Macworld UK: QuarkXPress 7 To Go On European Tour in '06

Magazine reports that XPress 7 to have 'roadshow' during months of Jan, Feb

While the offi­cial release date of the much-anticipated QuarkXPress 7 is still a mat­ter of spec­u­la­tion, with Quark say­ing they will be rolling it out some­time in 2006, Macworld UK online is report­ing that Quark will be tak­ing XPress 7 on a road­show dur­ing the first two months of the new year. Macworld UK says:

The brief­in­gs will start at the Apple Store in London on January 18, and will move to Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Scandinavia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Turkey through­out January and February.

Though Quark seems still reluc­tant to say when XPress 7 will roll out in the new year, main­taing that the work­shops at the Macworld San Francisco will con­cern XPress 6.5, Macrworld UK spec­u­lates that we could be see­ing XPress 7 at long last released per­haps around the time of the con­fer­ence, not­ing that the European road­shows con­cern XPress 7, and not 6.5.

6 thoughts on “Macworld UK: QuarkXPress 7 To Go On European Tour in '06

  1. Ralph

    Taking Xpress 7.0 on the road is such a sham ! It is not even beta yet and any­ways Quark has let go hun­dreds of staff of its devel­op­ment cen­ter in Mohali India. The cus­tomer care cen­ter also has been shut down and so has the prod­uct QE team. With SilverLakePartners now cer­tain to acquire Quark and then split­up the com­pa­ny’s busi­ness­es after wind­ing up the 7.0 series , there isn’t much point in my attend­ing these road shows by Nick and Matthew. if only they fixed a few bugs in 6.5 first !! Don;t waste your time ! -
    A long time Quark user and now a ID fan

  2. Ralph

    Taking Xpress 7.0 on the road is such a sham ! It is not even beta yet and any­ways Quark has let go hun­dreds of staff of its devel­op­ment cen­ter in Mohali India. The cus­tomer care cen­ter also has been shut down and so has the prod­uct QE team. With SilverLakePartners now cer­tain to acquire Quark and then split­up the com­pa­ny’s busi­ness­es after wind­ing up the 7.0 series , there isn’t much point in my attend­ing these road shows by Nick and Matthew. if only they fixed a few bugs in 6.5 first !! Don;t waste your time ! -
    A long time Quark user and now an ardent ID fan

  3. Vishal Gupta

    Is it real­ly true that Quark is going to be acquired soon by SilverLakePartners?? I did­nt hear this before

  4. GPrakash

    Wake up and smell the coffee !!
    The rea­son that Quark acquired ALAP is so that all the CORE and EXTENSION devel­op­ment can be han­dled by the pro­fi­cient devel­op­ers of ALAP, as advised by SilverLake. This would mean that there could be a good ratio of prod­ucts ver­sus devel­op­ers and hence could be sold off eas­i­ly. Quark annu­al rev­enue is less than 100 Million USD and shrink­ing so the only way SilverLake would agree to acquire Quark would be to have 7.0 come into mar­ket and then spin off their assets using a lever­aged buyout

  5. addy

    i want 2 cor­rect u Prakash.. it’s not 100 Million it’s 600 mil­lion. Quark still holds around 70 % of the mar­ket share & with 7.0 they will con­tin­ue to hold such num­ber. Ardent XPress Fan :)

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