Quark Announces Winner in Art Insititutes Contest

Winner declared in contest amongst AI students across the nation; will get seen at Macworld San Francisco


Press Release:

DENVER – December 21, 2005 – (Quark​.com) Quark Inc. announced today the results of the graph­ic design com­pe­ti­tion it spon­sored for stu­dents attend­ing The Art Institutes sys­tem of schools. The com­pe­ti­tion, spon­sored by Quark for the first time, was an excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for stu­dents to show­case their cre­ative ideas and designs by using QuarkXPress to pro­duce an edu­ca­tion mar­ket­ing campaign.

Because it is the soft­ware ven­dor of choice for The Art Institutes sys­tem, Quark spon­sored a com­pe­ti­tion for graph­ic design stu­dents. Continuing its com­mit­ment to the pre­mier edu­ca­tion part­ner and leader, Quark designed this com­pe­ti­tion to help moti­vate and teach stu­dents how to suc­ceed in the design indus­try using the award-winning QuarkXPress software.

The grand prize win­ner, Radhi Jangla from The Art Institute of Atlanta cam­pus, will receive a trip to the Macworld Expo 2006 in San Francisco with an oppor­tu­ni­ty to present her mate­ri­als to atten­dees at Quark’s booth (#2007), a free copy of QuarkXPress 6.5, and a free upgrade to ver­sion 7 after its release.

“We are thrilled that Quark spon­sored this excit­ing com­pe­ti­tion for our students,” said Rich Moore, vice pres­i­dent of Academic Technologies for Education Management Corporation, the par­ent com­pa­ny of The Art Institutes. “By fur­ther engag­ing our stu­dents in learn­ing more about the soft­ware, this com­pe­ti­tion gives the stu­dents an oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the fea­tures of QuarkXPress and use it in a real-life design environment.”

“The stu­dents who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the com­pe­ti­tion rep­re­sent the design­ers of tomorrow,” said Linda Chase, inter­im pres­i­dent of Quark. “All of the entries were extreme­ly pro­fes­sion­al and showed a great amount of cre­ativ­i­ty and hard work. We look for­ward to spon­sor­ing more of these com­pe­ti­tions to show­case these future design­er­s’ work.”

The com­pe­ti­tion was open for three months and judged by five pro­fes­sion­als from the print­ing, adver­tis­ing, and graph­ic arts indus­tries. Bryce Licht of The Art Institute of California-Santa Monica came in sec­ond place, and Christoper Ross Sutton of The Art Institute of Las Vegas won third place. Both par­tic­i­pants were award­ed a free copy of QuarkXPress 6.5 and a free upgrade to ver­sion 7.

About Quark

Quark Inc. (www​.quark​.com) is an indus­try leader and the only soft­ware com­pa­ny pro­vid­ing multi-channel com­mu­ni­ca­tion and com­merce man­age­ment soft­ware solu­tions that are trans­form­ing the busi­ness of cre­ative com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Quark has pro­vid­ed award-winning soft­ware for pro­fes­sion­al pub­lish­ers since its flag­ship prod­uct, QuarkXPress, changed the course of tra­di­tion­al pub­lish­ing. Founded in 1981, Denver-based Quark Inc. is pri­vate­ly held.

About The Art Institutes

The Art Institutes (www​.artin​sti​tutes​.edu), a lead­ing edu­ca­tor with 31 insti­tu­tions locat­ed through­out North America, pro­vides an impor­tant source of design, media arts, fash­ion, and culi­nary pro­fes­sion­als. The par­ent com­pa­ny of The Art Institutes, Education Management Corporation (www​.edmc​.com), is among the largest providers of pri­vate post-secondary edu­ca­tion in North America, based on stu­dent enroll­ment and rev­enue. Student enroll­ment exceed­ed 72,000 as of the fall of 2005. Education Management Corporation has 71 pri­ma­ry cam­pus loca­tions in 24 states and two Canadian provinces. Education Management 

5 thoughts on “Quark Announces Winner in Art Insititutes Contest

  1. Bikram

    Poor stu­dents !!! Guess they did­n’t real­ize that Quark traps IP address­es under the guise of acti­vat­ing their soft­ware. It is WORSE THAN BUSH !!!!!! Secretly trap­ping loca­tions and IP address­es of Quark users world­wide thin­ly dis­guised as acti­va­tion pol­i­cy, Quark is stor­ing all the IP address­es of their users and using that data to track. There is no men­tion of this on their web­site which bla­tant­ly claims that “Activation is anony­mous ” !$$%^$! Did the poor stu­dents not know about big broth­er Quark or were they just stupid.

  2. es

    I’m no Quark apol­o­gist but do you have a URL or more infor­ma­tion to back up these claims. Doesn’t Adobe also require acti­va­tion for their prod­ucts as well?

  3. Samuel John Klein

    Activation of Adobe prod­ucts began with CS1 on the Wintel (Photoshop was the first prod­uct, IIRC) and made it ito the Mac plat­form with CS2.

  4. hunter

    >Quark designed this com­pe­ti­tion to help moti­vate and teach stu­dents how to suc­ceed in the design industry

  5. Jim Oblak

    Hey Bikram, your IP address was logged on this site before you even began typ­ing your silli­ness. Get over this IP address log­ging busi­ness. You are doing more to iden­ti­fy your­self as a Quark user than any secret log­ging that Quark could do.

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