The Art Institutes Upgrades to QuarkXPress 7

Upgrade strengthens strategic partnership between Quark and The Art Institutes

Press Release:

DENVER –(Quark, Inc)–June 6, 2006 –Quark Inc. announced today that The Art Institutes is upgrad­ing 3,800 seats at its 32 school loca­tions to QuarkXPress 7 in time for fall quar­ter 2006. By adopt­ing QuarkXPress 7, The Art Institutes will remain in sync with indus­try stan­dards in the graph­ic arts field by train­ing stu­dents to use the inno­v­a­tive new upgrade of the lead­ing design and pub­lish­ing soft­ware application.

Students will be able to take advan­tage of the cutting-edge fea­tures in QuarkXPress 7 â€” such as Composition Zones — to bring new lev­els of col­lab­o­ra­tion to their group projects, allow­ing stu­dents to be more pro­duc­tive and effi­cient. In addi­tion, the color-based trans­paren­cy and drop shad­ows fea­tures will enable stu­dents to cre­ate stun­ning visu­als, while enhanced out­put capa­bil­i­ties and native PDF sup­port will allow stu­dents to pro­duce their work quick­ly and effi­cient­ly — an impor­tant part of the learn­ing process.

“With QuarkXPress 7 includ­ed in The Art Institutes cur­ricu­lum, every major cre­ative mar­ket will have a well-educated pool of stu­dents with up-to-date skills and knowl­edge about the new fea­tures of QuarkXPress,” said Rich Moore, vice pres­i­dent of aca­d­e­m­ic tech­nol­o­gy for The Art Institutes. “Quark has exten­sive offer­ings in every major mar­ket of the graph­ic arts indus­try, and we are proud to edu­cate our stu­dents on the ground­break­ing new release of QuarkXPress and pre­pare them for suc­cess in graph­ic arts, design, and pub­lish­ing careers.”

“The graph­ic arts class­es at The Art Institutes pro­vide a rich bal­ance of tech­ni­cal knowl­edge and cre­ative devel­op­ment, a cur­ricu­lum approach that Quark val­ues highly,” said Richard Pasewark, senior vice pres­i­dent of sales and mar­ket­ing at Quark. “Quark is com­mit­ted to bring­ing the edu­ca­tion com­mu­ni­ty the tools its needs so that stu­dents can express their cre­ativ­i­ty and expand their design skills as an impor­tant part of their learn­ing experience.”

About Quark

Quark Inc. (www​.quark​.com) is an industry-leading soft­ware com­pa­ny pro­vid­ing design, pro­duc­tion, and col­lab­o­ra­tion solu­tions that are trans­form­ing the busi­ness of cre­ative com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Quark has pro­vid­ed award-winning soft­ware for pro­fes­sion­al pub­lish­ers since its flag­ship prod­uct, QuarkXPress, changed the course of tra­di­tion­al pub­lish­ing. Founded in 1981, Denver-based Quark Inc. is pri­vate­ly held.

About The Art Institutes:

The Art Institutes (www​.artin​sti​tutes​.edu), with 32 edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tions locat­ed through­out North America, pro­vide an impor­tant source of design, media arts, fash­ion, and culi­nary arts professionals.

QuarkXPress 7, The Art Institutes

13 thoughts on “The Art Institutes Upgrades to QuarkXPress 7

  1. Skyline

    Does Art Institute also offer train­ing in InDesign? If not, I don’t think I’d be enrolling there for my edu­ca­tion­al needs.

    In today’s Real World, one should be pro­fi­cient in both ID and Quark. What you CHOOSE to use, when you have a choice, is a dif­fer­ent mat­ter. But you should know both.

  2. Brady J. Frey

    The Art insti­tute also fails , atleast in regards to their san fran­cis­co branch, in teach­ing web stan­dards in their web design cours­es – so it would be only fit­ting if they lag in the print pro­duc­tion area as well. By lag, if as sky­line ques­tioned, they don’t teach both ends of the spec­trum – I know a few Quark firms in this area, but no artist is die hard for it – it typ­i­cal­ly comes with a sly lament about the old days, and InDesign con­tin­ues with peak inter­est. Regardless I am in agree­ment, what­ev­er your choice, please give these stu­dents real world tal­ent. As a CD, I am over­ly frus­trat­ed by retrain­ing our cur­rent assis­tants, some who grad­u­at­ed from that col­lege. Much to my com­plaints http://​www​.pull​toin​flate​.com/​2​0​0​6​/​0​3​/​1​6​/​t​h​e​-​f​a​i​l​u​r​e​-​o​f​-​c​o​l​l​e​g​e​s​-​a​n​d​-​u​n​i​v​e​r​s​i​t​i​e​s​-​i​n​-​w​e​b​-​d​esign/

  3. Samuel John Klein

    Now, I’ve nev­er made it a secret that I have a low­ly, hum­ble GD degree from a com­mu­ni­ty col­lege. But what an edu­ca­tion it was–we had kick-ass (if you’ll excuse the expres­sion) instruc­tors who real­ly seemed to grok why design­ers designed and why they had to do it and even the most basic tool course made an attempt to explain how and why we used the tools we used.

    The rea­son I men­tioned this is that Brady’s com­ment made me think of an episode in one of the lay­out class­es I had. One of my class­mates had brought in a Quark file from a “Real Design School” stu­dent. We broke it open and were aghast at all the mul­ti­ple hard-returns they used to space out para­graphs. What, we thought, did­n’t they teach them about space before/space after.

    Maybe it was uppi­ty of us, but we all could­n’t help gig­gling. Here we were, tech­ni­cal school stu­dents, and we were look­ing at this file with all these pil­crows in it, think­ing that since they were trained at The Art Institutes, they should have known better.

    I was for­tu­nate enough to be going to school just as the col­lege’s pro­gram was tran­si­ti­ion­ing from Quark to InDesign. I have both CS2 and QuarkXPress 6.5 on my per­son­al machine, and break QXP out occai­sion­al­ly to just play with it. I plan on upgrad­ing to QXP7 when I can, because I think it’s impor­tant to keep up. But I keep my eyes on the job ads local­ly, and when they do men­tion soft­ware, they seem to men­tion InD more and more and Quark less. And one has no trou­ble at all local­ly find­ing a bureau that accepts InD.

  4. Skyline

    I’ve hired AI grads who were taught they could spec Pantone col­ors in a CMYK work­flow, “and the print­er would take care of that.” You would think “pro­fes­sion­als” who teach at AI would know that there can be a huge col­or shift from spot Pantone to CMYK, and would instruct to start with CMYK builds instead of Pantone col­ors. If it were Devry “College” or some school that spe­cial­izes in train­ing diesel mechan­ics you could under­stand, but this is the “pres­ti­gious” Art Institute!

  5. Samuel John Klein


    I’ve hired AI grads who were taught they could spec Pantone col­ors in a CMYK work­flow, “and the print­er would take care of that.”

    That would have been the quick­est way to a fail­ing grade in the cours­es I took that you could name.

  6. woz

    I sup­pose they do work with indeis­gn. I just googled a bit and found sev­er­al PDF files for the stu­dents. If you check the cre­ator in Acrobat it says ‘Adobe InDesign 4.x’ Seems to me the school uses InDesign for their own work. They just also teach a bit of Quark. For them­selves they use InDesign. And go easy on the stu­dents… We all had to learn. Most stu­dents my com­pa­ny enlists (teach pro­gram with local uni­ver­si­ty) don’t know shit and think they’re just bril­liant. Takes about 5 min. flat to show them just what they know and esp. what they don’t know. But after the 3 or 6 months with us in the real word they can kick the teach­ers ass!

  7. Samuel John Klein

    Actually, in my GD pro­gram, I learnt not only Quark and Indy but also Pagemaker. There was a term of Pagemaker tought out of one of those delight­ful “Against the Clock” books, over­seen by a Print Tech instruc­tor. It was a way to intro­duce us, to whom most DTP was MS Word, to real DTP. Opened my eyes in a major way.

    I will also for­ev­er hate win­dow­shade text frames, but that’s anoth­er program.

    Since the GD dept at the col­lege has moved toward being more Indy-centric and PM is ever-so-slowly rid­ing off into retire­ment, Quark has moved down the totem-pole to the Intro-to-Layout rung. So stu­dents there still learn both, but not quite to the degree I end­ed up doing.

    Looking back at the orig­i­nal press release and woz’s ear­li­er com­ment, I also remem­ber that press releas­es, of course, are geared to mak­ing the sub­ject of press release look good (this is not here being cit­ed as a “bad thing”), but I do note that whilst the PR says that Quark 7 was adopt­ed at TAI, this is not quite the same thing as Quark say­ing TAI has gone exclu­sive with them. It is quite pos­si­ble that they are teach­ing both systems. 

    It’s been point­ed out here that, regard­less of how one feels about each appli­ca­tion, the wise make them­selves biligual if they can at all.

  8. Nancy Dick

    I teach InDesign and Quark (also Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator) at a tech­ni­cal col­lege, and stu­dents pre­fer InDesign over Quark by a 9–1 ratio. I’m reluc­tant­ly upgrad­ing to Quark 7 for our pro­gram, because Quark’s prob­a­bly still going to have some mar­ket share, but am going to offer it as an elec­tive and make InDesign the core requirement. 

    Regarding Art Institute, if in fact grad­u­ates aren’t able to cor­rect­ly call out CMYK and Pantone col­ors in their files, that’s cer­tain­ly unac­cept­able. But I have to say that when I came to teach­ing from indus­try 7 years ago, I thought teach­ing this stuff would be a piece of cake (it’s not rock­et sci­ence, after all). But it’s a chal­lenge to keep stu­dents engaged in the tech­ni­cal pieces (file for­mats, col­or spaces, etc.) which we know are so crit­i­cal in the work­place. I guess my com­ment is that teach­ing this stuff is not as easy as it looks, and stu­dents are wowed by the “cool” design tools and invest less ener­gy in learn­ing the how-to’s. I’ve had many grad­u­ates come back and thank me for insist­ing they learn the “bor­ing” tech­ni­cal aspects, because those were essen­tial when they reached the workplace.

    Nancy Dick
    Adobe Certified Print Instructor
    Lake Washington Technical College
    Kirkland, WA

  9. Clint

    Nothing to add here oth­er than I love this site!

  10. Pingback: pull to inflate » Blog Archive » Print Production: A many part series

  11. Peter

    All above com­ments seem to miss the point. Quark 7 is not your gram­pa’s Quark. It has so many new tech­nolo­gies that are wor­thy of trea­tis­es them­selves that it’s a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for stu­dents to learn new ways to work. Try teach­ing Collaboration Zones or Job Jackets or Color-based trans­paren­cy and cast shad­ows or shad­ow orphans or Web Layout or Sychronized items in mul­ti­ple Layouts in an InDesign class. Please real­ize folks, InDesign is not near­ly as inno­v­a­tive as you make it out to be (it was last year) and it’s slow as a dog on MacTels…especially com­pared to Universal Binary Quark. The Institutes are the first of many schools to renew.

  12. woz

    Well ofcourse its slow. On INTELS. But we work with G5’s only. There are no INTEL G6 (?) for sale. Quark’s done a great job IF Q. actu­al­ly works well on INTEL’s. I under­stand they are yet to release the INTEL ver­sion? But I do under­stand Adobe’s point of view. They’ve got more then one pro­gram to port and no pro­fes­sion­als that will trow out their G5 for an iMac or Mac Mini. Quark did beat Adobe to it, I’ll grant you that.

  13. Skyline

    I’d real­ly like to hear some reports from the trench­es about how bug­gy Quark 7 is, and how the learn­ing curve is. Not more “expert” report­ing, but Real World expe­ri­ences of aver­age users.

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