InEventScript Updated for InDesign, InCopy CS2

RogueSheep updates automation plug-in for InDesign CS & CS2 and InCopy CS & CS2

Press Release

SEATTLE, WA–(–May 17, 2005–Today RogueSheep, Incorporated (www​.RogueSheep​.com) announced an update to their automa­tion tool for pub­lish­ing pro­fes­sion­als, InEventScript.

InEventScript, a plug-in for the Adobe InDesign CS and CS2 plat­form, allows users to attach any script capa­ble of run­ning in InDesign to near­ly any user event. InEventScript allows easy cus­tomiza­tion and automa­tion of numer­ous work­flows and tasks in an InDesign application.

The 1.0.2 update of InEventScript con­tains sev­er­al fea­ture enhance­ments. The tim­ing of scripts asso­ci­at­ed with open­ing exist­ing doc­u­ments and cre­at­ing new doc­u­ments has been improved. The loca­tion of the plug-in’s cus­tom data has been mod­i­fied for increased flex­i­bil­i­ty. Additionally, sev­er­al new scripts are includ­ed to demon­strate some of the poten­tial uses of attach­ing scripts to user ini­ti­at­ed events in InDesign.

Availability and Pricing

InEventScript 1.0.2 is avail­able for down­load imme­di­ate­ly here. InEventScript requires Adobe InDesign CS or Adobe InCopy CS and is avail­able for both MacOS X and Windows. Both CS1 and CS2 ver­sions of InDesign and InCopy are sup­port­ed. The 1.0.2 ver­sion is a free upgrade for exist­ing users. A new, single-user license is avail­able for the intro­duc­to­ry price of $79.95, with vol­ume dis­counts avail­able. A limited-use ver­sion of the plug-in is also avail­able for evaluation.

About RogueSheep, Incorporated

RogueSheep pro­vides qual­i­ty soft­ware appli­ca­tions and tools for a vari­ety of pro­fes­sion­al pub­lish­ing needs. With over 30 years of com­bined indus­try expe­ri­ence cre­at­ing top-tier pub­lish­ing and cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al soft­ware, RogueSheep is unique­ly posi­tioned to deliv­er effi­cient and use­able tools as well as cus­tom work­flow solu­tions. Dedicated to pro­duc­ing soft­ware you swear by, not at, RogueSheep invites you to think out­side the flocks and see how we can enhance your pub­lish­ing tasks today.

1 thought on “InEventScript Updated for InDesign, InCopy CS2

  1. Nishant Joshi

    I have licensed ver­sion of Indesign CS. Now i want to upgrade CS2 Version. Can u Help for me for Updates?

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