I'm At Powells!

Powells Bookstore, a mas­sive Portland book­seller that has become a region­al must-see tourist attrac­tion, lists my books. Check it out: Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work: Projects You Can Use on the Job Special Edition: Using …

RSS Calendars

I just stum­bled across the below ser­vice. It’s new and still in beta, but looks promis­ing. Check it out. RSSCalendar RSSCalendar is an excit­ing new way for indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions to …

Update: My Illustrator CS2 Books

Wednesday morn­ing I deliv­ered my final drafts (“author review”) of the chap­ters I’m con­tribut­ing to Special Edition: Using Adobe Creative Suite 2 (Que, 2005). So, bar­ring any last minute changes to …

Barbie's Bad Boy

The truth about Pariah revealed! I have a con­fes­sion to make: That’s me. It’s a photograph–I have no depth, wrin­kles, or nos­trils, and liv­ing with one-piece hair saves on con­di­tion­er (once in …

India Daily Leaks Extraterrestrial Technologies Under Research

From the India Daily news­pa­per (online edi­tion), 9 July 2005: Reverse engi­neer­ing quark accel­er­at­ing high mass bunker bust­ing pre­ci­sion bombs from extrater­res­tri­al UFOs How do extrater­res­tri­al UFOs pen­e­trate earth’s crust to build …

WordPress 1.5 Installed

Well, it’s installed. The site runs, though a few things are dif­fer­ent. Some of the plu­g­ins used with WP 1.2, for instance, have not been updat­ed to func­tion with WP 1.5. …