Notice to PR Agencies

I just sent the below e‑mail in response to a “HairMax LaserComb” laser hair ther­a­py press release deliv­ered to me an hour ago as part of an e‑mail blast. The …

I Love Busy Days

Deadlines. Writing. Designing. Editing a let­ter for my girl­friend. Web design and cod­ing (4 sites simul­ta­ne­ous­ly). Scheduling a speak­ing engage­ment for November. Negotiating my fee for same. Writing ques­tions for a soft­ware certification …

I Wept Teaching A Class Today

Today was my last day work­ing in Colorado Springs. I fly out ear­ly tomor­row morn­ing. Because I am so pas­sion­ate about InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc., about the graph­ics indus­try, and about sharing …