Smart Styles 5 for InDesign

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

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XChange International


That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

This con­test has end­ed. On 2008-02-24 we gave
Smart Styles 5 from Woodwing
To Wolf E. of München, Germany

Congratulations, Wolf! Get some prizes for your­self on our Contests & Giveaways page.

The InDesign Plug-In We Gave Away This Time

Smart Styles

Smart Styles 5
InDesign Plug-In from Woodwing

Smart Styles for InDesign CS, CS2 or CS3 The award-winning Smart Styles auto­mat­ed styling tool deliv­ers pow­er­ful for­mat­ting capa­bil­i­ties to Adobe InDesign CS3 users. This unique soft­ware com­bines object, table and smart text styles into pow­er­ful Smart Styles.

Smart Styles are con­ve­nient­ly stored in libraries and can be applied with a sim­ple drag and drop to set all of the styling attrib­ut­es of the object or group of objects.

Table Styles
Smart Styles 5 allows you to for­mat sin­gle tables, parts of a table, or com­plete text frames and all the tables inside. All attrib­ut­es of a table are set once the intel­li­gent sequence recog­ni­tion is applied. And InDesign’s run­ning head­ers and foot­ers are auto­mat­i­cal­ly applied as well.

Smart Text Styles
Smart Styles com­bines char­ac­ter and para­graph styles and adds intel­li­gence to enable com­plex for­mat­ting of text frames. Unlike InDesign’s nest­ed styles—which Smart Styles sup­port­s— you can have dif­fer­ent char­ac­ter styles any­where in a para­graph. And, if you only want a text selec­tion to be for­mat­ted with a Smart Style, just select your text inside the text frame and drop the Smart Style on the selection.

Flexible approach
Smart Styles allows you to have inde­pen­dent prop­er­ties and attrib­ut­es turned on or off per style, sim­ply by click­ing check box­es in a dia­logue win­dow list­ing all prop­er­ties for the select­ed Smart Style.

Creating Smart Styles
Seeing Smart Styles in action is amaz­ing, but cre­at­ing a Smart Style amazes peo­ple even more. All you have to do is drag and drop a for­mat­ted page item to the Smart Styles palette and the intel­li­gent Smart Styles engine auto­mat­i­cal­ly recog­nis­es its for­mat­ting struc­ture. New in ver­sion 5, users can assign a short­cut to a Smart Style sav­ing even more time.

Smart Styles are stored in one or more stan­dard InDesign library which can be shared eas­i­ly with oth­er users. Text styles and swatch­es used by Smart Styles are auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed when they are not avail­able in the doc­u­ment. Sharing and reusing styles has nev­er been easier.

Modifying Smart Styles
After chang­ing a Smart Style you can update your com­plete doc­u­ment with just a sin­gle click: all items styled with this Smart Style will be updat­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly. And, users can eas­i­ly replace an exist­ing Smart Style by giv­ing it the same name and sav­ing it to the library. With ver­sion 4 these actions have been improved, so that mod­i­fy­ing a Smart Style is even easier.

Object Styling
All page item for­mat­ting prop­er­ties are applied as part of a Smart Style:
stroke, fill, drop shad­ows, trans­paren­cy, cor­ner effects, num­ber of columns, inset, text wrap, and so on… Smart Styles sup­ports CS3’s frame-based grids and object styles by allow­ing users to cre­ate their own frame-based grids and object styles and sav­ing them to the Smart Styles library.

More effi­cient and more fun
Download your tri­al ver­sion today and find out why Smart Styles received the pres­ti­gious Creative Mac award and MacAddict rates Smart Styles “Awesome”
and “Editor’s Choice.”

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