Select Color Range Preview Toggle

In Photoshop, Select > Color Range allows you to cre­ate a selec­tion based on sam­pled col­ors. In the Color Range win­dow you see a greyscale pre­view indi­cat­ing the lev­el of selection–which is ful­ly select­ed, black not select­ed, and tones betwee par­tial­ly select­ed. Below the small pre­view are radio but­tons to tog­gle between the selec­tion and the actu­al image, which is use­ful when you can’t eas­i­ly see the entire doc­u­ment win­dow. Rather than click one and then the oth­er to view the dif­fer­ent modes, just hold CMD/CTRL to change the view the oth­er mode–either Selection or Image; release CMD/CTRL to revert.

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