QuarkWatch: E-News Roundup on the Aulakh Departure

While details of the sud­den depar­ture of Kamar Aulakh, CEO of Quark, Incorporated, have been scanty at best, the news has begun to make it around the elec­tron­ic world.

A quick read of these–which are all just the Quark-issued press release, in whole or in fragments–seem to endorse the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom that Quark had entered a new, customer-focused régime under Aulakh. 

The rea­sons behind Aulakh’s leav­ing remain a mys­tery at this hour.

The ulti­mate effect on DTP and the sta­tus of Quark as a going con­cern, of course, remain to be seen.

2 thoughts on “QuarkWatch: E-News Roundup on the Aulakh Departure

  1. Samuel John Klein

    Well, that would cer­tain­ly speak to the sud­den­ness and secre­tive­ness over which this has pre­cip­i­tat­ed. Cancer being such a per­son­al thing to have to deal with, many peo­ple pre­fer to deal with that amongst them­selves and thi­er loved ones and close associates.

    If that’s the case, I with Mr Aulakh all the good wish­es in the world.

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