XChange International announce the release of CopyFlow Gold for QuarkXPress 7 for Mac/Universal Binary & Windows


LONDON–January 12, 2007–XChange International, the source for extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy world­wide, are pleased to announce the release of CopyFlow Gold for QuarkXPress v7 with sup­port for Universal Binary. CopyFlow Gold adds pow­er­ful page-assembly capa­bil­i­ties to QuarkXPress and pro­vides menu selec­tions which enable end users to auto­mat­i­cal­ly import and export mul­ti­ple linked text sto­ries to and from Quark doc­u­ments, even those in dif­fer­ent text chains. CopyFlow Gold is par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful where vol­ume is high, pro­duc­tion involves mul­ti­ple revi­sions, and dead­lines are tight.

Features include batch pro­cess­ing of text, auto­mate pag­i­na­tion and re-purposing of text con­tent. CopyFlow Gold pro­vides tools for nam­ing Quark text frames indi­vid­u­al­ly and for iden­ti­fy­ing fold­ers from which text may be batch import­ed and export­ed. An includ­ed Namer tool allows for the auto­mat­ic nam­ing of frames, a very use­ful fea­ture when many frames are involved. Using the Batch Import tool, users can rapid­ly import con­tent into text box­es of an Quark doc­u­ment. In addi­tion, file types are fil­tered using the same log­ic that applies to Quark¹s text fil­ters. Text files can then be batch export­ed from Quark into RTF or tagged text files for fur­ther edit­ing or re-purposing.

Usage exam­ples:
– Book Production ‹ Use CopyFlow Gold to import all the text and ele­ments for book chap­ters as a batch process, even across a net­work from mul­ti­ple loca­tions and in mul­ti­ple file for­mats. Proof page lay­outs with all ele­ments in posi­tion, then export text files which require revi­sions back to the orig­i­na­tor or edi­tor. Multiple revi­sion pass­es are more man­age­able with CopyFlow Gold con­trol­ling import and export. Once revi­sions are com­plet­ed, quick­ly reassem­ble fin­ished chap­ters auto­mat­i­cal­ly for output.
– Translations ‹ Automatically name all text frames in an exist­ing Quark doc­u­ment, export all of the text into a sin­gle com­pos­ite tagged file, sub­mit this file to the trans­la­tion appli­ca­tion of choice, and reim­port the trans­lat­ed text into the same Quark document.
– Database Publishing ‹ Use the report gen­er­a­tor in a data­base appli­ca­tion to auto­mat­i­cal­ly tag fields with lay­out frame names and cre­ate an input text file. Then pre­pare Quark lay­outs with cor­re­spond­ing frame names for page ele­ments. Finally, batch import the file or files using CopyFlow Gold and quick­ly build cat­a­logues or directories.

Features at a glance:
– Advanced Auto-Naming and group­ing of text and pic­ture box­es – Import and Export using any stan­dard QuarkXPress fil­ter – Export all the text in a Quark doc­u­ment into a sin­gle file of XPress Tags which can be batch re-imported into the Quark doc­u­ment or a copy of the Quark doc­u­ment after lan­guage trans­la­tion or oth­er processing.
– Batch Import and Export Quark XPress tags in ASCII or Unicode UTF-16 – AppleScript sup­port for CopyFlow Gold
– Naming boxes
– Batch Import
– Batch Export
– Batch Flush
– Picture Import and Export ‹ Export low res­o­lu­tion pre­views or high res­o­lu­tion images

System Requirements:
Macintosh OS X 10.4
Windows XP
QuarkXPress 7 for PPC/Intel Macs (Universal Binary XT) or Windows XP

CopyFlow Gold for QuarkXPress is avail­able now through XChange International. To order, or for more infor­ma­tion, users can vis­it www​.xchangeuk​.com, or call on +44(0)20 7490 4455 dur­ing UK busi­ness hours.
Email address is info@​xchangeuk.​com.

XChange International are a lead­ing sup­pli­er of desk­top graph­ic and pub­lish­ing appli­ca­tions, QuarkXTension® tech­nol­o­gy; Adobe InDesign®, Acrobat® and Photoshop® Plug-ins® and oth­er design and pub­lish­ing utilities.
XChange source extend­ed tech­nol­o­gy prod­ucts from across the world spe­cif­ic to the graph­ic design, print and pub­lish­ing indus­tries and make them avail­able to an exten­sive user base via their print­ed cat­a­logue or online at their web site. The com­pa­ny are head­quar­tered in Central London and also offer spe­cial­ist train­ing on many of the solu­tions they sell.

1 thought on “XChange International announce the release of CopyFlow Gold for QuarkXPress 7 for Mac/Universal Binary & Windows

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