LEAKED! Creative Suite 3, InDesign CS3, QuarkXPress 7 Features

According to the Absolute Data sur­vey, Creative Suite 3 Premium will include the usu­al line­up of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, Version Cue, Adobe Bridge, and Acrobat Professional. A new edi­tion, Creative Suite 3 Platinum, will alleged­ly replace GoLive with Dreamweaver, and throw in Flash.

The Survey

Among inquiries relat­ed to num­ber of licens­es of dif­fer­ent ver­sions of XPress and InDesign, and how much each is used, the sur­vey asked par­tic­i­pants to respond with rat­ings on a scale of 1 (com­plete­ly dis­agree) to 5 (com­plete­ly agree) to ques­tions such as:

If InDesign CS2 was not offered as part of Creative Suite 2, my group would still have pur­chased it as a sep­a­rate prod­uct to use for a part or all of our page lay­out work.”

How sat­is­fied are you with Quark in general?”

How sat­is­fied are you with Adobe in general?”

My group start­ed using Adobe InDesign as our pri­ma­ry prod­uct in the recent past and due to our dis­sat­is­fac­tion with Adobe InDesign we are very open to switch­ing to QuarkXPress if Quark releas­es a strong product.”

Adobe would nei­ther con­firm nor deny the infor­ma­tion from the sur­vey, cit­ing the long-standing cor­po­rate pol­i­cy of declin­ing to com­ment on unan­nounced soft­ware. Adobe spokesper­son Denise Styerwalt did state that Adobe is not the spon­sor of the survey.

Our phone calls and e‑mails to Quark for com­ment regard­ing XPress 7’s fea­tures, the company’s involve­ment with the sur­vey, and how the sur­vey spon­sor may have obtained the infor­ma­tion about Adobe’s prod­ucts went unreturned.

We were also unable to reach AbsolutData by tele­phone to either of its U.S. offices.

Judging by the ques­tions asked and the man­ner in which invi­ta­tions to par­tic­i­pate were dis­trib­uted, the sev­er­al dozen query sur­vey was almost sure­ly spon­sored by a cer­tain Denver-based soft­ware com­pa­ny. How did the sur­vey spon­sor obtain such detailed infor­ma­tion on Adobe’s unan­nounced prod­ucts? Is the infor­ma­tion accu­rate, or is it all just edu­cat­ed guesses?

We’ll just have to wait and see.

QuarkXPress 7’s most recent release esti­mate is “ear­ly 2006,” and Creative Suite 3 and InDesign CS3, if Adobe adheres to its 2003 com­mit­ment of 12–18 month release cycles, won’t be avail­able until late Spring 2006 at the earliest. 

Quark, QuarkXPress, QuarkXPress 7, XPress 7, InDesign, InDesign CS3, Creative Suite, Creative Suite 3, Adobe, Macromedia, Flash, DreamWeaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, GoLive

16 thoughts on “LEAKED! Creative Suite 3, InDesign CS3, QuarkXPress 7 Features

  1. Sara Froehlich

    If there is a Premium Edition of the CS3 Suite that includes Dreamweaver, that’s for me. As a user of both, and as an author of GoLive tuto­ri­als and a Dreamweaver course, I pre­fer Dreamweaver. I have had numer­ous crash­es with GoLive and find Dreeamweaver more intu­itive. I was hop­ing that Dreaweaver would get the PDF capa­bil­i­ties of GoLive..maybe that will hap­pen any­way. At any rate this was a very intrugu­ing arti­cle and it will be very inter­est­ing to see what comes to fruition!

  2. Brian Cupp

    I asked the com­pa­ny “Absolute Data Research & Analytics” where they got my email address from . They respond­ed say­ing they recieved it from Adobe.

  3. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Very inter­est­ing, Brian. 

    What’s even more inter­est­ing is that anoth­er per­son whom I trust told me that the e‑mail address at which he received the sur­vey invi­ta­tion is used sole­ly for cor­re­spon­dence with Quark, that he has nev­er giv­en it to any­one else.

    I real­ly wish Quark would return my calls or e‑mails about this. Adobe says they aren’t behind it, but Quark has yet to comment.

    If you look at Absolut Data’s clients, nei­ther Quark nor Adobe is list­ed… But anoth­er indus­try play­er is.

    If you take the sur­vey, it is very much about QuarkXPress and var­i­ous add-on mod­ules for XPress. Of course, no one will own up to pay­ing for the survey.

  4. ExQuarkian

    I think every­one should prob­a­bly know that QuarkXpress 7 will NOT have any flash import func­tion­al­i­ty. I would be sur­prised if it even man­ages flash out­put in ver­sion 7.

  5. Brady J. Frey

    Should they real­ly han­dle flash any­how, though? GoLive is junk, but Dreamweaver is a less­er evil in the end – nei­ther appli­ca­tion is made for high end web devel­op­ment. They bun­dle it with BBEdit capa­bil­i­ties, we may talk further…

  6. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Should it han­dle Flash…? Yes and no. I can see a real need for export­ing FlashPaper from XPress–FlashPaper is becom­ing anoth­er form of output–but not for Flash ani­ma­tions et al for Web use.

    GoLive and DreamWeaver… I’ve played with both, but have nev­er been able to get into any WYSIWYG HTML edi­tor. I began design­ing and deploy­ing pro­fes­sion­al Websites back in late ’94 when WYSIWYGs were use­less. Now, ten years lat­er, I just can’t break the habit of writ­ing code by hand. I comp and lay­out site tem­plates in Illustrator, slice and export, then imme­di­ate­ly rewrite the XHTML and CSS code in TopStyle, HomeSite, or BBEdit.

  7. Brady J. Frey

    I for­got about flash­pa­per, I can see the use for web abil­i­ties in there.

    I’d agree with you on the cod­ing por­tion – my expe­ri­ence with dreamweaver is it takes me just as much time to fix what it out­puts as it would to code it right in the first place.

  8. Dean Wares

    It seems to me that the whole cod­ing process has been done in a very hap­haz­ard and lazy fash­ion. I can only assume that it was cod­ed by a hack who seems to have jumped on the whole flash band­wag­on. Or maybe some­one who real­ly isn’t very focused and pas­sion­ate about the indus­try we work in.

  9. Lee Sargent

    Maybe he should spend more time at his desk learn­ing the art of cod­ing instead of treat­ing the office as a youth club.

  10. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Dean and Lee:

    Admittedly, I’m still work­ing on my first cup of cof­fee, but… What–or who–are you talk­ing about?

  11. Pingback: Mastblau

  12. Samuel John Klein


    please send me quark 7

    Well, no can do there. But Quark has a pub­lic beta pro­gram cur­rent­ly under­way that allows you to down­load a prac­tial­ly ful­ly func­tion­al beta to do what­ev­er you want to it. It’s a free down­load, but expires at the end of March.

    You can find it here:

    Good luck!

  13. Neelesh Singh

    I Personally think this was the sur­vey from Quark behalf as my friends name was there in the quark list. I think it is quite not fair on behalf of Quark to share his email address with a third par­ty ven­dor. Also the way the sur­vey was made about the fea­tures of theQuarkexp 7 shows that info may most proabably would have com from quark.

  14. Kevin Jones

    I know some­one who says that Creative Suite 3 is com­ing out in 1 week, My source is extreme­ly reliable…

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