Quark Insider: Sales Low, Spending Up, Employees Out

Over the week­end Quark VS InDesign​.com was con­tact­ed by a source high­ly placed with­in Quark’s world­wide head­quar­ters in Denver, Colorado. What the source had to say was unsettling.

[Quark] “spends mon­ey like it is going out of style.”

During the last six months I have met sev­er­al times with dif­fer­ent depart­ments and exec­u­tives from Quark offices in the U.S. and Switzerland. Specifics about cur­rent, future, and prospec­tive Quark soft­ware prod­ucts and ser­vices fac­tored heav­i­ly into our dis­cus­sions, but most of the con­ver­sa­tion cen­tered around Quark’s over­all strat­e­gy and the sweep­ing changes to the glob­al orga­ni­za­tion begin­ning with the appoint­ment of General Electric vet­er­an Ray Schiavone to the offices of President and CEO in November 2006 (read here). Everything I saw, every­one I spoke with, gave me hope for the return of a com­pet­i­tive, customer-focused Quark. It got me excit­ed about Quark and QuarkXPress again. I was­n’t yet ready to declare “Quark is dead, long live Quark,” but I admit I was darn close–maybe I still am. If the infor­ma­tion we just received is accu­rate, then my hope and excite­ment may be premature.

At the time of this writ­ing, Quark’s Denver offices are still closed for the week­end, and Quark VS InDesign​.com has not yet been able to reach the soft­ware mak­er for offi­cial com­ment. Although the week­end pub­li­ca­tion of this sto­ry also pre­vents us from reach­ing oth­er sources for cor­rob­o­ra­tion, the infor­ma­tion below comes direct­ly from state­ments made to us by a con­fi­den­tial source who is in a posi­tion to speak author­i­ta­tive­ly about the Quark, Inc. orga­ni­za­tion and its per­son­nel and actions. We’ll refer to this indi­vid­ual sim­ply as the “Source.”

According to the Source, on Friday, 3 August 2007 Quark ini­ti­at­ed a major reduc­tion in force. The exact num­ber of per­son­nel laid off is not known, but was char­ac­ter­ized as a “sig­nif­i­cant” num­ber. Most of those laid off were noti­fied of their ter­mi­na­tions in e‑mail mes­sages direct­ly from President and CEO Ray Schiavone; some employ­ees were phys­i­cal­ly escort­ed from the Quark build­ing at 1800 Grant Street in Denver. The major­i­ty of down­sized posi­tions were “cus­tomer fac­ing,” which the Source notes are referred to inter­nal­ly as “lux­u­ry personnel.”

The lay­offs come after alleged fis­cal irre­spon­si­bil­i­ty. “The com­pa­ny spends mon­ey like it is going out of style,” the Source said. The Source went on to qual­i­fy the state­ment by not­ing that com­pa­ny funds have been used to throw lav­ish senior exec­u­tive sum­mits and to pur­chase exec­u­tive perks includ­ing sea­son tick­ets to major sport­ing events and cus­tom made gifts. Other recent meet­ings, sum­mits, and train­ing events thrown for indus­try ana­lysts, key part­ners, and gen­er­al QuarkXPress users may also have been more cost­ly than Quark could afford. (Disclosure: Earlier this year I attend­ed two such events at Quark’s expense.)

In a rare glimpse into Quark’s sales fig­ures, the Source claimed that Quark has fore­cast the sale of 200 thou­sand upgrades from pri­or ver­sions of QuarkXPress to ver­sion 7 in cal­en­dar year 2007. Actual sales are falling far short of the pro­jec­tion, the Source said, with only 35–40 thou­sand units sold so far this year. Unless sales pick up in the remain­ing five months of the year, reach­ing 40% of Quark’s fore­cast­ed goal will be optimistic.

Monday, Quark VS InDesign​.com will attempt to reach Quark for offi­cial com­ment on the alleged reduc­tion in force, irre­spon­si­ble spend­ing, and low­er than pro­ject­ed sales.

Update: Quark has respond­ed to the Source. Read “Quark Responds to ‘Quark Insider’ ”.

80 thoughts on “Quark Insider: Sales Low, Spending Up, Employees Out

  1. woz

    Well we saw this com­ing for some time now. Adobe’s total­ly tak­ing over the desk­top with InDesign and esp. PDF. I pre­fer Adobe hav­ing some real com­pe­ti­tion though! (Just look at their price-policy!) I do hope you can get at least some form of con­for­ma­tion Pariah.

  2. mbono

    Just got v.7, since my design­er is get­ting a new MacPro. Bought the edu­ca­tion­al ver­sion since we did­n’t want to deal with the has­sles of upgrad­ing our 6.5 install (which was upgrad­ed from 4, which was upgrad­ed from 3.3). Anyway long live 3.3!!!

    So … instal­la­tion went smooth­ly on Saturday, but guess what … it would­n’t acti­vate. Tried both auto­mat­ic and the challenge/response sys­tem. Challenge response sys­tem is say­ing if giv­ing a Microsoft IIS based error say­ing the page is not found. 

    Nice !!!

    So, there whole site runs on jsp but their acti­va­tion is (was) through dotNet. This com­pa­ny com­pa­ny is dead. Software still won’t acti­vate this morn­ing. I guess the “lux­u­ry per­son­nel” were the ones that ran the acti­va­tion server.

    Nice !!!

  3. Mjenius

    Well, for one thing. If sales is real­ly that low, it makes sense to cut down. But in all fair­ness should­n’t ana­lysts and mar­ket­ing be affect­ed too? I’m real­ly shocked those are real­ly poor numbers.

  4. Samuel John Klein

    I’m look­ing for­ward to what else you can find out. It cer­tain­ly is a com­plete oppo­site from the new­er, chic-er face of Quark. I

  5. Tim Banister

    As a Quark employ­ee, I am thank­ful that our new CEO is will­ing to make changes in the com­pa­ny that are con­sis­tent with the desires of our cus­tomers and employ­ees. It’s unfor­tu­nate that a dis­grun­tled employ­ee pro­vid­ed you with com­plete­ly inac­cu­rate infor­ma­tion. From what I see, the sin­gle fact that is cor­rect in the sto­ry is that there are excit­ing things going on at Quark. I’m appalled that some­one would rep­re­sent me and my com­pa­ny in a way that is so incon­sis­tent with the real­i­ty that is the new Quark.

    Tim Banister
    Director Product Management

  6. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    At approx­i­mate­ly 9 o’clock Pacific Time this morn­ing I spoke briefly with MacLean Guthrie, Quark’s direc­tor of cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions. When I called, MacLean indi­cat­ed that she and oth­ers were dis­cussing this sto­ry and a response. I expect a for­mal response today.

    (Thanks for adding to the dis­cus­sion infor­mal­ly, Tim.)

  7. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Woz said:

    Well we saw this com­ing for some time now. Adobe’s total­ly tak­ing over the desk­top with InDesign and esp. PDF.

    Until I get offi­cial sales fig­ures from Quark con­tra­dict­ing those pro­vid­ed by our Source, I think I’ll lim­it my argue­ment to that point to per­son­al experience.

    I do see a fair num­ber of QuarkXPress work­flows. I see more InDesign work­flows, but, in my expe­ri­ence, XPress is still hold­ing a large minor­i­ty. The key is that QuarkXPress 7 isn’t pen­e­trat­ing as an upgrade to many shops. I still see XPress 6 and 6.5 on the Mac fre­quent­ly, and XPress 4.x, 5.x, 6, and 6.5 in Windows-based shops.

    As I’ve main­tained for a while–and as I believe Quark itself now realizes–InDesign isn’g XPress’s lead­ing com­peti­tor. The biggest com­peti­tor is pri­or ver­sions of XPress. And that makes Quark’s job a whole lot tougher.

    They’re in the same trap as Microsoft: They have to com­pete with them­selves. When you’re try­ing to con­vince the mar­ket to pur­chase your prod­uct over a com­peti­tor’s you can take cer­tain approach­es that you just can’t con­sid­er when it’s pri­or ver­sions of your own prod­ucts that are hurt­ing cur­rent sales. You can’t, for exam­ple, launch a negatively-toned cam­paign against your own orga­ni­za­tion (the cur­rent “Coke vs. Coke Zero” cam­paign illus­trates the absur­di­ty of that).

    I pre­fer Adobe hav­ing some real com­pe­ti­tion though!

    I agree, and I’ve been in on dis­cus­sions relat­ing to the future of XPress and Quark. I’ve seen some real­ly cool stuff, and heard even more cool ideas (I can’t be more spe­cif­ic due to NDA). I can also say the same of the future of InDesign. If even half of what I’ve seen and heard comes to pass on both prod­ucts, we press, pre-press, and lay­out peo­ple will be debat­ing the hard choice between QuarkXPress and InDesign for a long time yet to come (and enjoy­ing the hell out of it).

  8. Pariah S. Burke Post author


    I note that you pro­vid­ed the Penn College of Arts & Sciences as your Website. Can I assume from that that you may be try­ing to acti­vate QuarkXPress 7 through the cam­pus Internet gate­way? If so, secu­ri­ty pro­to­cols on the gate­way could be the cause (just a thought).

    For what it’s worth, I’ve per­son­al­ly installed or super­vised the intall of hun­dreds of copies of QuarkXPress 7 (full retail and upgrades). Although I have had a cou­ple of instances where auto­mat­ed acti­va­tion did­n’t work, near­ly all installs sailed through acti­va­tion with­out a hitch. More to the point, I’ve had no greater fre­quen­cy of prob­lems with XPress 7 acti­va­tion than I’ve had with Adobe or Microsoft acti­va­tion sys­tems (which are also fair­ly infre­quent in recent versions).

    Have you tried con­tact­ing Quark’s cus­tomer ser­vice? I believe they do help with acti­va­tion over the phone.

  9. Samuel John Klein

    Well, FWIW, I still plan on upgrad­ing my QuarkXPress 6.5 oto Quark 7 when the funds allow. It’s not a bad application.

  10. woz

    LOL! “It’s not a bad app” indeed. It’s just as good (or bad, depends on who you ask!) as pri­or Xpress versions.
    Trouble is, it might not be a bad app, but it’s just not as good as InDesign ;-)

    Just a thought here: What if Quark Xpress pro­duced a lay­out app based upon the Xpress 4 app but with the abil­i­ty to import/place PSD, PDF and use Open Type. Trick is to make it a very FAST app by not try­ing to be a ‘one-size-fits-all’ app and keep it sim­ple. Let the cre­ation of PDF be done via Postscript. If the app is AFFORDABLE, small and fast on both G5 PowerPC and Intel… A lot of peo­ple out still work with Xpress 3/4/5 and don’t need all those extras ver­sion 6 and 7 came with. (Like MS Office). 

    I know what you think: Who will buy the big 2000 bucks ver­sion 7? Well, try to see it like the iPod nano vs the big iPod. Not every­body want/needs the big thing. It would cer­tain­ly keep Quark’s user base and file for­mat .xpd intact and help it grow…

  11. Former Quarkian

    I have just heard that about 30 employ­ees have been laid off from Quark’s India facil­i­ty. And this is just one of the light­ning actions that get high­light­ed, where­as the fact is that good peo­ple from Quark oper­a­tions world-wide have been steadi­ly leav­ing since the last 1 year and there has been no effort to retain them. In the end it is all about the vision of the com­pa­ny, this is a pri­vate­ly help com­pa­ny and the vision and fore­sight of the top man­age­ment (“the fam­i­ly”) can nev­er match the cor­po­rate man­age­ment style of Adobe tops. The Quark own­er is a real­tor at the end of the day, he does­n’t under­stand the intri­ca­cies of soft­ware devel­op­ment. There is not man­date from the top man­age­ment to inno­vate, they are just jum­bling exist­ing tech­nol­o­gy around to pro­duc­tize it in var­i­ous forms and extract as much pos­si­ble mon­ey from it. As much as I wish against it, it would not sur­prise me that Quark is soon sold to a pri­vate equi­ty firm or some of the like.

  12. Another Quarkian

    Well, its true that India office suf­fered a lay­off in the XPress divi­sion today. But then, “I am thank­ful that our new CEO is will­ing to make changes in the com­pa­ny that are con­sis­tent with the desires of our cus­tomers and employ­ees.”
    And now Tim will explain us the dif­fer­ence between ‘inac­cu­rate’ and ‘com­plete­ly inac­cu­rate’. If an employ­ee says that there are gonna be lay­offs in Denver office and then the lay­offs hap­pen in India office, this means that the employ­ee is ‘dis­grun­tled’ and the infor­ma­tion ‘com­plete­ly inac­cu­rate’. Jeez!!

  13. X-quarkian


    Well Mr. Banister, from what I see, the sin­gle fact that is cor­rect in the sto­ry is that there are excit­ing things going on at Quark.

    Layoff indeed is excit­ing for you it seems!

  14. Samuel John Klein

    Woz: I had a sim­i­lar thought a while ago. Why not have Quark intro­duce a “civil­ian” ver­sion of XPress? With Pagemaker slow­ly fad­ing from the mar­ket there’s a niche there to be exploit­ed, and judg­ing by Pagemaker’s endur­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty, there must be a con­sid­er­able home mar­ket look­ing for a lay­out pro­gram that is more recent than Pagemaker 7, price about like Word, more advanced and less frus­trat­ing than Publisher, but not as advanced (or as expen­sive) as QuarkXPress.

    I mean, look there, Adobe came out with Photoshop Elements and that did­n’t hurt their cred one bit with the pro­fes­sion­al mar­ket and got them a home user fan base as well. Everyone I ask about Elements absolute­ly loves it.

    The remark you made about grow­ing the .qxd for­mat base is well tak­en. I have noth­ing to add to that.

  15. anonymous

    Well, being an ex-employee of Quark India, I am sure about one thing. Always have a back­up job! This com­pa­ny is ‘American’ in real sense. Bastards don’t under­stand the impact it has on the poor employ­ee. Sorry for the abuse but it came straight from heart.

  16. anonymous

    Well, I would say, ‘Watch what Quark is doing.” Don’t find a job there! Else have a back­up job.

  17. woz

    True, Adobe did do the same thing with ‘Elements’ and now rumor is they’re doing it again with an Online-Photoshop-App.

  18. Newly Former Quarkian

    I am one of the new­ly depart­ed – not sure how many more, they are keep­ing it pret­ty hush hush because of the high pro­files of sev­er­al of these employees.

    Does any­one out there know about that blog/list for for­mer Quarkians that I have heard about over the years? Would dig a good rant.


  19. Somebody

    The way Quark is going at it, one of these days, excit­ing things may hap­pen to Mr. Tim Banister too…

  20. X-Quark Employee

    Well Quark was my place of work for the last 5 years before I left it ear­li­er this year.Let me tell you that Quark has nei­ther got a vision nor any strat­e­gy for their employees,customers,products etc. Anyone who buys their crap­py soft­ware must be out of their wits.…. Its 0nly a mat­ter of few months before it clos­es down. R.I.P. Quark !!!

  21. MacMan

    So from the thread, The “Source” = Shellie Hall cor­rect? maybe that’s why she is now X Quark. Or maybe that’s why she made these statements.

    So no longer sure this is real­ly cred­i­ble info, and more like a low blow for being fired.
    (pre-emotive strike)

  22. Pariah S. Burke Post author


    I, too, read the Quark Forums thread “X‑Quarkian” not­ed above. That’s a shame that Shellie Hall was among those recent­ly laid off from Quark. Earlier this year I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be part of a group to which Shellie gave a pre­sen­ta­tion of Quark tech­nol­o­gy. Her pas­sion for the sub­ject was incred­i­ble. As a XPress evan­ge­list, she seemed like a great asset to Quark.

    As far as whether Shellie Hall is the “Source” not­ed in this sto­ry: First and fore­most, we don’t reveal the iden­ti­ties of con­fi­den­tial sources. Therefore, I can nei­ther con­firm nor deny any con­jec­ture as to the iden­ti­ty of the “Source” in this sto­ry; deny­ing could lead to an iden­ti­fi­ca­tion by sim­ple process of elim­i­na­tion. I will say, how­ev­er, that the name of Shellie Hall is only the first you’ve seen among the list of recent­ly ter­mi­nat­ed per­son­nel; there are many oth­er names on that list.

    Another impor­tant thing to keep in mind: At no point in the sto­ry did I state or imply that the “Source” was an ex-Quark employ­ee, recent or otherwise.

  23. Shellie Hall

    MacMan – you are an ass! Just because I was laid off does not mean that I am “the source.” I found out yes­ter­day morn­ing and had NO freakin idea what was tru­ly hap­pen­ing in Denver. I am ex-Quark because the desk­top strat­e­gy of the com­pa­ny has changed and I don’t fit the mod­el. YOU TELL ME WHY JERK… Or wait… maybe you are the source, or maybe Tim Banister or Dan Logan or Dave Ebersole – maybe it is Jurgen him­self! Oh no – wait – I think it could be Cliff Kaplan – did­n’t he leak the QXP 7 fea­tures – OH BUT WAIT.…. I WAS BLAMED FOR THAT TOO. If I ever worked with you in Denver… I am sure glad I don’t now.

  24. 3.3 quark user

    Shellie you are right but the future of Quark is what?

  25. hmmm

    Snr man­age­ment should wite a book “How not to run a s/w co.”

  26. duck

    I remem­ber a thread at pre​press​fo​rums​.com where Shellie gal­liant­ly defend­ed Quack for days. 

    It’s a shame that for as much crap as she took for them that they’d drop her like that.

    I guess Quack is real­iz­ing that “just tell every­one we don’t suck” is not a good mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy. I hope they have a good plan B – like actu­al­ly mak­ing a prod­uct com­pat­i­ble with pre­press production.

  27. almaink

    If Quack would just lis­ten to those who use their prod­uct instead of dong as they please per­haps they would­n’t be in the spot they are now in. Adding things that are not need­ed such as web and whacky col­or man­age­ment, not to men­tion trans­paren­cy that can’t be export­ed to PDF with­out flat­ten­ing are just a few examples.

  28. MacMan

    Very pas­sion­ate response, con­trary to Shellie’s response, I’m not a Quark Employee, in fact far from it. 

    My post was sole­ly based on use of gram­mar and com­mon phras­es she has used in both blog­gs. The writ­ing styles are identical.
    Based on your reac­tion though I would guess this is not the first time ;-/.

    The only com­ments oth­er then the ones above are sev­er­al made by the so called “lux­u­ry per­son­nel” that Shellie talks about being out­raged that they where address in this man­ner. and that they are nev­er address as “lux­u­ry per­son­nel” this miss leads peo­ple, and gives a unfair neg­a­tive impres­sion of a cus­tomer focused company.

  29. Blah blah blah...

    Hey MacMan – your com­ments gave me a gig­gle.… how do you know that the per­son who con­tact­ed this site is not a cur­rent employ­ee? You don’t – so quit being the jerk that you are – and NO – I don’t have any com­pas­sion for you because you have post­ed on this site many times and just try to cause trou­ble and rile peo­ple up. The folks at Quark were very sad to have to let me go and my boss was vis­i­bly upset that this was hap­pen­ing. So – go get a life.

  30. XPress 8.0

    Quark’s prod­uct plan­ning and employ­ee retain­ing pol­i­cy is pathet­ic. There is no rea­son for mak­ing this hit list which includes Shellie Hall, Brian Penny, Matt Bargell, rob carey,Zach, tina,Manuella, Fabien, Mounavar Beck India staff etc etc. New Office is open­ing up in cal­i­for­nia and God knows this office is for what. In com­ing time there will be more shoot­ing on the employ­ees spe­cial­ly in India cen­ter and europe.

  31. Ad agency owner

    The Quark com­pa­ny being mis­man­aged and act­ing like fools is not a sur­prise to me. I’ve had bad expe­ri­ences with the com­pa­ny since before XPress became a pop­u­lar application. 

    They have a long his­to­ry of treat­ing peo­ple like garbage. They’ve been TRYING to change that image. Boy, what an uphill battle! 

    Sure, they put a new face on the top of the cor­po­rate pyra­mid, but it’s still owned by the same pig-headed jerk who hon­est­ly does­n’t give a crap about his cus­tomer base.

    If the com­pa­ny folds, I will feel sor­ry for any­one who’s been put out – both employ­ees and cus­tomers. However, I’d say good rid­dance to an arro­gant com­pa­ny which has treat­ed oth­ers so cal­lous­ly for so long.

  32. Mjenius

    I feel for all those who has been let go. I don’t think any­one who has­n’t been in that sit­u­a­tion before could under­stand. You work in a com­pet­i­tive indus­try and that is part of the game. The worst part is that some­times the one’s being let go are the bet­ter employ­ees. I Wish you all good luck.

  33. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Well put, Mjenius.

    To Shellie Hall and every­one else recent­ly let go from Quark: The staff of QuarkVSInDesign​.com and I want to express our sym­pa­thies to you and your fam­i­lies. QuarkXPress, CopyDesk, QPS, and Quark Interactive Designer are good appli­ca­tions and sys­tems. You should be proud of your work with those prod­ucts, whether that work was in sales, mar­ket­ing, pro­gram­ming, or some oth­er capacity. 

    We sin­cere­ly wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

    Pariah S. Burke

  34. Pariah S. Burke Post author


    Although a Quark spokesper­son told me to expect an offi­cial response to this sto­ry Monday, one was nev­er received. On Tuesday I once again encour­aged Quark to respond offi­cial­ly, but the same spokesper­son stat­ed that an offi­cial response would not be forth­com­ing pri­or to my sched­uled inter­view with President and CEO Ray Schiavone late this com­ing Wednesday.

    Simultaneous to con­firm­ing the time of the meet­ing I pro­vid­ed Quark with a pre­view of many of the ques­tions I intend to pose to Mr. Schiavone dur­ing that meeting.

    Until then, Tim Banister’s mes­sage in reply #5 above seems like­ly to remain the only com­me­na­try from with­in Quark as to the ques­tions of:

    • How many employ­ees were let go world­wide and from which depart­ments and positions;
    • Whether the lay­offs occur­ing between last Friday and this past Monday are the extent of the planned reduc­tion in force or if more per­son­nel and posi­tions are sched­uled to be downsized;
    • Whether Quark is expe­ri­enc­ing finan­cial difficulties;
    • Whether the ratio of actu­al sales to fore­cast sales is real­ly as poor as indi­cat­ed by our source, and;
    • If the com­pa­ny is tru­ly expe­ri­enc­ing pro­found finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties and poor sales, is it con­sid­er­ing a change in focus, struc­ture, or own­er­ship that could rea­son­ably affect the inter­ests of cur­rent and future cus­tomers of Quark products.

    I hope to obtain answers to these (and oth­er) ques­tions from Mr. Schiavone on Wednesday. Quark VS InDesign​.com will, of course, report the results of that meet­ing in a fol­low up sto­ry and con­tin­ue to fol­low the events unfold­ing at Quark.

  35. Shellie Hall

    Is that true? That Zach and Matt and Bryan and Fabien got fired too???? I am in shock! And very dis­ap­point­ed. I worked so close­ly with all of you… Matt – you are the most tal­ent­ed design­er I have ever worked with… Zach you were the soul of QuarkXPress for a long time ad Fabien – you were my European coun­ter­part. Bryan – God Bless you for help­ing me out when my house burned down in May… I will miss you all. God speed.

  36. Yet Another Ex Quarkian

    I had been part of the Quark India office for almost three years and have seen from close quar­ters the work­ing of the com­pa­ny and its cul­ture and the whole shebang.

    In all these years and hear­ing and see­ing many oth­er suc­cess­ful­ly run­ning com­pa­nies, it total­ly baf­fles me as to how can Quark man­age to hire sooo many incom­pe­tents as its man­age­ment team. The lat­est round of fir­ing isn’t an excep­tion. Every one and a half years we wit­ness such a round of retrench­ments. And that is not all. This is usu­al­ly fol­lowed by a round of hir­ing fresh faces. So much so that Quark Inc is known through­out the indus­try for its hiring-firing pol­i­cy. Obviously it’s high­ly irre­spon­si­ble and shows the lack of plan­ning acu­men or fore­sight or dri­ve in the company.

    Yes I feel proud of work­ing for a prod­uct like QuarkXPress, but that is a dif­fer­ent aspect of my pro­fes­sion­al life and it does­nt dim the fact the com­pa­ny total­ly sucks.

    Retrenchments might hap­pen in the indus­try but there is some sem­blance of law. For e.g. in the US, if a com­pa­ny engages in such an exer­cise than there is a min­i­mum num­ber of years it cant hire new peo­ple. But no so in India and cer­tain­ly not so with Quark with has hired and fired peo­ple with impunity.

    Highly irre­spon­si­ble and high­ly stupid.
    It is now all set to be rel­e­gat­ed to the pages of Desktop lay­out soft­ware his­to­ry soon and it deserves every bit of it.

  37. Firefighter

    Is it true that Zach also got fired? India office also got affect­ed BIG TIME. Around 40–45 odd employ­ees got fired. People from var­i­ous posi­tions were let go(managers, pro­gram­mers, prod­uct ana­lysts.….). and some one here is telling us that all this is exciting.

  38. Shellie Hall

    can any­one con­firm any of this??????

  39. Former Quarkian

    There were excit­ing things planned and had the top man­age­ment been good enough they would have been imple­ment­ed but time and again even the top man­agers keep chang­ing like for exam­ple Michael Jordan who came to Quark from Adobe left with­in a year. There were many tal­ent­ed peo­ple in Quark India like else­where who were giv­en a shod­dy treat­ment. And now many of them are work­ing for big com­pa­nies like Microsoft. The com­pa­ny man­age­ment has one good thing, it is con­sis­tent across the lines, it treats it’s cus­tomers and employ­ees just as shod­di­ly and snob­bish­ly i..e with­out discrimination. 

    I dont know what Ray says and what hype trick he has up his sleeve but it is con­firmed that Quark has cut down planned improve­ments for QuarkXPress’ ver­sion 8.0 dras­ti­cal­ly. Many of the planned enhance­ment projects are sim­ply gone into thin air. The only thing users can expect till anoth­er 1 year is con­tin­ued per­for­mance updates for QuarkXPress 7.0 and relat­ed prod­ucts Quark CopyDesk and QuarkXPress Server.

    The mid­dle lev­el man­agers at the India office (with the excep­tion of a few) are the real sym­bols of what things have become at Quark. They have been there since the start of India office around 10 years back and have become so com­pli­ant and bureau­crat­ic that the only thing they wor­ry about is meet­ing time-lines to please supe­ri­ors with­out any con­cern for qual­i­ty issues that will frus­trate cus­tomers. As I said ear­li­er it is a total lack of vision. 

    But I am still hope­ful, maybe things would turn around after hit­ting an abysmal low, what with the California office news and lot of tal­ent still with them. The com­pa­ny has claimed to become cus­tomer cen­tric but it has also to keep poli­cies to keep the good tal­ent. The pro­gram­ming code of QuarkXPress 7.0 is in a lot bet­ter shape now and a lot of inno­va­tion is pos­si­ble. And it would not sur­prise me if a top lev­el man­age­ment change is what that will dri­ve this turn around.

  40. woz

    Oh boy, this com­pa­ny wants to die… But what if all you guys and gals got togeth­er and cre­at­ed a NEW lay­out app? Sort of like the Bare Bones Quark we dis­cussed? Create the app you want­ed Quark Xpress to be, but start small & simple.
    With your expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge and with Adobe get­ting greedy (just check the upgrade prices for CS3) the tim­ing for a “Fenix” out of the ash­es from Xpress is very good!!! Wait, thats a good name for it: Fenix!

  41. Yet Another Ex Quarkian

    And the best part is none of the emp­ty head­ed mid­dle lev­el man­agers at Quark get fired. Now they deserve to have a full round of applause for sav­ing their skin every­time some­thing like this comes along.

    The worst part is this always had (has) a bad effect on morale, on qual­i­ty and thus on the prod­uct itself. No won­der there is over­spend­ing and sales are falling thru the roof. There was a faint flick­er of hope for Quark India office about a cou­ple of years back when they had hired an excel­lent MD but the dufus­es here played their polit­i­cal games to oust him out and also the upper man­age­ment sit­ting at Denver along with the mad Arab could­nt digest the auton­o­my that guy demand­ed. And thus end­ed Quark’s only chance of redemeption. 

    Now lets see how long it takes for the ship to sink.

  42. tik

    I was with Quark from last 7 years and I had seen lot many changes in com­pa­ny. Major draw­back is that they nev­er able to find the exact cause and final­ly make the wrong decisions.
    Whenever there is Change in Management, New per­son try to find the sort the issue in his way but lack of cor­rect data, he also make same mistakes.
    Nobody till day able to do Root Cause analy­sis, do you think they are doing their job correctly.
    I know QuarkXPress through­ly and as woz told why don’t we get togeth­er and cre­ate a new lay­out application.

  43. Jeremy Schultz

    Goodbye Quark, I don’t feel sym­pa­thy for a com­pa­ny that treats employ­ees the way it does.

    Ironically, when I got the e‑mail from Pariah about all this going down, I was attend­ing the local InDesign User Group meet­ing, with a nice pre­sen­ta­tion by an Adobe rep about var­i­ous InDesign tips and tech­niques. My wife attend­ed and at the end wished she could talk her com­pa­ny into mov­ing to InDesign (she uses Quark).

    But my point is that Adobe’s out­reach and empa­thy for design­ers’ needs seems to far exceed Quark’s, and I expect that when this is all over Quark will actu­al­ly be doing LESS for design­ers than before. The fact that they are dump­ing high­ly valu­able evan­ge­lists sup­ports this.

    I remem­ber start­ing as a design­er back in 2000, and a men­tor was baf­fled when I adopt­ed InDesign instead of Quark. “Just get Quark,” she said, “it’s required.” That was Quark’s mind­set for many years, and look what it’s got­ten them.

  44. Thomas Kaltschmidt

    Maybe we should wait for a state­ment from Quark or Ray Schiavone him­self about all this. It is clear how­ev­er that there is some reor­ga­ni­za­tion going on and that some of the laid off employ­ees are upset because of the style this hap­pened (and that is very understandable).
    Everything else seems a bit vague, not much is con­firmed yet Let’s hope Pariah can catch some more back­ground in his inter­view with the CEO.

  45. MacMan (aka Chio)

    I can only say the source can’t be in a pos­si­tion “speak author­i­ta­tive­ly about the Quark, Inc. orga­ni­za­tion and its per­son­nel and actions” as look­ing at the names no longer with Quark almost none are so called “luxury personnel.” and what is a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber when a com­pa­ny employs so many people.

    IBM let 400 go afew weeks back, is that a sig­in­f­i­cant num­ber? it’s less than 2% of it’s workforce. 

    The source is obvi­ous­ly X or the jan­i­tor as they real­ly had no idea about the true plans and reasons. 

    As Shellie points out her­self the desk­top strate­gies have changed and these peo­ple don’t fit that refo­cus with­in the com­pa­ny. My heart goes out to these peo­ple I have been in the same posi­tion before, and I wish Shellie the best of luck for the future and I would glad­ly offer her a posi­tion along side us work­ing with these apps.

    This is just a small spark fueled by the Adobe fan Club into a fic­ti­tious wild fire start­ed by a dis­grun­tled employ­ee. again mak­ing a moun­tain out of a mole hill.

  46. Lost Cause

    Quark has no one in its QuarkXPress Quality Assurance depart­ment who will now test their Print / Post Script Features. This is EXCITING news for every­one espe­cial­ly for cus­tomers who will get more bug­gy ver­sions of XPress

  47. the quarkman cometh

    I heard that I was men­tioned on this site as some­one who had been laid off from Quark. This is erro­neous and there seems to be quite a bit of mis­in­for­ma­tion being circulated.

    Don’t mean to be a par­ty poop­er as I can see that this sort of wild spec­u­la­tion is what dri­ves the enter­tain­ment val­ue of this website. 

    Quel dra­ma !

    Matt Bargell

  48. Mjenius

    You know.… I don’t think Adobe is so much wor­ried about Quark any­more. I’m sure they’re con­cen­trat­ing more on oth­er com­peti­tors such as Final Cut Pro, Aperture, and sad­ly, Silverlight. And you know they have no chance of buy­ing out either Apple nor Microsoft.

  49. Bryan Penny

    Just to con­cur with Matt Bargell’s com­ment, I (Bryan Penny) was not fired. I am leav­ing Quark but it was an inde­pen­dent decision. 

    The vision and future of Quark is very pos­i­tive and I think Ray and the com­pa­ny will suc­ceed and I wish them well!

  50. Sandee Cohen

    I wish I knew who “The Source” is, but Pariah missed a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to name him or her “Deep Page”

  51. Zach

    I’d like to fol­low up on Bryan and Matt’s com­ments and men­tion it is a rumor as well that I (Zach Frison) am no longer with the com­pa­ny. To be hon­est there is a real sense of excite­ment around the office these days (and I’ve worked here for almost 10 years). Ray has worked with peo­ple at all lev­els of the com­pa­ny to define and agree upon both a short and long term vision for the com­pa­ny. We’re behind Ray, Ray is behind us and togeth­er we have some excit­ing plans in store for the near future. Stay tuned!

  52. vex

    OH wooooow .…. more excit­ing thing to come. Hmmm look like some­thing is shut­ing down.

    I feel some peo­ple ruined the jobs of oth­ers with­out knwing the back­ground story.

    Very Exciting.

  53. Disgruntled after Zach's post

    Zach, are you an ass? Could you have sound­ed more pre­pos­ter­ous. You don’t have to pub­li­cal­ly lick on to Ray. He might have great plans for Quark but ‘excite­ment’ is not the right word to be used just after you laid off a chunk of your work­force. 45 peo­ple from India office is 10% of your work­force. You are behind Ray and Ray is behind you and you guys are stand­ing in a cir­cle and that makes you excit­ed?? Previously I thought you only looked like a jok­er. Guess I was wrong.

  54. X-Q Take my advise

    Ok, so every­one knows that peo­ple at Quark have been fired. So was I.
    For my oth­er Ex-Quarkians. CHANGE YOUR SHIT-ASS ATTITUDE. All com­pa­nies go through a lay-off phase. It could be due to restruc­tur­ing or due to finan­cial trou­ble. As an employ­ee, you get paid to work. You work to get paid. Its a give and take relationship.
    If Bryan Penny says he left Quark, he did it for a bet­ter oppor­tu­ni­ty. I’m sure Quark does­n’t hold it against him. But if Quark let him go, he would defi­nate­ly hold it against Quark, just like all the dis­grun­tled employ­ees. Now that’s hypocrisy!
    Move on, get a bet­ter job, get a life. If you feel or believe you aren’t capa­ble of get­ting anoth­er (bet­ter) job, then you’re right, and you deserved to be fired. I mean, did you think Quark was the be-all-and-end-all of your career?
    Sorry to say this Zach, but i agree with the part that says you are kiss­ing Ray’s ass in pub­lic. And your ass-kissing will pay off coz you’ve always been good at it.
    We all know Ray has been doing a lot to turn the com­pa­ny around. And Quark may man­age it, because (as much as I hate Zach’s ass kiss­ing), i have to admit that Ray is a sol­id CEO.
    The longer Quark sur­vives, the bet­ter it is for every­one. Customers get options, and ben­e­fits of price wars.
    Once again, all those fired, don’t sob and feel sor­ry for your­selves (unless you are losers). Look for jobs, move on. We’re in the same boat.

  55. x quark another one

    Have been through this inter­est­ing dis­cus­sion thread. Guess every­one is only focussing on the desk­top group. Guys wake up- there is a range of Enterprise prod­ucts in Quark, there also was a CRM product. 

    Now – there was this clique of peo­ple who used to run the CRM show – with a few in Denver and ONE guy in India. This clique fleeced Quark to the hilt till the time they could – until some­one final­ly decid­ed that the CRM has been a huge drain to Quark’s resource (there nev­er was any mar­ket for this prod­uct). Now this clique of peo­ple moved onto Enterprise prod­ucts and qui­et­ly nudged out most of the exist­ing team fromt he com­pa­ny. This group con­tin­ues to drain Quark resources with no returns. 

    The last release of the main Enterprise prod­uct was near­ly A YEAR behind sched­ule. So what- it was cel­e­brat­ed and gifts were doled out to the team. This group con­tin­ues to eat up the bot­tom line of QUark with 3 Directors (good for noth­ing) on board – doing noth­ing but con­sol­i­dat­ing their posi­tions. It is amaz­ing how the big lady sit­ting in Denver is able to cov­er up their tracks. 

    And so life goes on…
    btw – in this lat­est round of lay­offs NOT A SINGLE resource from the enter­prise group was laid off ! Amazing ain’t it.
    It is time Ray start­ed to uncov­er the machi­na­tions of the top brass of the Enterprise group…

    WAke up time !!!

  56. oops

    Some facts…
    CRM nev­er had more than 5 engi­neers work­ing on it.
    QCM was the main prod­uct line that got closed and hun­dreds of Engineers from Enterprise lost their jobs includ­ing over a hun­dred from some­thing called IPG.
    Mercury got sold to anoth­er com­pa­ny for an undis­closed amount.
    Last year, Quark took a BRAVE deci­sion to do away with the port­ing of QPS to its lat­est ver­sions of XPress and chose to re-design and re-write every­thing from scratch.
    This prod­uct, QPS 7, start­ed last year so can NOT be delayed by a year (unless you have a con­vo­lut­ed time warped delud­ed vision).
    The engi­neers were reward­ed because they did some­thing that most com­pa­nies dare not do…

  57. vex

    Pariah, have you got any luck in con­tact­ing Ray or is he still hid­ing somewhere?
    I would love to know what excit­ing sto­ry he has to fool peo­ple around.

  58. xquar

    I can tell you a lot about Enterprise devel­ope­ment in India. I have been here long enough and have observed a lot.
    The Executive Director is a vet­er­an at lead­ing failed prod­ucts and has sur­vived just because of his prox­im­i­ty to a
    Madam in Denver. He has a fixed set of cronies whom he has brought from Quark Commerce to Enterprise and
    they (can you believe it they are all excep­tion­al per­form­ers) are ruin­ing Quark. While small fish get fired, these
    guys have not drawn the atten­tion of the CEO by talk­ing sweet (some­thing at which they are exceptional).
    Can you imag­ine one Director for every 15 to 16 peo­ple in enter­prise and each of them is excep­tion­al. Also most
    of whom came from Commerce to Enterprise at all lev­els are also excep­tion­al per­form­ers. Then for God’s
    sake why do their prod­ucts fail.The CEO should look at this facet too or are his eyes closed because of those
    sweet utter­ances they make.

  59. Mjenius

    From my expe­ri­ence I think that’s true for many trou­bled pri­vate­ly owned com­pa­nies. No mat­ter how many times they change man­age­ment or lead­er­ship they are in the same sit­u­a­tion because the own­er nev­er real­izes that the prob­lem is that he/she does­n’t let them just do their job.

  60. Ex Quarkin, who still loves Quark

    Hi All,

    I can feel that there is lot of excite­ment about Quark, but not in Quark. I see no excite­ment with­in Quark but only frus­tra­tion because of inter­nal pol­i­tics and top man­age­ment which raised to that lev­el by default not because of any skills. Politics is there in all com­pa­nies, but in Quark pol­i­tics has become more impor­tant than com­pa­ny and that is why com­pa­ny is going thru such a bad phase.
    Tim/Zach if Ray is real­ly as good & smart as you say he is then why is he not able to see the mon­keys (like Nitin Nanda, Dinesh Sharma, Rocky Goffey who are in com­pa­ny only because of Linda and there are oth­ers like them who are there because they are close to some­one or the oth­er in Denver) and fire them to save mon­ey INR 4–5 Million per year per head. He would have saved 4 times the mon­ey he has saved by fir­ing 45 guys in India. I real­ly wish that Ray would have had such a vision.
    Anyway since I have some obser­va­tions which I feel can come handy for Ray if he real­ly wants to save this com­pa­ny, I am writ­ing this because I still love Quark as a com­pa­ny and have lots to thank Quark for:
    1. Please fire Linda, Nitin Nanda, Dinesh Sharma, Mohinder Pal Singh, Rockey and find oth­ers like them and hang them. Just demot­ing Linda and ask­ing her to report to Jurgen will not help.
    2. Give clear tar­gets to guys in India and believe me they can deliv­er it, prob­lem is not in India office, prob­lem is that you guys don’t know how to man­age India oper­a­tions. Right from day one it has been made cen­tre of pol­i­tics where peo­ple where not treat­ed and respect­ed for work but for the fact that they are either Linda’s team or Jurgen’s team or Kamar’s team or is/was good in man­ag­ing all of them. Recognize & respect work not mon­keys named above.
    3. Please hire some good man­age­ment guys who know how to run busi­ness and cre­ate your sec­ond line, the fools who are there right now there with you are of no use. If they would have been of any use, this com­pa­ny would have been doing much bet­ter than it is doing now.
    Just to clar­i­fy, I have noth­ing per­son­al against Nitin, Dinesh, Rocky or Mohinder & Linda, it is just that they are biggest rea­sons for pol­i­tics, con­fu­sion and mis-management in India office. So if you are real­ly seri­ous please get rid of these stu­pid peo­ple and try and retain good guys, you real­ly have some good tal­ent­ed peo­ple in India office.

  61. Pariah S. Burke Post author


    Vex asked:

    Pariah, have you got any luck in con­tact­ing Ray or is he still hid­ing somewhere?

    I would love to know what excit­ing sto­ry he has to fool peo­ple around.

    I also received quite a few e‑mails ask­ing the same question.

    I apol­o­gize for keep­ing every­one in sus­pense; that was­n’t my intention.

    I did meet with Ray Schiavone (and oth­ers) late Wednesday after­noon (2:30 PM Pacific Time). During the inter­view he respond­ed to the alle­ga­tions lev­eled against Quark by the Source, and we talked about some relat­ed top­ics as well.

    Half an hour was­n’t enough time to ful­ly cov­er all the ques­tions I feel need to be addressed at this time. So, Quark and I have agreed to split the con­tent of the inter­view across two arti­cles. The first, which will pub­lish lat­er today, will respond direct­ly to the above “Quark Insider” sto­ry. The sec­ond, which will cov­er what I con­sid­er even big­ger, far­ther reach­ing ques­tions, will be addressed in a sec­ond arti­cle after a fol­lowup inter­view with Ray Schiavone (hope­ful­ly next week, depend­ing on Mr. Schiavone’s schedule).

    Right now, I’m just wait­ing to hear back from Quark regard­ing some quotes I asked them to con­firm. Then every­one can read the offi­cial response, straight from the top of Quark.

  62. nk

    Yeh, peo­ple get­ting laid of sucks, sym­pa­thy to all of you.

    I noticed the oth­er day that this site’s home­page weighs in at a hefty “6” on Google PageRank… this means that every­thing being said here must be fair­ly sig­nif­i­cant to both Adobe and Quark… makes me won­der if some of these pro-Quark guys aren’t maybe Quark’s mar­ket­ing depart­ment in disguise

  63. macman

    nk, I like the com­ment. Maybe Pariah can respond to that and this, Why do com­ments like yours tar­get­ing Quark remain on this site when sim­i­lar com­ments regard­ing Adobe get removed or edited.

    Pariah, I await your per­son­al attack and indi­rect response with bait­ed breath.

    PS, Slightly off mark with aka Chio, but It was enlight­en­ing news that I would nev­er have found out, with­out your help.

  64. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Macman said:

    Maybe Pariah can respond to… Why do com­ments like [NK’s] tar­get­ing Quark remain on this site when sim­i­lar com­ments regard­ing Adobe get removed or edited.

    I hon­est­ly don’t know to what you’re refer­ring, MacMan. On this thread, I have indeed removed 4 comments.

    One had no con­tent or pur­pose oth­er than a vicious per­son­al attack on one of the Quark employ­ees who respond­ed above.

    The remain­ing three were removed because they were dupli­cates of com­ments that are still avail­able above. One of those was an exact dupli­cate sec­onds apart–most like­ly the author clicked “Embed” twice.

    The oth­er two dupli­cates were mes­sages from you, MacMan. The first exam­ples was one I just now removed. It fol­lowed and echoed your com­ments in #69 just above. Your first com­ment did­n’t go imme­di­ate­ly through (the sys­tem flagged it for edi­to­r­i­al approval pri­or ot pub­li­ca­tion), so you like­ly thought it had­n’t gone through at all and rewrote the same thought into a new com­ment. As they weren’t sub­stan­tial­ly dif­fer­ent, I kept your more detailed first com­ment and delet­ed the latter.

    The only oth­er com­ment I removed from this thread was anoth­er of yours, MacMan. Posting under the alias of “Chio,” you repeat­ed exact­ly the same sen­ti­ment as com­ment #48.

    PS, Slightly off mark with aka Chio, but It was enlight­en­ing news that I would nev­er have found out, with­out your help. 

    I don’t think I know what you mean by “enlight­en­ing news”.

    What the rest of the peo­ple involved in this dis­cus­sion may not real­ize is that you did­n’t enter the name as “Chio aka MacMan”. I did.

    You were try­ing the time-honored Internet tra­di­tion of post­ing the same infor­ma­tion under mul­ti­ple alias­es in attempt to manip­u­late the oth­er par­tic­i­pants into think­ing that your sin­gu­lar point of view was shared by oth­ers. This was­n’t the first time you did that, either.

    This pub­li­ca­tion and I have a low tol­er­ance for that. Consequently, from that point for­ward (Tuesday, I think) none of your com­ments will pub­lish until reviewed by the staff.

    I val­ue your opinion–whether I agree or not–and con­tri­bu­tions to dis­cus­sions, but, as you proven unable to par­tic­i­pate fair­ly and hon­est­ly, we’ve had to restort to using tech­nol­o­gy to enforce fair­ness and equality.

  65. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Nk said:

    I noticed the oth­er day that this site’s home­page weighs in at a hefty “6″ on Google PageRank… this means that every­thing being said here must be fair­ly sig­nif­i­cant to both Adobe and Quark… makes me won­der if some of these pro-Quark guys aren’t maybe Quark’s mar­ket­ing depart­ment in disguise

    I’m pleased to see so many Quark employ­ees (Tim, Shellie, Matt, Bryan, and oth­ers) par­tic­i­pat­ing in the dis­cus­sion. But, are any of the anony­mous or pseu­do­ny­mous respon­dants Quarkians in dis­guise? I don’t know. It’s pos­si­ble of course, but I hon­est­ly doubt it.

    In the past I have caught employ­ees of an arti­cle’s sub­ject com­ment­ing in dis­guise. I’ve also caught sim­i­lar attempts at decep­tion where it was­n’t an employ­ee of the sub­ject com­pa­ny but an employ­ee of a rival to the sub­ject of the arti­cle. Those are few and far between, however.

    More often I catch one per­son not direct­ly affil­i­at­ed with either the sub­ject or its rival(s) post­ing effec­tive­ly the same infor­ma­tion or argu­ment in mul­ti­ple com­ments under dif­fer­ent names. Every time I find one of these, I look into the author’s loca­tion and iden­ti­ty a bit. Never do I recall hav­ing found such a per­son to be an agent of Quark, Adobe, or any of their known part­ners or vendors.

  66. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Something else I’d like to say in response to NK:

    For what it’s worth, I do gen­uine­ly like most of the things I know about Ray Schiavone’s New Quark.

    Because of my work–here, my books, my con­sult­ing and train­ing, and in many oth­er roles in which I serve the cre­ative pro community–I’m privy to a great deal of inside infor­ma­tion from Quark, Adobe, and oth­er com­pa­nies. Somewhere between 50% and 75% of that infor­ma­tion the com­pa­nies them­selves offi­cial­ly deliv­er to me (often under Non-Disclosure Agreement). The rest…Well, let’s just say I keep my promis­es, and I stay well informed.

    Now, I’m pro-Quark and pro-Adobe. I am most cer­tain­ly pro-QuarkXPress and pro-InDesign. (Note: The order in which I write them has no mean­ing.) I real­ly like both appli­ca­tions. I also real­ly like what I know about QuarkXPress 8 and InDesign CS4. I like what I know about new, as yet unan­nounced prod­ucts, too.

    In this case, we’re talk­ing about Quark, so I’ll focus my response to that com­pa­ny and its products.

    I’ve met sev­er­al of the Quarkians who respond­ed above, and many oth­ers who haven’t. When I’ve inter­act­ed with them, they gen­uine­ly are excit­ed about the new direc­tion of Quark.

    Tim Bannister, for exam­ple. Although his com­ment above smacks of care­ful­ly writ­ten mar­ket­ing spin, I know the guy real­ly is excit­ed for the future of Quark and his part in it. I know that because Tim and I spent the entire day locked in a con­fer­ence room with 10–15 oth­er peo­ple talk­ing about the future of Quark, XPress, QID, and some oth­er top­ics. The whole time, Tim was excit­ed scrib­bling notes and pas­sion­ate­ly dis­cussing his ideas, my ideas, and the ideas of oth­ers in the room.

    I’m not ask­ing you or oth­er read­ers to get excit­ed about QuarkXPress or InDesign (or anoth­er prod­uct) on my say-so. That’s a personal/professional choice each of us must make. I’m excit­ed by both; if I was­n’t, I’d have no right to com­ment on them.

    I hope over the last four years of writ­ing and pub­lish­ing Quark VS InDesign​.com that I’ve proven myself com­pe­tent, hon­est, and fair. (To Macman: If Quark con­sid­ers this site fair, can’t you?) I hope I’ve earned enough trust from my read­ers that you will believe me when I vouch for some­one like Tim Bannister, and, per­haps, even when I tell that Quark is indeed on a bet­ter track now than it was a year ago.

  67. Mjenius

    Thanks for the link. This is my favorite line:
    “In addi­tion, cus­tomers need to be able to eas­i­ly use con­tent from all sources: QuarkXPress, InDesign, XML, Flash, PDF, and others.”
    So they are going to trav­el on the road that Adobe built? As odd as this may sound, this may be the smartest thing I heard from them. If every­thing they said in the past was true then Steve Jobs would be home­less, we’d be design­ing in win­dows, InDesign would be as pop­u­lar as GoLive, print­ers would laugh at PDF, and the most excit­ing form of mul­ti­me­dia would be a slideshow.

  68. Retrospection

    Mr Ray,
    I sug­gest have a inter­nal anony­mous employ­ee forum, which would yield you bet­ter insights what your employ­ees feel about you and the way quark is doing. Going up the lad­der or down. ! Quark is unnece­sar­liy spoil­ing the image Tim Gill had made few decades back. 

    Well Wisher!

  69. nk

    Hmm, thanks for the reply! 

    I’ve read the inter­view on “Planet Quark”, and I have to say that the views of Quark and the views of QuarkVSInDesign’s “mole” are pret­ty wild­ly different—somebody is telling lies! (at least the mole has the decen­cy to back his claims up with actu­al fig­ures). In any case, it would tru­ly be very sad if many peo­ple around the world lost their jobs because of Quark tak­ing a nose­di­ve… (which does­n’t mean that I’ve converted—I still STRONGLY dis­like Xpress).

    Here’s an idea: if things get real­ly bad at Quark, would­n’t it be cool if Adobe bought them out? This may just be the ran­dom mus­ing of a DTP moron, but think about it…

    Anyway, bet­ter be going, before I lose MY job

  70. Gerard

    I have been work­ing in elec­tron­ic pre-press for over 15 years. I have always liked Quark XPress. That is until ver­sion 7.0 was released.

    Now I can only hope for Quark to die of nat­ur­al causes.

    I now pre­fer InDesign, which has clear­ly sur­passed QuarkXPress in the industry.

  71. ex_quarkain

    yes, quark is near­ly dead ..

    again fired 10% all employées in switzerland ..

    RIP Quark.

  72. Just so


    if that’s a cri­te­ria, then bye bye Adobe, Google, Microsoft…

    Just a few weeks ago Adobe fired 8% of its staff world­wide (not just in one country).

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