New Spring 2005 Colors Debut; Download Exclusive Swatches Palette

Any good graphic designer knows the new, hip graphic and industrial design colors are dictated by the fashion world. Last night the fashion world proclaimed the colors for Spring 2005. Download them here.

Colors Spring 2005 - The new colors for Spring 2005

Simultaneously evok­ing the Mediterranean Sea and the American Southwest, soft Blue Turquoise topped the list of col­ors at New York Fashion Week’s Spring 2005 col­lec­tions, accord­ing to Pantone, Inc., the glob­al author­i­ty on col­or and provider of pro­fes­sion­al col­or stan­dards for the design industries.

Exclusive Spring 2005 swatch­es palette. Download below.

Begonia Pink appeared as a lan­guid­ly allur­ing gown at Ralph Lauren, lin­gerie lay­ers of lace and chif­fon at Betsey Johnson, and an elab­o­rate­ly gath­ered taffe­ta skirt at Oscar de la Renta, while red-orange Flame burned up a charmeuse hal­ter dress at Zac Posen, lay­ered dress­es at Calvin Klein, and a wrap jump­suit at Behnaz Sarafpour.

The 2005 col­ors fol­low a trend in recent Spring line­ups: 2002 saw a blast of high­ly sat­u­rat­ed, mid-tone col­ors in a tight com­ple­men­tary square. Those same hues returned in Spring 2003, but desat­u­rat­ed and dark­ened. Keeping with the desat­u­ra­tion trend but leap­ing into more uplift­ing bright­ness, this year’s col­ors break out of the com­ple­ment all together.

”Color for Spring ‘05 is wild­ly diver­gent,” notes observed Leatrice Eiseman, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Pantone Color Institute. “The mix is dramatic—like throw­ing con­fet­ti and see­ing where it lands.”

Returning to the lime­light since its last great hoorah in the Eighties, Pink is com­ing back strong. Evoking mul­ti­sen­so­ry impres­sions of bubble-gum, bego­nias, and Grandma’s lip­stick, pink is reach­ing new heights of pop­u­lar­i­ty, includ­ing as the new sig­na­ture col­or of New York. Says Eiseman, pink is “still fresh and relevant.”

Hot off the run­way, down­load your new Spring 2005 col­ors in a pre-built swatch­es file—exclusively on Quark VS InDesign​.com

2005spring​-CS2​.zip (545b) (Mac & Win) Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) palette for all Creative Suite 2 applications

2005spring​.zip (115k) (Mac & Win) Contains .ai, .eps, and .aco, ver­sions of the swatch­es palette for use in pre-CS2 ver­sions of Adobe and oth­er prod­ucts; in .zip for­mat for Windows & OS X.


2 thoughts on “New Spring 2005 Colors Debut; Download Exclusive Swatches Palette

  1. luxuryluke

    It’s inter­est­ing that the light blue col­or was deter­mined by Apple’s iPod adver­tis­ing from late late last year. Anyone wit­ness this by see­ing ads by Apple?

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