ReArranger for InDesign

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

Sponsored By

XChange International

Andromeda Software

That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

This con­test has end­ed. On 2007-10-28 we gave
ReArranger from Andromeda Software
To Katherine C. of Kelowna, BC Canada

Congratulations, Katherine! Get some prizes for your­self on our Contests & Giveaways page.

The InDesign Plug-In We Gave Away This Time


InDesign Plug-In from Andromeda Software

ReArranger is a plug-in that lets you see all of the lay­out pos­si­bil­i­ties for your exist­ing page or new­ly designed tem­plate. Re-arrangements can be made while main­tain­ing page mas­ter items, linked text box­es, gut­ters, dou­ble page items, and locked indi­vid­ual items. You can also re-arrange a sec­tion of the page or select the whole page.

ReArranger Product Features:

  • Object can be swapped hor­i­zon­tal­ly, ver­ti­cal­ly, or rotat­ed 180 degrees around the page.
  • Linked text box­es can be selec­tive­ly preserved.
  • Re-arrangements can be saved and used to stack on each oth­er to max­i­mize the use of the plug-in.
  • Re-arrange a full spread or choose a cus­tom set of objects to re-arrange. 
  • Preserve master-page items and select to pre­vent over­lap of those items.

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