QuarkXPress 7.0 From the Inside

Will XPress 7.0 be the upgrade that puts Quark back on top? CreativePro​.com’s Gene Gable spent two days at Quark’s Denver head­quar­ters to find out and emerged with a cau­tious­ly opti­mistic exclu­sive report that delves deep­er into what Quark has let out of the bag so far–and hints at a few things they haven’t.

There’s a lot to say about XPress 7.0, and for most users it’s worth wait­ing for, if only to eval­u­ate. Quark under­stands that this is a crit­i­cal upgrade and knows that our col­lec­tive patience is run­ning out. Consequently, this isn’t a case of tack­ing on a few new fea­tures to XPress. It’s about a whole­sale makeover that, if it works, pre­serves the things that made XPress such a suc­cess, while still mov­ing the nee­dle toward col­lab­o­ra­tive, auto­mat­ed, and ful­ly inte­grat­ed pub­lish­ing processes.

Read: First Look at an Impressive QuarkXPress 7.0

Quark 7

3 thoughts on “QuarkXPress 7.0 From the Inside

  1. Pingback: Graphic Design Blog

  2. Suthar Prakash

    Qurk Xpress is bet­ter ver­sion in the wold the soft­were is best. My work is very easy and good.

    East and west Qurk is the Best Softwere in Magazin Layout

    I have use the 5 years and me no use the Pagemaker, I use only for the Qurk Xpress

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