SoftCare Notes Manager for InDesign/InCopy

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is…

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XChange International


That’s all. No pur­chase or song and dance nec­es­sary. A win­ner will be cho­sen at ran­dom from those who enter on this page.

This con­test has end­ed. On 2007-12-16 we gave
SoftCare Notes Manager 3 from SoftCare
To Jean K. of Clifton Park, New York USA

Congratulations, Jean! Get some prizes for your­self on our Contests & Giveaways page.

The InDesign Plug-In We Gave Away This Time

SoftCare Notes Manager

SoftCare Notes Manager 3
InDesign Plug-In from SoftCare

The stan­dard InDesign and InCopy notes fea­ture enables users to cre­ate and edit in-line notes for their own ref­er­ence or in order to exchange infor­ma­tion with oth­er users. The Adobe notes palette dis­plays one note at a time and allows the user to browse notes in the order in which they appear in the text. 

SoftCare Notes Manager enhances this func­tion­al­i­ty with its own palette.

SoftCare Notes Manager offers fil­ters for dis­play­ing notes cre­at­ed by a spe­cif­ic user, or notes edit­ed with­in a cer­tain time­frame. Search results can be sort­ed in mul­ti­ple steps by authour, note con­tent, date of cre­ation and date of last mod­i­fi­ca­tion, offer­ing a quick overview of all rel­e­vant notes. You can see at a glance, for exam­ple, what notes your co-worker added to the file the pre­vi­ous day.

What is more, SoftCare Notes Manager also makes it eas­i­er to nav­i­gate with­in the doc­u­ment. Clicking on an entry in the SoftCare Notes Manager palette selects the cor­re­spond­ing notes anchor on the page and vice ver­sa. Double click­ing an entry in the SoftCare Notes Manager palette will open the stan­dard Adobe notes palette where you can edit or delete the note, or con­vert it to text.

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