QuarkCommerce Now Open for Business

New order management software from Quark to provide improved return on investment for catalogers

Press Release

DENVER, Colo.–(QuarkVSInDesign.com)–June 2, 2005—Quark Inc. announced today the release of the new QuarkCommerce solu­tion. This solu­tion rede­fines order man­age­ment and gives cat­a­log and direct mar­ket­ing com­pa­nies a tight­ly inte­grat­ed, closed-loop sys­tem to lever­age cre­ative con­tent and man­age cam­paigns, mer­chan­dise, orders, and inven­to­ry through online, print, e‑mail, and call cen­ter chan­nels. QuarkCommerce is built from the ground up to dri­ve new lev­els of cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and sales productivity.

“QuarkCommerce is unique­ly focused on the cat­a­log and direct mar­ket­ing indus­tries where com­pe­ti­tion to acquire and retain cus­tomers is fierce,” said Linda Chase, vice pres­i­dent of com­merce solu­tions at Quark. “Businesses want to stream­line their oper­a­tions and increase their pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and prof­itabil­i­ty. We pro­vide them with tools to obtain greater finan­cial con­trol and resource efficiency.”

Centralized mer­chan­dise management

QuarkCommerce pro­vides a com­mon sys­tem to man­age all mer­chan­dise and pric­ing with new lev­els of finan­cial con­trol. It puts pow­er in the hands of mar­ket­ing, mer­chan­dise, and pro­mo­tion pro­fes­sion­als with easy-to-use graph­i­cal tools for man­ag­ing prod­ucts, pric­ing, pro­mo­tions, and cus­tomer inter­ac­tions. With the click of a but­ton, a user can make prod­ucts, prod­uct fam­i­lies, or cat­e­gories of prod­ucts auto­mat­i­cal­ly avail­able for sale through online or call cen­ter channels.

With com­plete inte­gra­tion of inven­to­ry and ware­house sys­tems, call cen­ter, and eStore sys­tems, QuarkCommerce pro­vides accu­rate infor­ma­tion about prod­uct avail­abil­i­ty and availability-to-commit while offer­ing new lev­els of flex­i­bil­i­ty and con­trol to man­age and max­i­mize prod­uct prof­itabil­i­ty and pro­mo­tion success.

Closed-loop cam­paign management

QuarkCommerce pro­vides an end-to-end sys­tem to plan, exe­cute, and mea­sure pro­grams — dra­mat­i­cal­ly stream­lin­ing time-to-market process­es. Its unique mar­ket­ing cam­paign mod­ule gives mar­keters the pow­er to plan and design tar­get­ed cam­paigns, cat­a­logs, and pro­mo­tions with a sim­ple point-and-click interface. 

In addi­tion, busi­ness­es can seam­less­ly inte­grate mar­ket­ing pro­grams with back-office sys­tems for a closed-loop sys­tem that encom­pass­es every­thing from pro­mo­tion con­cept and cus­tomer pay­ment to cam­paign fore­cast­ing, mea­sure­ment, and analy­sis. QuarkCommerce puts an entire­ly new lev­el of analy­sis with­in reach and elim­i­nates the need for cum­ber­some spreadsheets.

Multi-channel order management

With an inte­grat­ed sys­tem for online, call cen­ter, and retail order man­age­ment, QuarkCommerce helps max­i­mize cus­tomer ser­vice and sat­is­fac­tion. A com­mon sys­tem that sup­ports the call cen­ter, e‑mail, online, and oth­er sys­tems cap­tures and process­es orders accu­rate­ly and con­sis­tent­ly. Businesses can max­i­mize their cus­tomer infor­ma­tion with search­able his­to­ries, prod­uct infor­ma­tion, and case track­ing while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly deploy­ing self-service capa­bil­i­ties that enable cus­tomers to place orders, trou­bleshoot prob­lems, and get the best com­merce expe­ri­ence avail­able today.

Flexible inven­to­ry management

QuarkCommerce pro­vides an adapt­able sys­tem to man­age ware­house and inven­to­ry resources, help­ing busi­ness­es dri­ve greater resource effi­cien­cy. Businesses can man­age and con­trol inven­to­ry accu­ra­cy, ensur­ing avail­abil­i­ty of prod­ucts and con­trol­ling back orders until prod­ucts become avail­able. It allows order trans­ac­tions to flow auto­mat­i­cal­ly and reli­ably to back-end ful­fill­ment cen­ters, pro­vid­ing tremen­dous flex­i­bil­i­ty to opti­mize how inven­to­ry is picked and opti­mize how ware­house resources are used. 

For more infor­ma­tion on QuarkCommerce, vis­it the QuarkCommerce site.

About Quark

Quark Inc. (www​.quark​.com) is a lead­ing devel­op­er of tools and tech­nolo­gies for desk­top, work­group, and enter­prise pub­lish­ing. Quark has been pro­vid­ing award-winning soft­ware for pro­fes­sion­al pub­lish­ers since its flag­ship prod­uct QuarkXPress changed the course of tra­di­tion­al pub­lish­ing. Today, as QuarkXPress is used by more than three mil­lion cus­tomers around the world, Quark is devel­op­ing the next gen­er­a­tion of tools to let pub­lish­ers cre­ate and man­age con­tent flex­i­bly so it can be deliv­ered any­where at low cost. Founded in 1981, Denver-based Quark Inc. is pri­vate­ly held.

2 thoughts on “QuarkCommerce Now Open for Business

  1. Viz

    just saw news about the ouster of Kamar Aulak as CEO and President of Quark (see Press Release on Quark Site). Wondering what could be the rea­son Quark has fired their CEO who was tak­ing so many cor­rec­tive mea­sures to improve on com­mu­ni­ca­tion with cus­tomers and keep­ing the release of QuarkXpress on schedule.

  2. Pariah S. Burke

    Viz, that is the $30 mil­lion dol­lar question.

    Every indus­try reporter–and many out­side the industry–is try­ing to dis­cern that answer at this very moment, includ­ing yours tru­ly, of course.

    My phone has been ring­ing off the hook today with reporters, ana­lysts, and indus­try insid­ers ask­ing for my reac­tion and insights.

    As always, you can rely on QuarkVSInDesign​.com to bring the lat­est break­ing news about this stun­ning announcement.

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