FotoFriday Week 5

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …

FotoFriday Week 4

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …

FotoFriday Week 3

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …

Playboy Switches to InDesign

Though the ven­er­a­ble men’s mag­a­zine and self-described “lifestyle brand” has not made an offi­cial announce­ment, reli­able sources have it that Playboy Magazine has switched from a QuarkXPress-based work­flow to InDesign. …

FotoFriday Week 2

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …

First Look: InDesign 4

Characterized as “future tech­nolo­gies,” will these fea­tures be in this Spring’s upcom­ing fourth release of InDesign, dubbed CS 2.0? David Blatner reports on InDesignupdate that ad hoc demon­stra­tions from Adobe …

DTP Tools Makes InDesign History

DTP Tools makes his­to­ry fill­ing in the last miss­ing piece of InDesign CS History for InDesign CS pub­lish­er: DTP Tools plat­form: price: $39 usd rat­ing: Toward the end of an …