Quark: Educational Promotion for QuarkXPress

Announced at the same time as its new­ly free Dual Licensing, Quark launched a spe­cial pro­mo­tion for edu­ca­tors and stu­dents. The pro­mo­tion will allow edu­ca­tion­al users to pur­chase QuarkXPress 6 soft­ware with max­i­mum con­ve­nience at an afford­able price. Accredited schools with course offer­ings that require QuarkXPress can also pur­chase the soft­ware in a deeply dis­count­ed Lab-Pak con­fig­u­ra­tion of 10 or more users for use by the school.

“Schools across the coun­try con­tin­ue to face the chal­lenge of fund­ing tech­nol­o­gy ini­tia­tives and the grow­ing demands for up-to-date facil­i­ties in order to pro­vide a learn­ing envi­ron­ment that accu­rate­ly reflects the real world. QuarkXPress is a wel­come com­po­nent of cur­ricu­lum that will pre­pare stu­dents for a wide range of appli­ca­tions includ­ing design, jour­nal­ism, print and Web pub­lish­ing, mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions, and pro­duc­tion. Each new grad­u­at­ing class will send expe­ri­enced QuarkXPress users into the world,” said Gary Mancini of Partners in Technology, a com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tion that sup­ports the Nashoba Regional School District in Bolton, Massachusetts. 

It’s vital that soft­ware com­pa­nies con­tin­ue to sup­port the edu­ca­tion­al mar­ket and as such, we hearti­ly wel­come Quark’s pos­i­tive moves in this area. The QuarkXPress edu­ca­tion­al pric­ing pro­mo­tion makes this indus­try lead­ing page lay­out soft­ware acces­si­ble to a wide range of edu­ca­tion­al users and we look for­ward to help­ing Quark pro­mote the new pric­ing through our spe­cial­ist edu­ca­tion­al resellers,” said Alan Clarke, direc­tor of busi­ness devel­op­ment at Computers Unlimited, the United Kingdom’s best-known dis­trib­u­tor of com­put­er prod­ucts for the cre­ative industry. 

The new edu­ca­tion­al dis­count­ed price, avail­able now from Quark direct­ly, is as follows: 

Full prod­uct for instruc­tors or stu­dents: $199
Upgrade for instruc­tors or stu­dents: $99
Full prod­uct Lab-Pak per seat: $99
Upgrade Lab-Pak per seat: $89
In addi­tion to the new pric­ing, Quark is also sign­ing dis­tri­b­u­tion agree­ments with edu­ca­tion­al resellers to allow on-campus sales of QuarkXPress. This added venue for the pur­chase of Quark prod­ucts is yet anoth­er exam­ple of Quark’s com­mit­ment to improv­ing cus­tomer ser­vice around the world. 

Qualifications for pur­chas­ing as a stu­dent, school, or edu­ca­tor have not changed: stu­dents must be cur­rent­ly enrolled full-time at an accred­it­ed school and must pro­vide a stu­dent ID or copy of their class sched­ule; schools must prove accred­i­ta­tion sta­tus; teach­ers must pro­vide either a school ID or some oth­er proof that they teach at an accred­it­ed school. Some oth­er restric­tions may apply, and retail prices may vary. Offer expires October 31, 2004.

2 thoughts on “Quark: Educational Promotion for QuarkXPress

  1. Samuel John Klein

    Dang! Shoulda wait­ed to upgrade…

    But, hey, for $199 I recieved an upgrade from edu­ca­tion­al 5.01 to full-commercial 6, so I think I’m doing alright.

    Compared to what I’ve found was Quark’s atti­tude before, they real­ly are try­ing to bend over back­wards to be seen as good guys.

    But is it sin­cere? Only time will tell.

  2. Pariah Burke

    Every few years they try out cus­tomer ser­vice, usu­al­ly wind­ing back down to where they were. With the new CEO–even with Ebrahimi still sit­ting as Chairman of the Board, I won­der if this might real­ly be a bet­ter, nicer Quark.

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