Quark Accepts 2004 Macworld Editor’s Choice (Eddy) Award

In a press release issued today Quark accepts and announces receipt of the 2004 Macworld Editor’s Choice (Eddy) Award in the Most Improved Page-Layout Software cat­e­go­ry for QuarkXPress 6.5 (relat­ed sto­ry).

“We are very pleased to get this lev­el of recog­ni­tion from such a flag­ship pub­li­ca­tion as Macworld,” said Kamar Aulakh, Quark pres­i­dent and CEO. “It acknowl­edges the hard work of our employ­ees and val­i­dates the new spir­it of Quark. New fea­tures such as image edit­ing and native Photoshop file import add val­ue to the prod­uct and pro­vide a real ben­e­fit for our customers.”

The announce­ment men­tions in con­nec­tion with the award the QuarkVista image edit­ing fea­tures of the free 6.5 upgrade (reviewed here for Quark VS InDesign by Samuel John Klein) and the native Adobe Photoshop image PSD Import Xtensions (reviewed here by Quark VS InDesign’s Pariah S. Burke) as well as 6.5’s new Citrix serv­er sup­port and the free font pack­age from LinoType for upgrad­ing customers.

1 thought on “Quark Accepts 2004 Macworld Editor’s Choice (Eddy) Award

  1. Samuel John Klein

    Following the sto­ry of the Macworld “snub” of InDesign quite clear­ly reminds me why I don’t sub­scribe to them anymore. 

    It’s not that they aren’t a good mag­a­zine; they are well-produced, well-designed, and fair­ly infor­ma­tive. But I got the feel­ing (now, this is sub­jec­tive, mind) that they are real­ly just a cor­po­rate con­duit. None of their reviews was ever real­ly compelling.

    I, on the oth­er hand, adore Mac Addict. I love thi­er scrap­py (and some­times sar­cas­tic) take on Mac issues and releas­es. The staff clear­ly has fun doing the mag (as any­one who has ever viewed thi­er numer­ous staff videos will gath­er the impres­sion). Thier edi­to­r­i­al stance is not just Mac-friendly, it’s more like “Mac…O YAH!”

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