Switching To InDesign, Service Providers Who Resist

Over on the Design Weblog I answered some mail ask­ing for advice for deal­ing with print­ers and ser­vice bureaus who don’t want you to switch to InDesign. Here’s a short excerpt:

Switching To InDesign From Quark and Service Providers Who Won’t Take InDesign Files

Service providers will adapt to InDesign. They don’t have a choice. No mat­ter how much they bitch and blus­ter, just like they did twen­ty years ago about PostScript and DTP, just like they did twelve years ago about Quark, they will begrudg­ing­ly adopt InDesign. How soon they do is up to design­ers, not the ser­vice providers. 

2 thoughts on “Switching To InDesign, Service Providers Who Resist

  1. Cyndi

    I agree with you whole­heart­ed­ly! As soon as I switched to OSX, out the win­dow with Quark. InDesign will reign soon.

  2. Abigail Athaide

    We would be hap­py to pro­vide any com­pa­ny look­ing to find a cost effec­tive and effi­cient way of con­vert­ing doc­u­ments from in-deisgn to Quark with con­ver­sion services.

    Please get in touch at abigail@​fingerprint.​eu.​com

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