New QuarkXPress 7.02 Adds License Transfer, Expanded Language Support, Bug Fixes

Released today, the QuarkXPress 7.02 update, with its new fea­tures and bug fix­es, is a must-have upgrade for users of QuarkXPress 7 and QuarkXPress 7 Passport.

License and Version Potholes Filled

Licensing and acti­va­tion have been wide, deep, and trou­bling pot­holes along the road to QuarkXPress Nirvana for the last sev­er­al years. In 6.0, auto­mat­ed prod­uct acti­va­tion was ardu­ous and worked only under cer­tain cir­cum­stances. When it did­n’t work auto­mat­i­cal­ly, one had to wait on hold for hours, or, worse, wait days for a call back from a Quark acti­va­tion spe­cial­ist. Although XPress 6.5 and increased sup­port staffing sig­nif­i­cant­ly eased the acti­va­tion process, it was­n’t until XPress 7 that acti­va­tion became easy for the consumer.

While the acti­va­tion pot­hole was par­tial­ly filled, it was still a trou­ble­some cav­i­ty if one tried to pack up and move with XPress. Fortunatley, that has been fixed, too. Easing the way for upgrades to new Intel-based Macs and Widows Vista com­put­ers, this update brings the abil­i­ty to trans­fer licens­es. Activated soft­ware licens­es may be deac­ti­vat­ed, trans­fered, and re-activated all from with­in the software–without hav­ing to call Quark Technical Support.

With that, the acti­va­tion pot­hole is filled. The licens­ing chuck­hole, how­ev­er, has grown so deep and wide that, for many work­flows, the route to QuarkXPress 7 was com­plete­ly impassable.

Because QuarkXPress will only save to its cur­rent and imme­di­ate­ly pre­vi­ous ver­sion (e.g. XPress 7 saves ver­sion 7 and 6 files; XPress 6.x saves to ver­sion 6 and 5), any work­flow that involves ver­sions old­er than the last requires mul­ti­ple copies of XPress installed. Print and pre-press ser­vice providers most notably, but also adver­tis­ing, peri­od­i­cal pub­lish­ing, free­lance design, and numer­ous oth­er types of cre­ative and pub­lish­ing work­flows fre­quent­ly deal with QuarkXPress doc­u­ments cre­at­ed in, and sent back to, XPress ver­sions as far back as 4.0. It isn’t rea­son­able, for exam­ple, to pre­vent an adver­tis­ing agency from sav­ing back to QuarkXPress 5.0 when many of the agen­cy’s clients and con­trac­tors con­tin­ue to use that version–often because of their own clients and contractors.

But, that’s exact­ly what QuarkXPress 7 does–it pre­vents ear­li­er ver­sions of XPress from run­ning on the same system.

Finally real­iz­ing that such a ham-fisted approach to pur­suad­ing XPress users to upgrade is actu­al­ly detri­men­tal to sales, the 7.02 update restores the com­mon sense abil­i­ty to run mul­ti­ple ver­sions of XPress on a sin­gle computer.

New Language Support

Quark worked with typo­graph­ic ser­vices provider Dieckmann GmbH to expand the lan­guage capa­bil­i­ties of the multi-lingual ver­sion of XPress, Passport. Users of QuarkXPress 7 Passport receive with the 7.02 update spell-check and hyphen­ation dic­tio­nar­ies for Polish, Greek, Croatian, Finnish, Portuguese European, Portuguese Brazilian, Russian, Turkish, Catalan, and Slovak, and hyphen­ation sup­port for Hungarian.

Many tech­ni­cal issues and crash­es relat­ed to the pres­ence of spe­cial, accent­ed, or non-Roman char­ac­ters in doc­u­ment and fold­er names have been addressed to the fur­ther ben­e­fit of non-English QuarkXPress Passport users (see “Outstanding Known Issues” below for relat­ed issues not yet resolved).

Bug Fixes

In this release, numer­ous tech­ni­cal issues have been fixed. Here are a few of the more impor­tant ones addressed:

  • Mac OS: If more than one account exists on your com­put­er and you install QuarkXPress, the Missing Profiles alert dis­plays at launch and the pages are blank when you out­put or print files that con­tain a col­ored item.
  • Mac OS and Windows: If you import a pic­ture into a pic­ture box with a frame, posi­tion the image so that it touch­es the frame, and then export the lay­out in PDF for­mat with OPI Active checked (File > Export > Layout as PDF > Options but­ton > OPI pane), the image shifts in the box in the export­ed PDF.
  • Mac OS: If the name of a fold­er con­tains cer­tain char­ac­ters (for exam­ple, Greek char­ac­ters) and you choose Utilities > Usage, each pic­ture import­ed from that fold­er will be list­ed incor­rect­ly as No Disk File in the Usage dia­log box. 
  • Mac OS: If an import­ed pic­ture includes cer­tain char­ac­ters in the file name (for exam­ple, cer­tain Greek or Czech char­ac­ters), the pic­ture is not col­lect­ed when you choose File > Collect for Output. 
  • Mac OS: If a fold­er from which you import a pic­ture con­tains a peri­od in its name, the fol­low­ing incor­rect error mes­sage dis­plays: “Cannot access XPress Preferences [12].”
  • Windows XP: Updating a miss­ing pic­ture that is stored on a mapped net­work dri­ve changes the file name into all-capital let­ters (for exam­ple, “Picture” becomes “PICTURE”).
  • Windows XP: QuarkXPress quits unex­pect­ed­ly when an obstruc­tion spans a full col­umn of hyphen­at­ed text that con­tains fixed lead­ing and forces the text to wrap. This issue also occurs when the text breaks in the mid­dle of a lig­a­ture and under sim­i­lar conditions. 
  • Mac OS and Windows: QuarkXPress quits unex­pect­ed­ly when you dis­play a lay­out page that is based on a mas­ter page that con­tains a Drop Shadow applied to both a group and its items. 
  • Mac OS and Windows: QuarkXPress quits unex­pect­ed­ly under dif­fer­ent con­di­tions when hyphen­at­ing text using jus­ti­fied alignment. 
  • Mac OS and Windows XP: Text posi­tion fails to update when you use the Tabs tab of the Measurements palette to set a new tab stop and sub­se­quent­ly repo­si­tion the tab stop in the ruler that dis­plays above the text box. 
  • Mac OS and Windows: Tab align­ment fails to update prop­er­ly when tab stops on mul­ti­ple lines fol­low soft returns (Shift-Return).

For the com­plete list, see the QuarkXPress 7.02 Resolved Issues page.

Outstanding Known Issues

Not fixed in the 7.02 update are the fol­low­ing issues:

  • Mac OS and Windows: Object names and file names can use spe­cial char­ac­ters that are asso­ci­at­ed with a par­tic­u­lar lan­guage only if the oper­at­ing sys­tem is set to that lan­guage. This point applies to the fol­low­ing lan­guages: Croatian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Czech and Turkish. For exam­ple, File > Save Page as EPS fails if the name you spec­i­fy con­tains Russian or Greek Unicode characters. 
  • Mac OS and Windows XP: If you import an EPS file that con­tains a spot col­or, and the name of the fold­er in which the EPS file is stored con­tains a non-Roman char­ac­ter, the spot col­or will not print. 
  • Mac OS: QuarkXPress can­not launch if the name of any fold­er in the fold­er path that con­tains the appli­ca­tion includes non-Roman characters. 
  • Mac OS and Windows: You can­not share a Composition Zones item exter­nal­ly on a Windows vol­ume if the Composition Zones item con­tains a non-Roman character. 
  • Windows: If the name of a fold­er con­tains cer­tain char­ac­ters (for exam­ple, Greek char­ac­ters), when you choose Utilities > Usage, each pic­ture import­ed from that fold­er will be list­ed incor­rect­ly as Missing in the Usage dia­log box. 
  • Windows: If an import­ed pic­ture includes cer­tain char­ac­ters in the file name (for exam­ple, cer­tain Greek or Czech char­ac­ters), the pic­ture is not col­lect­ed when you choose File > Collect for Output. 


The 7.02 update is avail­able free of charge to all QuarkXPress 7 and QuarkXPress 7 Passport users. It is avail­able for down­load from the below URLs. Updates on CD may be ordered, but appar­ent­ly only via e‑mail to 702@​quark.​com for orders to the US and the Americas, and to 702eu@​quark.​com for ship­ment to Europe. Those out­side these areas will need to order the update from their coun­try’s autho­rized QuarkXPress dis­trib­u­tor (list here).

Download the 7.02 Update:
US: http://​www​.quark​.com/​p​r​o​d​u​c​t​s​/​x​p​r​e​s​s​/​7​0​2​u​p​d​a​t​e.html
UK: http://​euro​.quark​.com/​e​n​/​p​r​o​d​u​c​t​s​/​x​p​r​e​s​s​/​7​0​2​u​p​d​a​t​e.html
FR: http://​euro​.quark​.com/​f​r​/​p​r​o​d​u​c​t​s​/​x​p​r​e​s​s​/​7​0​2​u​p​d​a​t​e.html
DE: http://​euro​.quark​.com/​d​e​/​p​r​o​d​u​c​t​s​/​x​p​r​e​s​s​/​7​0​2​u​p​d​a​t​e.html

6 thoughts on “New QuarkXPress 7.02 Adds License Transfer, Expanded Language Support, Bug Fixes

  1. vb

    The dis­cus­sions seem to have dried up post XPress 7.0 release. Isnt the Desktop Publishing war hot any more? :)

  2. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Oh, I don’t think it’s dried up.

    Little hap­pens in the soft­ware busi­ness in the sum­mer because too many poten­tial cus­tomers are wor­ry­ing about vaca­tions, staffing, etc. All the main action hap­pens in the spring and fall.

    This past sum­mer brought a lit­tle lull in the fight­ing as it usu­al­ly does. But that was only a brief respite while the gen­er­als planned their next cam­paigns. Now that we’re into the fall, the war is heat­ing up again with big announce­ments from Quark and minor back-and-forth shoot­ing between Quark and Adobe.

    Spring will bring Adobe’s main assault force charg­ing in again, against which Quark will defend with new back-and-forth and a new sal­vo in fall 2007.

  3. Jeremy Swanson

    I see one very dras­tic Quark/Fiery issue that no one seems to be talk­ing about much… Quark 7 send­ing an ille­gal char­ac­ter in the file name dur­ing print­ing, caus­ing numer­ous Fiery dri­ven print­ers to drop (not print) a job. This is not a prob­lem in Quark 7.0, how­ev­er, it is in both 7.01 and 7.02. A rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Ikon Office Solutions told me Fiery is work­ing on a fix which should be avail­able ear­ly January 2007.

    My thought is that Quark should also con­sid­er a fix for this in their own soft­ware. But, I’m sure they have so much on their plate to deal with… poor Quark.

  4. Joyce Beckham

    On the top­ic of the Quark/Fiery issue, here it is near­ly April 2007 and the prob­lem still exists. I’ve been a life­long Quark fan, but for me this is a deal­break­er. What good is Quark to me if I can’t print my doc­u­ments?? Come on Quark – this is your issue and you can’t ignore it much longer.

  5. amlesh kumar singh

    Quark 7 installed in G4 OSX10.4 while acti­vat­ing this prod­uct quark quit unexpectedly.

    after that i update OSX10.4 to OSX10.4.11 the prob­lem remains same.

    what is the solution.

  6. Some1


    You can call up Quark’s Technical Support for the solu­tion. You can also reg­is­ter at Quark Forums for dis­cus­sions regard­ing QuarkXPress.


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