To support the launch of Creative Suite 3 products, Adobe has mounted a free video workshop library, accessible to all.
The library, found at the end of this link, contains tutorials for Acrobat 8 Professional, Adobe Stock Photos, and CS3 members Bridge, Contribute, Device Central, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop Standard and Extended, and Version Cue. Instructors such as David Blatner, Mordy Golding, and Anne-Marie Concepción lead the eager CS3 beginner through a grab-bag of tactics from beginning to intermediate and advanced tasks such as learning to use the search features of InDesign, 3D Drawing in Illustrator, and many others.
The URL for the goodies is
These video’s are also available through the CS3 help system. For example, the new Live Color help-topic links to these video’s.
True, and a cool thing that is. Teh coolness inherent in this situation is that anyone who has a web browser and Adobe Flash 9 can view them (Provided, of course, they’re connected to the intarweb)