I’m still laughing at Quark 6. I’ve seen it. I’ve played with it. It looks nice Cocoa-ized (meaning it runs under, and looks like, a native Mac OS X environment), but it’s the same damn piece of crap we’ve been forced to use for thirteen years. The UI (user interface) is the same clunky, out-of-date, pain-in-the-ass it’s always been… With the sleek Aqua appearance of OS X–Apple’s work, not Quark, Inc’s work. [Screenshot]
And to that I say: Good!
Why? Because I hate Quark. FYI: Very nearly everyone who uses Quark–actually the product is properly called QuarkXPress, but “Quark” suffices–hates Quark. It’s not a fun thing like fans of the band Primus routinely say “Primus Sucks” to signifiy that they actually like the band. We (graphic designers) don’t chant “Quark sucks” because we really do like Quark. Quark genuinely sucks. Since it knocked from the top of the power and flexibility in page layout hill PageMaker in 1991, Quark has been the only game in town for professional grade publishing. Aside: No, Microsoft Publisher is not professional grade.
Since it took center stage in the early Nineties, Quark hasn’t changed. It banked on keeping the UI the same, reducing the learning curve when upgrading to the next version. That means all the annoying dialog boxes, counter-intuitive menus, and uncute quirks in its functionality have stayed in place through five different versions of the product (inclusive of version 6) for more than a decade. That’s like buying the new model of your car every couple of years, but the body style, design mistakes, and everything but the radio and cigarette lighter are identical to the three-year-old car you just traded in. What a pain in the ass it is to use Quark for a living.
With version 6, Quark is still a pain in the ass to use. And to that I say “good!” because InDesign is not the same old, same old. It’s not a pain in the ass to use. It’s beautiful in its simplicity and inspiring in its feature set. InDesign is everything PageMaker was when it first appeared in the mid-Eighties to revolutionize design and kick off the Desktop Publishing Revolution, and it is everything Quark is not. Like my peers who have labored under the monopolistic necessity of Quark all these years, I am passionate about InDesign.
So Quark is Cocoa-ized. It’s still a dying program kept alive only by the legacy of its monopoly. It costs too much for large Quark-based departments to switch their workflows over to InDesign. The vast majority of them will eventually switch to InDesign, but they’ll wait until the economy improves and they can justify the expense in their budgets. Quark finally running under OS X will allow shops that purchase new Macs or have upgraded their existing Macs to OS X to finally run their computers efficiently.
Ok. I’m done giving Quark breath on my blog… For this post, anyway.
Related links for this post:
• Post: Quark 6–PR-Speak to English
• Post: Quark Is Dying. Here’s Why
• Post: Quark: Adobe’s Best Friend
• Quark® website
• Quark® 6 preview
• Adobe® InDesign®
• Adobe® PageMaker®
Nice bit on Quark. I have been fed up to HERE with those people for years, and It’s downright amusing to see thier downward spiral in full swing at last. They did a VERY amusing and slightly offensive demo of 6 at Macwolrd last week, complete with a crash!!
Anyway, i work for a good-size publishing company that makes games (I can’t tell you the name, but it rymes with “Blizzards of the Toast”). Our entire design shop is in the process of migrating to ID right now, a decision that was made a long time ago. So it IS possible for a large shop to dump the chumps, and you bet it will happen quickly now that Quark 6 has shown us how simply super it is.
Thanks for the post, QxP Hater. “Blizzards…” is a large publisher. I’m quite happy to see such a recognizable and creative shop to be dumping the Q and, to quote an Adobe button I once saw at a tradeshow, counting itself In.
Thanks for sharing that with me and with the many lurking Quark and InDesign readers of this blog!
(ok, so I’m backtracking through yer blog. Deal.)
I was in GD school about (gah!) 10 years ago. I remember Quark being this completely counter-intuitive peice of glarb, and I managed to completely kark up my ferst project using it.
Still trying to get used to ID2. I think it would help if I had an actual project, instead of just dinking around.
Oh, and Frame makes my brain hurt.
FrameMaker makes everyone’s brain hurt. I use it (on occasion) and my brain hurts. It’s not a designers’ program; it’s a technical writer’s tool.
I finally got QX 6 in last week after being on about a six month waiting list. In hindsight I got all excited about the multiple undo’s and the enhanced previews, you know stuff that most companies included in their programs from the start. It is nice to see what you are working on, and the undo’s should have been here a long time ago. But alas the program is the same rigid stick in the mud, non user friendly vicious piece of crap we are all accustomed too. I’ve only been out in the field for about 5 years so I’m no where close to making policy at this company. But rest assured I’ll get there and when I do I’ll be damned if a Graphic Designer on my watch ever has to slave over this insane piece of junk. To hell with em’ with their prissy little uppity non customer support having, 25 minutes to save a simple pdf proof assholes. They have bent over this customer for the last time, and hopefully rebellion is on the way.
Hahaha–forgive me-ahahah. Ha. Ha. Ok. I’ve got it under control. Forgive me, but your rant was phrased so humorously. That was funny!
I completely agree with you re: Quark. I got 6 a couple months ago–and saw some of the betas before that–and, yeah, it looked cool. But everything looks cool carbonized. InDesign looks very cool too (and has for a year and a half), but InDesign also works. Quark is…
Quark 6 is the same as Quark 5 is the same as Quark 4 is the same as Quark 3.3.
Have you checked out InDesign? Adobe has resources to help companies make the change to InDesign. You should give them a call and point the Adobe people to your Art Director. Let Adobe fight the battle for you.
Well, please forgive my crudeness, but I wrote that after the progam in question had just locked me up twice. I think was due to a type issue. Leave it to Quark to now tell me what typeface I have to use. I swear no other company in the world could survive alienating their core market like this. I have used InDesign, and it’s great just like slipping on an old baseball cap, it just fits. All the controls are really similar to Illustrator and Pagemaker, and you can tell they kept the Quark user in mind as well with the handy index in the back of the book. I would think that anyone who has to spent more than eight hours a day in Quark would be just as pissed as I am, anyway thanks for giving me a place to vent.
You should read the comments on this other post, Quark Is Dying. Here’s Why. You’re not alone.
Maybe I can help with your typeface issue. What problem are you having with the typeface? What face is it? What format is the font (Type 1, TrueType, OpenType, etc)? Does it work in other programs?
I think that I got the typeface problem worked out. Right now I’m having another issue with 6.0 that I can’t seem to work out. In fact I’ve had to switch back to 5 in order to keep my projects on schedule. When keying in copy or adjusting copy that I’ve pasted into a text box sometimes the space bar won’t work. It’s like the space bar has been set as some kind of shortcut button, because when I press it the contextual menu for the undo’s in the lower left hand corner of the screen pops up. I know that it is not a keyboard issue in OS 9 or X because in any of the other programs I have running on eather operating system everything seems to work fine. Any help you might have to offer would be greatly appreciated, or I guess I could just call Quark support… Ha Ha Ha.
I’ve never heard of that issue. ‘Course, I don’t work in Quark support either. If I did, I wouldn’t be talking to you since you’re a customer, would I?
I, uh… I’m sorry, man. I think–oh, God!–I think you have to call Quark [woman’s scream heard in background].
A font thing I might be able to help with, though. An InDesign thing I could almost certainly help with.
Had to make one flame on QXP 6.
I bought it, threw it on my iBook last month. Then I just upgraded to a 12″ Powerbook, deleted it off the iBook and reinstalled on the Powerbook.
Went to use it and the activation requirement said I was installed on too many computers! Call tech support (which is now based in India and while they speak English fairly well, it takes them forever to undertand what you’ll talking about).
I couldn’t resolve this by phone, ’cause you have to send in a reactivation form by FAX! (everyone else is on e‑mail – hell, most people don’t have access to fax machines any more).
They were suppose to get back to me within 24 hours (gee, glad I wasn’t on a deadline). It’s been three days and I still haven’t heard from Quark. If you go on their website, they’ve deleted the forum section (supposedly to “enhance” it). You got to figure people are going ballistic about this, but there’s no place to complain or share the pain.
Our IT dept at the ad agency I work has announced that it has no plans to upgrade to Quark 6 unless the creatives demand it, instead planning to roll out InDesign 3 in 1st quarter 2004. So far, most ot the creatives are going along with the idea (it was smart of IT to dump ID 2 on all terminals that ungraded to OS X.
Every time I think Quark’s customer service has hit rock bottom, they set the bar even lower.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to vent (you came up in Google when I searched “Quark Sucks!”).
Thanks for taking the time to share your frustrations. As you can see, a number of people vent their frustrations on this and my other Quark-related threads. Even more–a few hundred from the logs–read without responding.
I’d heard about the activation in Quark 6, but I didn’t know it was that strict. So you’re allowed one activation without faxed proof of purchase? Nice. Real nice. Even Microsoft, king of software annoyances, allows two installations before p.o.p. is required.
This thread comes up under “Quark Sucks,” huh? Cool.
Thanks again for posting. Let us know how long it ultimately takes for Quark to reactivate you.
I am a graphic design student in my last year, and all my instructors refuse to even look at InDesign.
I hate quark… it reminds me of system 6.0.4 on my IIcx back in 1989… counter intuitive, ugly (i don’t have quark 6, and i don’t plan on buying it.) and a pain to use.…
Perhaps when Q first came out it was the best in its class, but now it needs to be thrown away…
I have made it a habit to use InDesign when the instructor asks for something to be done in Quark, and my projects always look better than my classmates who used Quark 5. (probably due to the fact that we don’t have postscript printers, so quark prints jaggies everywhere)
As far as price goes, for a student, InDesign is the better choice, as you can get the adobe design bundle (Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign) for only $999 (educational price) or $1199 (retail price).… quark 6 costs $899, and you still need to purchase a vector image program and a raster image program.
InDesign’s ability to import quark documents is priceless, because i can work on quark at school with the instructors hovering over my shoulder, and take it home and import it into InDesign. now if only i could export my InDesign documents to a quark format (and keep all of benefits of InDesign, like transparency)…
Thank you for letting me rant.
I too, found this site by searching for “Quark sucks” on google.
someone should purchase quarksucks.com it seems to be open… :)
1 more on board the Quark sucks train. i bought quarkXpress 6 for mac Os X 10.2 and trying to get this sonofabitch to export a decent looking pdf is goddamn impossible. the export function is like some kind of fucking voodoo ritual, and after reppeated tries it simply refuses to output the pdf.
called customer support, the most pointless excercise i have ever undertaken. The fuck at the other end of the phone pointed me to a link for an Xtension that enables full resolution preview for version 5. were you not listening?!!! i have version 6???! and what good is that going to do me for exporting pdfs?
i have a client’s job locked in the dungeon of this goddamn software because i am utterly unable to create a decent proof. tried saving the job as a eps, it refused
if this software was a person, i would chain-whip that motherfucker to within an inch of his life.
if anybody has any answers for this pdf problem please enlighten me; plan9design@charter.net
Do you have Acrobat? Can you print to Distiller (Create Adobe PDF in version 6)? If not, can you print to PS? I’d be happy to take your PS code and distill it to PDF for you.
I was literally moments away from purchasing Quark online when I found your blog. As I work almost entirely with Illustrator and Photoshop I am certain that I’ll prefer InDesign. Thank you so much for saving me from a lot of frustration working with Quark.
I just got off the phone with my printer and he said they are trying to encourage all their clients to go to InDesign.
That’s great, Almost! Thanks for letting me know about your experience.
So your printer is actually encouraging clients to use InDesign? Holy cow! Hell has frozen over!
A Quark “Feature” Listing
Below is my ever-growing list of Quark issues, as I realize them, compiled under three main headings. Somewhere, someone should start a listing of Users’ Quark and InDesign by Fault & Feature, so that the real user community can compare the two.
Aaaanyway, here’s MY list:
1. No way to update imagery (to different name) short of “hiding & replacing” it.
2. Lousy linkage of formats for preview in Open dialog. JPEG, PDF,
3. Horrible screen color accuracy.
4. Lousy PDF import compatibility.
5. Completely incomplete undos. Guess we should be darn thankful we can multi-undo anything at all.
6. Adding colors requires Menu item.
7. Step and Repeat key command conflicts with MAC OS X Dock Hide command
9. No Style adds in palette! Editing a style still requires three or four “OK“s, some of which require mouse action!
10. Can’t apply any attributes to multiple objects, even text or stroke attibutes when objects are EXACTLY THE SAME!
11. Lousy control in enlarging, and manip., when guide snaps become very annoying.
12. No display of quark doc contents in Finder preview wdw. So many other apps do this!
13. Lousy control over graphic objects (keeping lines straight when editing, etc.)
14. No multiple windows for viewing/work.
15. No previews from dialogs (only a few “Apply“s that require a click to update).
16. Horrible feedback hueritics: no way to assess delta x/y, etc.
17. File browsing can’t remember anything!
1. Had to change the Zoom key command, didn’t they. Is there a more strenuous finger combination than the forefinger-thumb-together? Oh, yes, add the middle finger and rotate ‑40 degrees for Zoom Out.
2. Hacker dbl- click required in OS X Browser dialog. New folder create also results in backing out to parent, then hangs- so requires further backout to save to new folder.
3. Lost rewrap preview when resizing text boxes (this was SO useful!)
4. Skiddish Print settings can’t remember what is what.
1. Quark just can’t get over the Menu thing, can they? No options derived from palettes, what palletes are provided are clunky, wasteful, redundent, and look as if they’re from the Windows 95 GUI.
2. Status bar looks like it is half completed. Click arrows look and work in different ways, leaving some useful attributes out in each.
1. Traaaaansparency! Hello, Quark? ID can apply transparency to any thing, from five different approaches, EVEN vector EPS’s!
2. Import of native PSD’s. I know–you say, “low blow,” but not embracing another developer’s standards in spite of the needs of your users, when YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A COMPETING PRODUCT is, well, moronic.
3. Better (read: better on a STELLAR level) type and typography control.
I totally agree with all the comments. I’m a senior publication specialist in our international dtp department. We typeset in numerous languages for clients all round the world. Quark 6 has caused us so many problems. It doesn’t support unicode or Opentype and wont work with any of the language fonts we use. We are having to reencode our fonts so they work in Quark 6 – crazy!
Many of our big clients have just about had it with Quark and when we show them what InDesign can do their jaws are on the floor. As far as I’m concerned Indesign win hands down. If you need to work in a multilingual environment stay well way Quark, Indesign make the whole process so sweet.