Why Won't This Clipping Path Work?

Here’s the sce­nario: You place into a pic­ture box a non-rectangular EPS or a raster image with a clip­ping path. Instead of see­ing the objects behind the box through the neg­a­tive areas of the …

Interview: Let’s Talk InCopy with Chad Siegel

In an exclu­sive inter­view, Quark VS InDesign​.com’s res­i­dent InCopy Workflow spe­cial­ist Pariah Burke talks to Adobe’s InCopy Senior Product Manager Chad Siegel about InCopy–who needs it, who will have it, where it’s going, and whether Microsoft should be nervous.

Quick Mask Channel Selection

When select­ing large areas with the mag­ic wand it’s com­mon to leave a few pix­els here and there through­out the areas uns­e­lect­ed. Changing the Magic Wand col­or sim­i­lar­i­ty tol­er­ance is the …