Resize Text and Text Frames in One Step

Ever want to resize text as well as the frame? Of course you do, from time to time. It’s easy: Press and hold CMD (Mac) or CTRL (Windows) and then click and drag one of the text frame’s edge con­trol cor­ners to resize. The text inside will scale along with the frame itself.

4 thoughts on “Resize Text and Text Frames in One Step

  1. cathy hendrie

    Hi Pariah: I’m a long­time Quark user switch­ing to InDesign, as my new job uses CS2.

    I’m try­ing to scale text quick­ly in InDesign, WITHOUT resiz­ing the frame. Please no Memu Bar, too slow. In Quark, I sim­ply make text box and then my type , high­light it and then bump it up in 5‑pt incre­ments by press­ing CMD, Option, Shift and the > or 

  2. Samuel John Klein


    If I can chime in here, I find that when I have text I want to scale text up and down I first high­light it (of course!) and then hold down the shift and the CMD key (keep your fin­ger off the OPT key), then use the and > keys to scale down and up with­out chang­ing the size of the frame.

    Before you do this, go to Edit>Keyboard Shortcuts, and make sure that the short­cut set you’ve select­ed is QuarkXPress 4.0 (yes, they have a Quark-style set of key­board short­cuts so your learn­ing curve can be made a lit­tle gentler).

  3. cathy hendrie

    Thank you Samuel!
    Your solu­tion works.
    Now I’d like to scale the type up and down by 5‑point incre­ments, not 10, which I am getting.
    Any way to adjust this?

  4. Samuel John Klein

    You’re wel­come.

    You can change the incre­ment via Preferences>Units & Increments. In my edi­tion of InD CS3 (in this case, works the same as CS2), there are four win­dows in the bot­tom of that Prefs pane that gov­ern incre­men­tal change. Just input the amout you want in points and that ought to do it.

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