WoodWing Introduces Smart Newspaper


A Special Suite of Solutions for the Newspaper Market 

DETROIT — 9 October 2006— WoodWing USA has announced a new bun­dled suite of its edi­to­r­i­al solu­tions aimed specif­i­cal­ly at the news­pa­per indus­try. Called Smart Newspaper™, it includes some of WoodWing Software’s™ most pop­u­lar and pow­er­ful edi­to­r­i­al solutions.

Smart Newspaper™ fea­tures spe­cial pric­ing and unbeat­able sup­port that will make it an appeal­ing deal for news­pa­pers of any size.

Our prod­ucts are the indus­try lead­ers for all seg­ments of the pub­lish­ing indus­try, and we’re espe­cial­ly strong in the news­pa­per mar­ket,” said Brian Kruger, CEO of WoodWing USA. “By cre­at­ing Smart Newspaper™, we’re pack­ag­ing togeth­er all the solu­tions that a news­pa­per needs. No mat­ter what size they are, if a news­pa­per is using InDesign®, Smart Newspaper™ is going to make life eas­i­er for edi­to­r­i­al staffers, and it’s going to save the pub­lish­er money.”

The prod­ucts in Smart Newspaper™ include:

  • The industry-leading Smart Connection™ edi­to­r­i­al sys­tem. Smart Connection is the most ver­sa­tile and scal­able edi­to­r­i­al work­flow solu­tion for InDesign and InCopy. Smart Connection’s unique scal­a­bil­i­ty starts with the Pro ver­sion and scales up to the three-tier Enterprise ver­sion, which serves some of the largest pub­lish­ing com­pa­nies of the world.
  • Smart Styles™. Whether it’s sports agate or cal­en­dar list­ings, news­pa­per staffers spend count­less hours for­mat­ting copy. Smart Styles™ allows the user to style com­pli­cat­ed tables, lists and oth­er items with a sin­gle click.
  • Smart Layout™. By intro­duc­ing the “Article” con­cept to InDesign, Smart Layout™ speeds up and stream­lines the lay­out process, and allows the user to eas­i­ly wrap text around ads on a page.
  • Smart Wire™. Wire sto­ries flow seam­less­ly into the news­pa­per’s sys­tem, with all the right cod­ing for bylines, attri­bu­tions, date­lines and body copy.
  • Smart Mover™. Smart Mover™ is an inte­grat­ed work­flow and file manip­u­la­tion tool that allows the user to auto­mate time-consuming tasks and processes.

In addi­tion to those prod­ucts, Smart Newspaper™ also con­tains out­stand­ing sup­port and the abil­i­ty to have WoodWing design indi­vid­ual tem­plates for any publication.

About WoodWing
Since 1997, WoodWing Software™ engi­neers have worked with the Adobe InDesign® engi­neer­ing team to devel­op plug-ins and solu­tions for Adobe InDesign® and InCopy®. Through a com­bi­na­tion of pub­lish­ing indus­try expe­ri­ence and a deep knowl­edge of the Adobe InDesign/InCopy® archi­tec­ture, WoodWing Software™ offers solu­tions, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tools and plug-ins that make pub­lish­ing with these pro­grams faster, eas­i­er and much more effective.

1 thought on “WoodWing Introduces Smart Newspaper

  1. Niglium

    I won­dered if there’s a way of put a new arti­cle in a page divid­ed into 4 rows by exam­ple and this new arti­cle moves down and all the arti­cles in next pages by the amount of the new arti­cle ¿smart moving?

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