Win Illustrator CS2 @Work

Win one of five signed copies of Pariah S. Burke's acclaimed project-based book Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work in's weekly giveaway.

Adobe Illustrator CS2 @ Work by Pariah S. Burke
Adobe Illustrator CS2 @ Work

Unlike any soft­ware book you’ve ever read, Adobe Illustrator CS2 @Work by Pariah S. Burke teach­es how and why to use the world’s great­est draw­ing pro­gram through real world projects com­plet­ed every­day, on the job, by work­ing graph­ic design­ers and illus­tra­tors. Practical advice on plan­ning and bud­get­ing, over­com­ing your fear of Illustrator, know­ing your rights, and nego­ti­at­ing with clients take this enter­tain­ing and confidence-building book even far­ther beyond the realm of just anoth­er soft­ware book.

Using the author’s project files or your own, let Adobe Illustrator CS2 @Work take you from blank page to pol­ished deliv­er­able with con­fi­dence. Projects include:

  1. Designing a Logo (From Scratch or From a Scan)
  2. Adding Logos and Artwork to Non-Flat Objects
  3. Designing Corporate Identity Material
  4. Illustrating an (Almost) Photo-Realistic Poster
  5. Designing Product Packaging
  6. Creating 3D Product Packaging Mockups
  7. Designing a Tri-Fold Brochure
  8. Designing and Color Proofing a Magazine Advertisement
  9. Designing a DVD Package
  10. Designing a Website and Flash Animation
  11. Creating Graphs for a Report

Enter to win your copy of Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work from Creativepro​.com and Pariah S. Burke today!

3 thoughts on “Win Illustrator CS2 @Work

  1. Charlie

    Illustrator SUCKS! Slow, crap­py, coun­ter­in­tu­itive, bug­gy, bloat­ware. Did I men­r­tion that Illustrator sucks?!

  2. Luc

    Yes, Illustrator real­ly sucks, design­ers of the world, get back to Free Hand!!!

  3. lcarney

    I like illus­tra­tor, it nev­er did any­thing bad to me

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