QuarkXPress 7: Where's the Beef?

If you've been waiting on the edge of your seat, sit back.

After months of demos and “sneak peaks,” includ­ing fea­ture arti­cles in every issue of X‑Ray Magazine, the offi­cial mag­a­zine of QuarkXPress users, since Spring 2005, the pub­lic is ask­ing: “Where’s the beef?”

Originally expect­ed to release in Summer 2005, that time qui­et­ly came and went with naught but sneak pre­views of the high­ly antic­i­pat­ed XPress 7. Featuring an unprece­dent­ed color-level trans­paren­cy, mod­ern typo­graph­ic con­trols pur­port­ed­ly on par with InDesign CS2’s, and inte­grat­ed sup­port for indus­try stan­dard con­ven­tions such as as XML import and export, JDF Job Definition Format tick­et­ing, and vari­able data print­ing, XPress 7 is the most antic­i­pat­ed update to the QuarkXPress soft­ware since the 2003 release of ver­sion 6.0, which brought the ven­er­a­ble lay­out vet­er­an to the Mac OS X platform.

My com­pa­ny needs more in the way of type con­trol and graph­ics han­dling than we can cur­rent­ly do in [QuarkXPress] 6.5,” says Richard Y., who asked that his firm not be iden­ti­fied. “InDesign is look­ing real­ly good to us. We’ve been loy­al Quark cus­tomers since ’91, and don’t want to switch. I’ve been watch­ing the news about [QuarkXPress] 7.0, but where is it? We wait­ed all sum­mer, now into autumn. We have needs now. Where is [QuarkXPress] 7? Where’s the beef?”

Confirming what our sources said last month, Quark announced at this past week­end’s MacExpo 2005 in London that QuarkXPress 7 is expect­ed to ship “ear­ly next year.” Apparently, the “beef,” which looks to be an incred­i­ble and feature-rich rebuild of the Nineties work­horse, won’t appear until some­time after the first of the year 2006.

If, like many QuarkXPress users, you’ve been fol­low­ing the blow-by-blow news on XPress 7 on Quark VS InDesign​.com, on the edge of your seat wait­ing for a release announce­ment, you can sit back now.

2 thoughts on “QuarkXPress 7: Where's the Beef?

  1. Imatt

    QuarkXpress 7 will have to be bloody good! It will have to be bet­ter thatn inDesign CS nev­er mind CS2. And heres much of Quarks prob­lem. Xpress start­ed out as a high­ly effi­cient DTP app, tak­ing over from where Pagemaker left off. Whilst Pagemaker could nev­er catch up, Quark rest­ed on there lau­rels and got rich and com­pla­cent. Then Quark added sil­ly fea­tures to Xpress that should not be in a DTP app such as pack­ag­ing design (QuarkWrapture, admit­tad­ly a ridu­cu­losly expen­sive plug in / Xtension) and HTML page lay­out. Now with InDesign breath­ing down their necks, the temp­ta­tiopn is to add even more fea­tures. QuarkVista for exam­ple is pro­mot­ed by Quark as “Photoshop Lite” as it can work on Photoshop files includ­ing indi­vid­ual layers.

    Where Quark is real­ly feel­ing gthe pinch is from Adobe’s Creative Suite range. Why buy Xpress when you can get the Creative Suite for a lit­tle Xtra cash???

    I can­not see mnt if ANY Indesign users going back to Xpress even if Xpress is bet­ter than InDesignCS2. Not only have they made a time, effort, train­ing and fina­cial com­mitm­rnt to InDesign, the next ver­sion of InDesign, CS3 / V5 will be be almost cer­tain­ly bet­ter than Xpress 7 anyway.

    These are test­ing times for Quark. If only they were’nt a sin­gle prod­uct company.…

  2. Gary

    Do you work for Adobe? I ve tried inde­sign and can­not see what all the dis­cus­sion is about.…Quark beats it hands­down. Who wants to to do lay­out with a pro­grams that reminds me of PS?

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