InCopy CC Fundamentals

In this course, pub­lish­ing work­flow expert Pariah Burke intro­duces Adobe’s best kept secret, InDesign’s edi­to­r­i­al coun­ter­part, Adobe InCopy. Built to be to writ­ers and edi­tors what InDesign is to production …

InDesign CC Creating Fixed-Layout eBooks

Join Pariah Burke as he shows you all the advan­tages of Fixed Layout EPUBS in InDesign. He will show you the best tech­niques for tak­ing advan­tage of engag­ing ele­ments such as ani­ma­tions, video, audio, and much more. Once you com­plete this course, you’ll have the knowl­edge to cre­ate the most advanced, inter­ac­tive eBooks available.

InDesign CC 2015 Updates (What's New in InDesign CC 2015)

In this course, we’ll review the new fea­tures released in Adobe InDesign CC 2015. As Adobe releas­es new fea­tures, we’ll cre­ate video tuto­ri­als review­ing how to get the most out of the new fea­tures. Anytime Adobe makes an update, come back and check out the new fea­tures here.

Creating Pro and Enterprise Publications with InDesign Digital Publishing Suite

Acclaimed dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing guru Pariah Burke will walk you and your team step-by-step through the cre­ation and con­fig­u­ra­tion of folios and arti­cles, adding arti­cles cre­at­ed by out­side agen­cies, shar­ing and proof­ing in-progress pub­li­ca­tions, con­vert­ing print pub­li­ca­tions to DPS folios, adding alter­nate lay­outs and ori­en­ta­tions, and prepar­ing folios for pub­li­ca­tion. Along the way you will learn to cre­ate and fine-tune all the inter­ac­tive over­lay fea­tures and includ­able media inher­ent in app-based DPS pub­li­ca­tions. By the end of this course, you will be ready to cre­ate even the most com­plex and feature-rich dig­i­tal mag­a­zine, e‑catalog, or oth­er inter­ac­tive DPS publication.

InDesign CC EPUB Building on the Fundamentals

In this course you will go beyond cre­at­ing text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by help­ing you con­vert print book lay­outs to ebook, spec­i­fy­ing sto­ry and imagery order through dif­fer­ent means. Next you will learn how to for­mat and include cov­er images, illus­tra­tions, native InDesign vec­tor objects, and more, and how to con­trol their con­ver­sion and for­mat­ting dur­ing EPUB export. Then you will move into incor­po­rat­ing audio and video into your ebook. Wrapping up the course, you’ll learn how to include hyper­links and spe­cial hyper­links, and all the final for­mat­ting options in InDesign’s EPUB – Reflowable Export Options.

InDesign CC Integration with InCopy CC

In this course Pariah Burke speaks to both Editorial and Design, address­ing both sides of pub­lish­ing to enable all cre­ative per­son­nel to forge and main­tain a col­lab­o­ra­tive, pro­duc­tive, account­able inte­gra­tion using best-of-breed edi­to­r­i­al and design tools InCopy and InDesign. You will learn to inte­grate InCopy with InDesign to build an effi­cient work­flow where­in edi­to­r­i­al per­son­nel main­tain con­trol over edi­to­r­i­al con­tent until the very last moment, while pro­duc­tion per­son­nel con­tin­ue to design the pages, and right up until the moment of dead­line. You will also learn how to include remote work­ers in the work­flow with­out sac­ri­fic­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion, con­trol, or accountability.

InDesign CC EPUB Fundamentals

In this course you will go beyond cre­at­ing text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by help­ing you con­vert print book lay­outs to ebook, spec­i­fy­ing sto­ry and imagery order through dif­fer­ent means. Next you will learn how to for­mat and include cov­er images, illus­tra­tions, native InDesign vec­tor objects, and more, and how to con­trol their con­ver­sion and for­mat­ting dur­ing EPUB export. Then you will move into incor­po­rat­ing audio and video into your ebook. Wrapping up the course, you’ll learn how to include hyper­links and spe­cial hyper­links, and all the final for­mat­ting options in InDesign’s EPUB – Reflowable Export Options.

Secret Functions of Adobe Acrobat Pro X

Secret Functions of Adobe Acrobat Pro X

We all use PDFs and Adobe Acrobat on a reg­u­lar basis–the mod­ern world could­n’t func­tion with­out PDFs. Still, despite the con­stant use, there are many fea­tures and almost mys­ti­cal pow­ers with­in Acrobat Pro that even the most expe­ri­enced users don’t know about. In this 2‑hour ses­sion we’ll explore those hid­den gems and what they can do in the real world for you and your work.

Graphs and Charts of Unlimited Creativity in Illustrator

Graphs and Charts of Unlimited Creativity in Illustrator

Charts and graphs don’t have to be bor­ing. In fact, using Adobe Illustrator, they can be down right amaz­ing! Whether you import data from Excel, Apple Numbers, Google Docs Spreadsheet, or anoth­er data set or fill in the num­bers direct­ly in Illustrator, you can be cre­at­ing gor­geous, high­ly illus­tra­tive, option­al­ly 3D pie charts, bar charts, col­umn charts, radar charts, and many more in just minutes!