Ugh! I Should Have Done That on a Master Page!

One of the real­ly nice things about InDesign is its lib­er­al pol­i­cy of undo/redo. It invites experimentation.

Ever exper­i­ment your­self into wish­ing you’d start­ed on a mas­ter page instead of a doc­u­ment page? Say, maybe you put togeth­er the per­fect page, using objects on mul­ti­ple lay­ers, but want to apply it to the whole doc­u­ment? You could select all (CMD+A [CTRL+A]), turn on Paste Remembers Layers (Layer palette menu), cre­ate a new mas­ter page (New Master from the Pages palette menu), then Paste In Place (CMD+OPT+SHIFT+V [CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+V]).

Or, you can just select Save As Master from the Pages palette fly­out menu. Instant mas­ter page from the cur­rent page.

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