InDesign CC: Mastering Type with Pariah Burke
More than 50 tips, techniques, and secrets of the InDesign masters for working with type and text! Watch these 1–5 minute videos à la carte to master working with type and text in InDesign. Text …
More than 50 tips, techniques, and secrets of the InDesign masters for working with type and text! Watch these 1–5 minute videos à la carte to master working with type and text in InDesign. Text …
More than 25 tips, techniques, and secrets of the InDesign masters for mastering document creation, editing, and output! Watch these 1–5 minute videos à la carte to master InDesign documents. This on-going course from Pariah …
In this course you will go beyond creating text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by helping you convert print book layouts to ebook, specifying story and imagery order through different means. Next you will learn how to format and include cover images, illustrations, native InDesign vector objects, and more, and how to control their conversion and formatting during EPUB export. Then you will move into incorporating audio and video into your ebook. Wrapping up the course, you’ll learn how to include hyperlinks and special hyperlinks, and all the final formatting options in InDesign’s EPUB – Reflowable Export Options.
Even with the rise of fixed-layout ebooks and Adobe Publish Online, interactive PDFs are still the most common format for distributing precision designed publications to desktops and laptops. With pixel-perfect …
In this course you will go beyond creating text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by helping you convert print book layouts to ebook, specifying story and imagery order through different means. Next you will learn how to format and include cover images, illustrations, native InDesign vector objects, and more, and how to control their conversion and formatting during EPUB export. Then you will move into incorporating audio and video into your ebook. Wrapping up the course, you’ll learn how to include hyperlinks and special hyperlinks, and all the final formatting options in InDesign’s EPUB – Reflowable Export Options.
Pariah Burke teaches you how to use Publish Online, a distribution medium for InDesign documents for client proofing or widespread distribution. Publish Online operates from within InDesign but with a web component that makes your chosen documents viewable by anyone in the world with a web browser and desktop or mobile Internet connection.
Learn to create HTML-based articles to create dynamic and interactive digital magazines, e‑catalogs, and interactive elearning experiences with Adobe Digital Publishing Solution (Adobe DPS 2015 / Adobe DPS 2016) and how to use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress to push HTML-based articles directly or indirectly into DPS for a streamlined or even completely automated publishing system.
Learn how to use Adobe Digital Publishing Solution (Adobe DPS 2015 / Adobe DPS 2016) to create dynamic and interactive digital magazines, e‑catalogs, and interactive elearning experiences. You’ll first learn about the all new Digital Publishing Solution (Adobe DPS 2015 / Adobe DPS 2016). Then you will delve into using the Adobe DPS Overlay Creator within InDesign to build your publication out rich, reader-engaging interactivity.
Join Pariah Burke to master the Adobe Digital Publishing Solution system (Adobe DPS 2015) for enterprise publishing of dynamic and interactive digital magazines, e‑catalogs, and interactive elearning experiences to iPad, iPhone, Android, and Windows.
Following the foundation of learning in the InCopy CC Fundamentals course, this course builds on the writing and collaborating skills you’ve already learned to flesh out your stories and documents …