Roundup: Adobe Releases New Acrobat 8, Acrobat Connect; Updates Camera RAW, Creative Suite; Dumps GoLive

First, Adobe announced that Acrobat 8 would ship in November of this year, and that it would inte­grate Macromedia Flash and Breeze technology.

Next, rumor mill pre­dic­tions of GoLive’s demise, ram­pant since the first announce­ment of Adobe’s intent to buy Macromedia in ear­ly 2005, were final­ly vin­di­cat­ed. GoLive is out; Dreamweaver is in.

In fact, Adobe will lat­er this year release Creative Suite 2.3, which includes Acrobat Professional 8 and Dreamweaver stand­ing in for GoLive.

Adobe also announced Acrobat Connect, for­mer­ly Macromedia Breeze, “the first web con­fer­enc­ing and col­lab­o­ra­tion solu­tion to offer ‘always-on’ per­son­al meet­ing rooms.” Using Acrobat Connect and Acrobat Connect Professional, ful­ly col­lab­o­ra­tive meet­ing rooms may be erect­ed any­where and between any­one with a Web brows­er, the Adobe Flash play­er, and an Internet connection.

Today Adobe added to the flood of press releas­es with an announce­ment of an update to the Camera RAW fil­ter for Photoshop. The new ver­sion adds sup­port for five more dig­i­tal cam­era models.

Admidst all of the good news, Adobe also received a slap to the face in the form of a British tech­nol­o­gy expert’s dis­cov­ery of poten­tial­ly cat­a­stroph­ic PDF secu­ri­ty exploits.

Initial reac­tions to all of these rev­e­la­tions were var­ied and broad. Here is the roundup of the first twenty-four hours.

Adobe aims to blow copy cats out of water
iTWire – Australia
Those who thought that Adobe might be in a spot of both­er when a pletho­ra of copy cats, includ­ing Microsoft and Open Office​.org sprang up offer­ing to save files as PDF (portable doc­u­ment for­mat) doc­u­ments may do well to think again. Adobe attempts to show in its Acrobat 8 prod­uct, doc­u­ment cre­ation is more than just sav­ing files in a defac­to stan­dard format. 

Adobe releas­es Acrobat 8, updates Creative Suite
Macworld​.com via Yahoo! News
Adobe Systems Monday released Acrobat 8, a new ver­sion of its pop­u­lar doc­u­ment author­ing and read­ing soft­ware that will run native­ly on Intel-based Macs, and inte­grat­ed it with its upgrad­ed Creative Suite 2.3 Premium (which remains PowerPC-native, at least for now).

Adobe Updates Acrobat Software
NewsFactor via Yahoo! News
Adobe is pro­vid­ing some new col­lab­o­ra­tion tools with the release of its Acrobat 8 upgrade. The PDF pio­neer also released Acrobat Connect today, a new prod­uct line that enables users to con­duct Web con­fer­ences through online meet­ing rooms using Flash Player software.

Fool on Call: Adobe and the Web’s Superpowers
The Motley Fool via Yahoo! News
(Before you dive in for the news every­one is look­ing for, take a sec­ond to check out my col­league Stephen Ellis’ write-up on Adobe’s (Nasdaq: ADBE – News) third-quarter results. And now to the juicy, good stuff …)

Adobe Revs Acrobat, Renames Breeze, Spurns ODF
CBR via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Adobe Systems Inc will lat­er today announce ver­sion 8 of its Acrobat doc­u­ment pub­lish­ing and col­lab­o­ra­tion tool, but has said that it will still not sup­port OpenDocument Format, ODF, natively.

Security hole appears in Adobe Reader
PC Advisor
A secu­ri­ty researcher claims it is pos­si­ble to install mali­cious code on a user’s com­put­er through stan­dard Adobe Reader features.

Adobe unveils lat­est Acrobat ver­sion, sets November launch
Market Watch
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) – Design-software pow­er­house Adobe Systems Inc. on Monday unveiled the lat­est ver­sion of its ubiq­ui­tous Acrobat appli­ca­tion used for shar­ing and man­ag­ing dig­i­tal doc­u­ment, mark­ing an impor­tant mile­stone for the com­pa­ny as it begins a high­ly antic­i­pat­ed new prod­uct cycle.

We’ll Continue To Play Adobe’s Hot Hand All the Way To the Bank
SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
William Trent sub­mits: Adobe shares trad­ed up about 8% after-hours Thursday night after post­ing $0.29 in earn­ings per share when the street was expect­ing $0.26. The news was so good for our port­fo­lio that we will spend only the briefest moment to poke a hole in [… ]

Adobe releas­es Acrobat 8
Tie-in with Creative Suite and new Web con­fer­enc­ing soft­ware. Adobe has released ver­sion 8.0 of its ubiq­ui­tous Acrobat soft­ware, inte­grat­ing it with an upgrad­ed Creative Suite 2.3 Premium, and adding a new Web-based con­fer­enc­ing ser­vice called Acrobat Connect.

Adobe Unveils CS 2.3, Teases About CS3
Adobe announced that Acrobat 8 Professional soft­ware will be inte­grat­ed into Adobe Creative Suite 2.3 Premium to sup­port Adobe PDF work­flows. In a sep­a­rate indi­ca­tion, Adobe CS3, code-named “Red Pill,” is due out in Spring 2007. Adobe Creative Suite 2.3 Premium also bun­dles Dreamweaver 8. The com­pa­ny says Future ver­sions of Adobe Creative Suite will inte­grate Dreamweaver as a replace­ment for

PDF Backdoors Discovered, Published; Acrobat, Reader Users At Risk for Malicious Payloads
Quark VS InDesign​.com
British secu­ri­ty researcher has dis­cov­ered, proven, and pub­lished ways to use legit­i­mate fea­tures of PDF files to deliv­er mali­cious code pay­loads and even search and retrieve data from any con­nect­ed data source on a tar­get computer. 

Adobe updates Camera Raw 3.5, DNG
Adobe today announced an update to the Camera Raw plug-in for Adobe Photoshop CS2, extend­ing raw file sup­port to five addi­tion­al cam­era mod­els as well as offered an Intel-native ver­sion of its DNG Converter. The Camera Raw 3.5 plug-in builds on the r… 

News: Adobe offers Camera Raw update, Universal DNG Converter
MacCentral Online
Adobe has updat­ed its Camera Raw plug-in with sup­port for new cam­eras, and has also updat­ed its DNG Converter util­i­ty as a Universal binary. 

Adobe Acrobat Reader upgrades, adds new tricks
USATODAY​.com via Yahoo! News
Adobe is trans­form­ing its pop­u­lar Acrobat Reader soft­ware into a mul­ti­me­dia tool. The Reader sits on more than 500 mil­lion PCs and has become the indus­try stan­dard for view­ing dig­i­tal doc­u­ments. Acrobat 8, the soft­ware that com­pa­nies and small busi­ness­es use to cre­ate pop­u­lar PDF dig­i­tal doc­u­ments, will be announced Monday.

Fool on Call: Adobe and the Web’s Superpowers
The Motley Fool
(Before you dive in for the news every­one is look­ing for, take a sec­ond to check out my col­league Stephen Ellis’ write-up on Adobe’s (Nasdaq: ADBE – News) third-quarter results. And now to the juicy, good stuff …)

New fast load­ing Adobe Acrobat adds web conferencing
iTWire – Australia
The influ­ence of its US$3.4 bil­lion Macromedia acqui­si­tion nine months ago shin­ing through, graph­ics soft­ware com­pa­ny Adobe has giv­en its ubiq­ui­tous Acrobat…

Adobe read­ies release of flag­ship Acrobat product
Reuters via Yahoo! News
Adobe Systems Inc. in November will intro­duce the lat­est ver­sion of its flag­ship Acrobat file-sharing prod­uct, mark­ing the design soft­ware mak­er’s first major prod­uct release since its Macromedia acquisition.

Adobe: Microsoft’s Vista, PDF not a Threat
SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Miriam Metzinger sub­mits: On Adobe’s Fiscal 3Q con­fer­ence call, exec­u­tives dis­cuss the impact of Microsoft’s Vista and PDF. Joseph [Bory ] – Deutsche Bank The first ques­tion we have here is just try­ing to under­stand… how the Microsoft Vista launch is going to affect yourself.

The Street’s Enchanted with Adobe’s Outlook
SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Eric Savitz sub­mits: Wow, thats some hefty stack sit­ting on my desk – the stack of Friday morn­ings Adobe Systems research reports. And they are prac­ti­cal­ly glow­ing. The Street is sim­ply enchant­ed with the graph­ics soft­ware com­pa­ny this morning.

Adobe: Acrobat Strength is Across the Board
SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
Miriam Metzinger sub­mits: On Adobe’s Fiscal 3Q con­fer­ence call, exec­u­tives dis­cuss the effects of Acrobat 8’s launch on Creative Suite prod­ucts. Jay Vleeschhouwer – Merrill Lynch …

Adobe soft­ware cre­ates new links to conferencing
San Jose Mercury News
Adobe Systems is launch­ing an updat­ed ver­sion of its pop­u­lar Adobe Acrobat PDF soft­ware today that includes a new Web con­fer­enc­ing function.

Adobe Updates, Rebrands Collaboration Software
Adobe Systems will rebrand the updat­ed ver­sion of Macromedia Breeze under its Acrobat moniker and will ship it—along with a new Acrobat—in November.

Adobe releas­es Acrobat 8, updates Creative Suite
( InfoWorld ) – Adobe Systems on Monday released Acrobat 8, a new ver­sion of its pop­u­lar doc­u­ment author­ing and read­ing soft­ware, and inte­grat­ed it with its upgrad­ed Creative Suite 2.3 Premium. Acrobat 8 now offers Acrobat Connect, which allows online users to dis­cuss and edit doc­u­ments or oth­er mate­r­i­al in a real-time con­fer­ence. The ser­vice is avail­able for a month­ly fee. Also available

Adobe Expands Acrobat For Collaboration
Updated Acrobat and new Adobe Connect empha­size col­lab­o­ra­tion and mul­ti­ple audiences.

1 thought on “Roundup: Adobe Releases New Acrobat 8, Acrobat Connect; Updates Camera RAW, Creative Suite; Dumps GoLive

  1. Rob

    When is any online source going to get this right? GoLive is not being removed from Creative Suite 2.3. It will be removed at a lat­er date. Adobe is toss­ing a copy of Dreamweaver into the exist­ing CS Premium pack­age. GoLive is still part of the Creative Suite for now. Adobe has also specif­i­cal­ly stat­ed that GoLive will be devel­oped as a seper­ate program.

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