Top Ten XML Myths

A half-day XML tuto­r­i­al at the InDesign Conference shed light on the “mys­tique” behind XML, both good and bad. Here are ten things to remem­ber about XML that will demys­ti­fy the technology.

InDesign Conference, Day 1

I’m in Chicago attend­ing the InDesign Conference, which start­ed on Monday, May 15 and will last through Thursday, May 18. I’m here only on Tuesday and Wednesday though, so I will miss some of the spe­cial­ized train­ing for InDesign, InCopy and Creative Suite 2 but these two days are going to be stuffed with great tips and techniques!

Meet Quark VS

If you plan to attend the InDesign Conference or Creative Suite Conference next week, or will just be in the Chicago area, stop by and say hel­lo to one of …

Quark Loses Major Leader

Another top exec­u­tive, Sr. VP of Strategic Relations, leaves Quark. Creativepro​.com editor-in-chief Terri Stone reports in an arti­cle today that tomor­row will be the last day for Quark’s Susie Friedman, …