Magma Effects for InDesign

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

Sponsored By

XChange International

Rogue Sheep

That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

This con­test has end­ed. On 2007-12-30 we gave
Magma Effects from Rogue Sheep
To Shandel P. of New York, NY United States

Congratulations, Shandel! Get some prizes for your­self on our Contests & Giveaways page.

The InDesign Plug-In We Gave Away This Time

Magma Effects

Magma Effects (Mac Only)
InDesign Plug-In from Rogue Sheep

Magma Effects allows you to apply a vari­ety of image-enhancement and styl­is­ing effects direct­ly to any bitmap image placed in Adobe InDesign. Enhance pho­tos with colour adjust­ments, sharp­en­ing or white point adjustment. 

Apply spe­cial effects such as star-shines and zoom-blurs or glass dis­tor­tion. Make your images stand out with style by apply­ing spot­light, bloom or shad­ed mate­r­i­al effects. All with­out leav­ing InDesign for anoth­er appli­ca­tion. Simply select the image in your InDesign lay­out and bring up the Magma Effects dia­logue to gain access to any of the Core Image fil­ters avail­able in OS X Tiger. Change fil­ter para­me­ters with real time pre­views while you add effects to the chain as need­ed. When you are done edit­ing, press the apply but­ton to save your edits and instant­ly update the image back in your layout.

All effect para­me­ters are adjustable with live results direct­ly in the pre­view win­dow. When run­ning on a Core Image-capable graph­ics card, the effects are often real time. This lev­el of respon­sive­ness allows for unprece­dent­ed exper­i­men­ta­tion and cre­ativ­i­ty. You can eas­i­ly adjust applied effects to exper­i­ment with­out destruc­tive edits and see the results applied to your entire image . The orig­i­nal is not mod­i­fied until you apply the chain after you have it tweaked to perfection.

Chain numer­ous effects in a sin­gle oper­a­tion, while retain­ing live adjust­ments to any sin­gle fil­ter in the chain. Add, remove and reorder effects in the chain to get just the look you want. Core Image’s non-destructive edit­ing makes exper­i­men­ta­tion a breeze!

Choose from any of the over 100 Core Image fil­ters includ­ed with Tiger. With cat­e­gories includ­ing Colour Adjustment, Stylise, Blur, Sharpen Tile and Geometry, OS 10.4 comes pre­loaded with a vari­ety of fil­ters. Find the per­fect effect for your cur­rent task, whether its enhanc­ing the appear­ance of a pho­to or gen­er­at­ing a stylised look to punch your lay­out up a notch.

MacWorld UK
“…being able to apply such a wide range of enhance­ments, fil­ters and effects from with­in InDesign is unde­ni­ably a boon”

Layers Magazine
“…allows a num­ber of Photoshop-like edits to be applied direct­ly in InDesign.”

IT enquir​er​.com
“…the plug-in speaks the fact that you can apply over 100 fil­ters with­out ever open­ing Photoshop.”

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