LEAKED! Creative Suite 3, InDesign CS3, QuarkXPress 7 Features

InDesign CS3 Features?

According to the sur­vey, the “much improved new ver­sion (InDesign),” which is also lat­er iden­ti­fied specif­i­cal­ly as InDesign CS3, will con­tain the fol­low­ing list of new fea­tures. The infor­ma­tion is pub­lished here ver­ba­tim, with­out edit­ing, to enable you to draw your own con­clu­sions about its veracity.


    Greater than ever inte­gra­tion of graph­ic cre­ation tools, allow­ing users to apply fil­ters, gra­di­ent blends, 3D effects and more to any ele­ment on a page, even text.

    Enhanced typo­graph­i­cal fea­tures, includ­ing pre­cise con­trols over drop cap runaround


    An unflat­tened PSD or PDF file can be embed­ded in ful­ly editable form in a page. Photoshop sup­port is enhanced to allow trans­paren­cy, restack­ing and basic effects to be applied from with­in layout.

    Allows rapid syn­chro­niza­tion of con­tent across mul­ti­ple lay­outs and even across appli­ca­tions such as Flash, GoLive and Illustrator

    Send sto­ries for round-trip edit­ing edit in MS Word.

    Layout Styles allow page geom­e­try to be dynam­i­cal­ly applied to objects on the page.

    Automated lay­out fea­tures allow text flows to smart­ly wrap­around objects on the page, columns to be dynam­i­cal­ly divid­ed etc. allow­ing users to lay­out sto­ries on a page with­out labo­ri­ous box fitting.

    Sections of pages can be divid­ed and dis­trib­uted via an enhanced work­flow mod­ule able to route files to oth­er users, with live updates and the abil­i­ty to revert to an ear­li­er ver­sion at any time.

    Share text, XML and graph­ic updates via the work­flow mod­ule, which can receive data from MS Word, RSS and oth­er com­mon data feeds.

    Files can be dis­trib­uted in light­weight XML for­mat that can be read and com­ment­ed on via Acrobat while leav­ing the orig­i­nal lay­out file editable.


    Support for PDF/A


    Smart XML out­put allows batch pro­cess­ing of lay­outs and sup­port for PPML, JDF and more with min­i­mal user intervention.

    Available as part of a bun­dled suite with oth­er key design and lay­out tools

    Move con­tent eas­i­ly from print to web-based chan­nels like HTML and Flash.

More Leaked?

Two addi­tion­al pages, enti­tled “Page Layout Perfected” and “Innovation Unleashed” do not specif­i­cal­ly iden­ti­fy either QuarkXPress or InDesign, but bear a strong asso­ci­a­tion to XPress 7 and InDesign CS3, respec­tive­ly, by reit­er­at­ing fea­tures from the lists that do iden­ti­fy their sub­jects. These two pages add the fol­low­ing hypo­thet­i­cal characteristics:

16 thoughts on “LEAKED! Creative Suite 3, InDesign CS3, QuarkXPress 7 Features

  1. Sara Froehlich

    If there is a Premium Edition of the CS3 Suite that includes Dreamweaver, that’s for me. As a user of both, and as an author of GoLive tuto­ri­als and a Dreamweaver course, I pre­fer Dreamweaver. I have had numer­ous crash­es with GoLive and find Dreeamweaver more intu­itive. I was hop­ing that Dreaweaver would get the PDF capa­bil­i­ties of GoLive..maybe that will hap­pen any­way. At any rate this was a very intrugu­ing arti­cle and it will be very inter­est­ing to see what comes to fruition!

  2. Brian Cupp

    I asked the com­pa­ny “Absolute Data Research & Analytics” where they got my email address from . They respond­ed say­ing they recieved it from Adobe.

  3. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Very inter­est­ing, Brian. 

    What’s even more inter­est­ing is that anoth­er per­son whom I trust told me that the e‑mail address at which he received the sur­vey invi­ta­tion is used sole­ly for cor­re­spon­dence with Quark, that he has nev­er giv­en it to any­one else.

    I real­ly wish Quark would return my calls or e‑mails about this. Adobe says they aren’t behind it, but Quark has yet to comment.

    If you look at Absolut Data’s clients, nei­ther Quark nor Adobe is list­ed… But anoth­er indus­try play­er is.

    If you take the sur­vey, it is very much about QuarkXPress and var­i­ous add-on mod­ules for XPress. Of course, no one will own up to pay­ing for the survey.

  4. ExQuarkian

    I think every­one should prob­a­bly know that QuarkXpress 7 will NOT have any flash import func­tion­al­i­ty. I would be sur­prised if it even man­ages flash out­put in ver­sion 7.

  5. Brady J. Frey

    Should they real­ly han­dle flash any­how, though? GoLive is junk, but Dreamweaver is a less­er evil in the end – nei­ther appli­ca­tion is made for high end web devel­op­ment. They bun­dle it with BBEdit capa­bil­i­ties, we may talk further…

  6. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Should it han­dle Flash…? Yes and no. I can see a real need for export­ing FlashPaper from XPress–FlashPaper is becom­ing anoth­er form of output–but not for Flash ani­ma­tions et al for Web use.

    GoLive and DreamWeaver… I’ve played with both, but have nev­er been able to get into any WYSIWYG HTML edi­tor. I began design­ing and deploy­ing pro­fes­sion­al Websites back in late ’94 when WYSIWYGs were use­less. Now, ten years lat­er, I just can’t break the habit of writ­ing code by hand. I comp and lay­out site tem­plates in Illustrator, slice and export, then imme­di­ate­ly rewrite the XHTML and CSS code in TopStyle, HomeSite, or BBEdit.

  7. Brady J. Frey

    I for­got about flash­pa­per, I can see the use for web abil­i­ties in there.

    I’d agree with you on the cod­ing por­tion – my expe­ri­ence with dreamweaver is it takes me just as much time to fix what it out­puts as it would to code it right in the first place.

  8. Dean Wares

    It seems to me that the whole cod­ing process has been done in a very hap­haz­ard and lazy fash­ion. I can only assume that it was cod­ed by a hack who seems to have jumped on the whole flash band­wag­on. Or maybe some­one who real­ly isn’t very focused and pas­sion­ate about the indus­try we work in.

  9. Lee Sargent

    Maybe he should spend more time at his desk learn­ing the art of cod­ing instead of treat­ing the office as a youth club.

  10. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Dean and Lee:

    Admittedly, I’m still work­ing on my first cup of cof­fee, but… What–or who–are you talk­ing about?

  11. Pingback: Mastblau

  12. Samuel John Klein


    please send me quark 7

    Well, no can do there. But Quark has a pub­lic beta pro­gram cur­rent­ly under­way that allows you to down­load a prac­tial­ly ful­ly func­tion­al beta to do what­ev­er you want to it. It’s a free down­load, but expires at the end of March.

    You can find it here:

    Good luck!

  13. Neelesh Singh

    I Personally think this was the sur­vey from Quark behalf as my friends name was there in the quark list. I think it is quite not fair on behalf of Quark to share his email address with a third par­ty ven­dor. Also the way the sur­vey was made about the fea­tures of theQuarkexp 7 shows that info may most proabably would have com from quark.

  14. Kevin Jones

    I know some­one who says that Creative Suite 3 is com­ing out in 1 week, My source is extreme­ly reliable…

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