QuarkXPress 8 On Sale--Finally

After months of hyp­ing QuarkXPress 8 on the Web, through nigh week­ly e‑mail to cus­tomers and press, select­ed reviews by Quark-friendly writ­ers, and numer­ous oth­er venues, today Quark announced that QuarkXPress 8 is final­ly avail­able for pur­chase from Quark Authorized Resellers, the Quark eStore, and by phone direct­ly from Quark. A full ver­sion of XPress 8 is priced at $799, and the QuarkXPress 8 upgrade from a pre­vi­ous ver­sion of XPress for $299.

More infor­ma­tion avail­able from http://8.quark.com

5 thoughts on “QuarkXPress 8 On Sale--Finally

  1. Simon the great

    Months of hyp­ing”, ““Quark-friendly writ­ers”? Come on Pariah, you’re show­ing your true colours and favouritism for InDesign now. As far as I can see it was announced on May 29 and shipped 64 days lat­er. Hardly “months of hyp­ing” when you con­sid­er Quark was talk­ing about Xpress 7 18 months before it shipped. I also doubt some of the major trade pub­li­ca­tions like the idea of their integri­ty being called into question.They actu­al­ly have to be bal­anced in their report­ing because they’re real journalists.

  2. Steve

    Snow Leopard, Windows 7, CS4, c’mon, Pariah, hyp­ing is some­thing else.

    I would see this as non-hyping. With 7 Quark hyped. Adobe, Apple, Microsoft hype.

    With 8 Quark was mod­est and delivering.

    The world is dif­fer­ent, this is not Quark 4, 5 or 6 any­more, wake up! Admit that Quark has changed or that you have a vest­ed inter­est in Adobe.

  3. Keshav Singh

    It can prob­a­bly be con­clud­ed now that XPress has now has evolved out of its mid eight­ies moor­ings and its inter­nals as well as fea­tures are now matuirng and sta­bil­is­ing. The com­pe­ti­tion with Indesign shall now be clos­er and lega­cy shall now be safe. It would have made Hannes, ex direc­tor Quark, a sat­is­fied per­son as he had to steer, guide and mod­er­ate when the ship was in the chop­py seas and he was required to lead rad­i­cal­ly new and ever chang­ing com­pa­ny struc­tures. It sure makes me very happy.

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