Quark 7 and 8 Announced

Fred Ebrahimi, CEO of Quark:

We’ve just announced QuarkXPress 7 will ship on November 1st, and XPress 8 will ship on December 20th. After care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion we came to this con­clu­sion: What the hell? It’s not like we actu­al­ly change the soft­ware between ver­sions any­way. Hence our release cycle will be sped up tremen­dous­ly if just to stop pre­tend­ing that we do [change the soft­ware between ver­sions], and release as fast as our graph­ics depart­ment can come up with new splash screens and pack­ag­ing. The cost of the upgrade will con­tin­ue to be a very com­pet­i­tive $450.

Just in case you did­n’t real­ize it, the pre­ced­ing is a farce cour­tesy of me.

1 thought on “Quark 7 and 8 Announced

  1. Meiripou Samuel Gengmei

    I want to know about full ver­son of QuarkXpress Office soft­ware. Let me know how can I down­load trail version.

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