Macworld UK Poll Reveals Who's Preferring What

Poll responses show while there are intriguing signs the end of the market struggle is sill far from settled

Macworld UK has just pub­lished the results of a sur­vey they’ve recent­ly con­clud­ed amongst their read­er­ship. 772 opin­ions were receieved and it seems about the only thing it con­firms is that the Adobe-Quark shake­out is still vigourous­ly in progress, and DTP War II’s win­ner is not like­ly to be crowned soon.

A sam­pling of the response, with Macworld UK’s numbers:

  • When read­ers were asked if they would move to QuarkXPress 7 when it ships, 490 people–63 per cent–said they were stick­ing with InDesign.
  • 16 per cent (or 124 respon­ders) said they were plan­ning to upgrade from XPress 6.x or ear­li­er to 7, but 6 per cent (47) said they’d be stick­ing with an ear­li­er ver­sion of XPress for now.
  • 6 per cent (44) said they’d be switch­ing back from InDesign to XPress when 7 debuted, and 9 per cent (69) will go to XPress from some oth­er application.

People are, by and large, seem­ing to respond pos­i­tive­ly to Quark’s cus­tomer ser­vice improv­ments and while many seem to be hap­py with the direc­tion that Adobe is going in there seems to be con­cern that Adobe might be tend­ing toward the sort of com­pla­cen­cy that Quark exhib­it­ed, and this per­cep­tion pri­mar­i­ly seems to be dri­ven by Quark’s first-to-the-front immi­nent avail­ablil­i­ty of XPress 7 in Universal Beta format. 

This is not a uni­ver­sal view, how­ev­er. As one of Macworld UK’s cor­re­spon­dents was quoted:

It’s iron­ic that as Quark gets its house in order, many see Adobe as becom­ing a lit­tle complacent,however, at the moment most Mac pro­fes­sion­als are not using Intel machines and by the time even a sig­nif­i­cant pro­por­tion are, Universal CS3 will be on the market.

The arti­cle can be read at the end of this link.

Adobe, Quark, poll, analysis

1 thought on “Macworld UK Poll Reveals Who's Preferring What

  1. Bob Santoro

    I am curi­ous as to whether any­one has pub­lished a recent (2006) study as to the mar­ket pen­e­tra­tion of Quark ver­sus InDesign usage in the real world? I could not find such stats on your web site. After all these years, does InDesign only have a 35% mar­ket share of exist­ing seats, for instance? Are they both about 50/50%?

    The rea­son I would like to know is; has the mar­ket swung enough in InDesign’s favor to make com­mer­cial print­ers pret­ty much give into it as a stan­dard? As an InDesign switch­er, we have had some rough resis­tance from com­mer­cial print­ers over the last few years. However, it seems to be get­ting bet­ter this last year for InDesign accep­tance. Even for trans­paren­cy issues. This is just a gut reac­tion though. I would like to see some hard numbers.

    Knowing, for instance, that InDesign has a 60% mar­ket share would help us under­stand that it now has become the stan­dard. If this is so, indus­try jour­nal­ists would have to then refer to InDesign as the indus­try standard.

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