XTension News: Badia's free Vista and ReplaceInPlace

Two useful free XTensions from Badia Software add good functionality; must-have XTensions

Badia Software (http://​www​.badi​axt​.com) is a cre­ator of XTensions, those add-ons that bring increased func­tion­al­i­ty to QuarkXPress. As a way of get­ting XPress users to look over their range, they offer not just one or two but four free XTensions, which are avail­able by going to their web­site and click­ing on the “Freebies” section. 

Two of these free­bies, “Vistas” and “ReplaceInPlace”, pro­vide such great func­tion­al­i­ty and work so well, you’ll think you’re get­ting away with some­thing. But you real­ly are get­ting some­thing good for nothing.

Badia Vistas

Badia Vistas is an exten­sion that pro­vides a graph­i­cal nav­i­ga­tion palette, some­what rem­i­nis­cent of InDesign’s Navigation Palette, to XPress. Badia’s own copy pro­claims it “ele­gant and easy to use”, and they don’t over­sell: the lay­out is clear, con­trols sim­ply laid out and intu­itive to use (lim­it­ed to a “pre­vi­ous view” but­ton, a slid­er that con­trols a very live­ly live-zoom, and a pull­down allow­ing instant jumps to any oth­er spread in the document). 

Badia Vistas xtension in action
Badia Vistas nav­i­ga­tion palette in action.

Vistas also pro­vides not-so-obvious-but-powerful pan­ning and recen­ter­ing of the view by sim­ply click­ing on the pre­view thumb­nail, and a very quick zoom by the drag­ging of a box on the preview.

Accessing the palette is accom­plished by Window>Show Badia Vistas.

Badia Vistas is a free down­load which works with QuarkXPress ver­sions 4.1–6, for both Windows and Macintosh platforms.

Badia ReplaceInPlace

InDesign users are famil­iar with updat­ing images quick­ly by using the Place com­mand and check­ing the Replace box. QuarkXPress does­n’t have this functionality-that is, until you install Badia’s ReplaceInPlace XTension.

Badia ReplaceInPlace xtension in action
Badia ReplaceInPlace in action in the Get Picture dialog

As with the Vistas XTension, the inter­ac­tion with XPress is sim­ple, direct, and intu­itive. ReplaceInPlace adds a new tab to the Get Picture (CMD‑E) dia­log, titled “Replace in Place”. Revealing the tab shows just one check box, “Retain Previous Picture Attributes”, giv­ing the XPress user the high­ly desir­able abil­i­ty to, for exam­ple, replace a low-res ver­sion of a pic­ture with a high-res ver­sion with­out hav­ing to resize and move the content.

Badia ReplaceInPlace is a free down­load as well, but only for XPress 6.x users on the Mac platform-sorry, Wintel users.

Both Vistas and ReplaceInPlace work well and are plea­sures to use. In test­ing them out I found no prob­lems or hitch­es in use.

Badia's XTension Range

Vistas and ReplaceInPlace aren’t the only free­bies on the Badia site, how­ev­er. PageFrame allows the lay­out artist to print a frame around the page or spread; sim­ple con­trols allow spec­i­fi­ca­tion of col­or and line style; OpenNow not only gives pic­ture file infor­ma­tion at a sim­ple double-click, but allows quick edit­ing in the orig­i­nal appli­ca­tion, sim­i­lar to InDesign’s “Edit Original” command.

Their for-price prod­uct list shows a selec­tion of worth­while soft­ware as well. Most inter­est­ing seems to be the FullMeasure XTension, which pro­vides an improved ver­sion of XPress’s Measurements Palette, giv­ing tabbed access to an enor­mous amount of XPress func­tions and com­mands. It’s XPress’s Measurements Palette on steroids. 

Prices go from $49.99 to $99.99 for Badia’s prod­uct line, with upgrade pric­ing avail­able for cur­rent own­ers of old­er ver­sions of thi­er XTensions and 5- and 10-user licens­es available.

Badia’s selec­tion of XTensions pro­vide clear val­ue to the XPress-based lay­out artist, and thi­er free­bies are def­i­nite must-haves.

To grab the free­bies, go to http://​www​.badi​axt​.com/​f​r​e​e​b​i​e​s.html and select from the list. To exam­ine their prod­uct line, go to thi­er home page.

3 thoughts on “XTension News: Badia's free Vista and ReplaceInPlace

  1. Samuel

    If some­one has had chance to work on Xpress 7, please update all of us.

  2. Thomas

    Ooops, You are wrong. Badia Replace In Place XT con­flicts. I saw many prob­lems my cus­tomers using the Replace in Place XT, caus­ing images not being updat­ed, when changig dimen­sion to the image.
    (Like placed image was 72 dpi, changed in pho­to­shop to 300dpi, dimen­sion must change in pic­ture box now, but with the pres­ence of the Badia XT, the image was not updated.)
    One had to open quark doc whit option key to correct.

  3. Samuel John Klein

    Quoting Thomas:

    (Like placed image was 72 dpi, changed in pho­to­shop to 300dpi, dimen­sion must change in pic­ture box now, but with the pres­ence of the Badia XT, the image was not updated.) 

    That is an inter­est­ing problem.

    For the record, I test things like this on my home sys­tem. My con­fig­u­ra­tion is:PowerMacG4, 1.25GHz; Mac OS X 10.3.7; QuarkXPress 6.5.
    When I tried out the XTension, the pic­ture dimen­sions did­n’t change either; how­ev­er I under­stood that that was the point of ReplaceInPlace-to rein­sert a pic­ture with­out hav­ing to resize and repo­si­tion it. That’s where I see the val­ue in it, any­way. Of course, if you’d like tofol­low up to clear me up on exact­ly what what meant (If I missed your point) feel free to do just that. In the mean­time, I’ll do a lit­tle more play­ing around with it.

    I still rec­om­mend this XTension (it’s free, and if it does­n’t work you can always trash it), but I would advise read­ers to take Thomas’s com­ment into account, and remind every­one that while I can try­out any giv­en XTension to a cer­tain degree, I can­not guar­an­tee that any XTension will nec­es­sar­i­ly work with­out flaw on your set­up. As always, caveat emp­tor.

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