Over on the Design Weblog I answered some mail asking for advice for dealing with printers and service bureaus who don’t want you to switch to InDesign. Here’s a short excerpt:
Switching To InDesign From Quark and Service Providers Who Won’t Take InDesign Files
Service providers will adapt to InDesign. They don’t have a choice. No matter how much they bitch and bluster, just like they did twenty years ago about PostScript and DTP, just like they did twelve years ago about Quark, they will begrudgingly adopt InDesign. How soon they do is up to designers, not the service providers.
I agree with you wholeheartedly! As soon as I switched to OSX, out the window with Quark. InDesign will reign soon.
We would be happy to provide any company looking to find a cost effective and efficient way of converting documents from in-deisgn to Quark with conversion services.
Please get in touch at abigail@fingerprint.eu.com