entire publishing enterprises, allowing a simultaneous workflow between layout and editorial. K4 offers workflow capabilities for images and ads as well as for other file types such as word processing or spreadsheet files. It offers support for regional editions and multi-language publications, email notification of assignments, deadline management and much more. Since 1999, K4 has been successfully implemented at magazine, newspaper and book publishing sites ranging in size from 10 to more than 250 users.
About SoftCare
SoftCare was founded in 1990 and is a leading developer of workflow solutions for the publishing industry, helping magazine and newspaper publishers work more efficiently. SoftCare’s flagship product is the award-winning K4 Publishing System, the first editorial system for professional publishing workflows based on Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy. SoftCare teams up with trained K4 System Integrators throughout Europe and the Americas to ensure high-quality service and support for the system on a local level. More than 70 customers worldwide use K4 to streamline their production process, including Metro Newspapers and Time Out New York, USA, Gruner+Jahr Wirtschaftspresse and Hubert Burda Media, Germany, and IDG Communications AG, Switzerland.
my company wants to get incopy – and they do not see the advantages of using incopy and k4 – i have to give a presentation on the benfits = we are editorial based – and we need communication between designers and editors. What are the benefits and do we just need incopy?