Life Cycle of DTP

PageMaker, a true piece of his­to­ry, birthed the Desktop Publishing Revolution, lead­ing it through its infan­cy. Quark was the adoles­ence of the bur­geon­ing Desktop Publishing indus­try, rebel­lious and impetu­ous. InDesign is …

Welcome To Adobe GoLive

For the love of mike, folks, change the damn title! The below link will run a Google search for the phrase “wel­come to Adobe GoLive”. It will give you more than …

Going (Ding)Bat-ty

From here, kadyelle­bee: “fonty­ness” June 28, 2003, I wound up fol­low­ing a trail that led me to an incred­i­ble ding­bat and fleu­ron resource here: FontGarden Dingbats. Sample from’s ding­bats Most of …