Unthread Text Frames

To unthread text frames with­out delet­ing the frames them­selves, double-click the out port on the first frame (or the last frame you want to remain thread­ed in the sto­ry). The sto­ry will roll back into that frame (most like­ly over­set­ting the text), while all sub­se­quent frames will unthread, leav­ing them emp­ty and ready to receive new text.

1 thought on “Unthread Text Frames

  1. peevedNconfused

    I’m not sure why, but this does­n’t work for me. When I dou­ble click on either the out-port of the source text box or the in-port of the des­ti­na­tion text box, it just cre­ates a new, linked text box. It’s infu­ri­at­ing. Clicking on the out-port of one and then the in-port of anoth­er does­n’t work, either. The only way I can kill off text threads is to delete all the text box­es that I don’t want linked. Usually, I want to keep the text box­es, but not the links. Sheesh! It’s not enough to make me go back to Quark, but it does­n’t leave me singing the prais­es of InDesign, either.

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