First Look At QuarkXPress 7

At the TypoTechnica 2005 con­fer­ence in London Thursday, Quark Inc. showed off QuarkXPress 7, which it char­ac­ter­ized as “the most sig­nif­i­cant upgrade in the pro­duc­t’s his­to­ry.” In an hour-long demonstration …

Pfeiffer Agrees With QuarkVSInDesign

In an edi­to­r­i­al yes­ter­day on Publish​.com, Andreas Pfeiffer, founder of the The Pfeiffer Report on Emerging Trends and Technologies, echoed the opin­ions expressed by Quark VS InDesign​.com on the significance …

FotoFriday Week 1

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …

InDesign-Based K4 Replaces QPS at GONG Verlag

K4 Publishing System replaces QPS System at German pub­lish­er GONG Verlag – SNAP Innovation sup­plies inte­gra­tion with issue plan­ning, archive and ePaper solu­tions Press Release HAMBURG, Germany–(QUARKvsINDESIGN.COM)–February 17th, 2005–German publishing …

New Report Profiles Graphics Industry

New TWGA report: Printers not opti­mistic, book pub­lish­ing down, stock pho­tog­ra­phy pur­chase up, and U.S. graph­ic firms num­ber 50,000. TrendWatch Graphic Arts, a trends analy­sis firm focus­ing on the graph­ic arts …

New Version of InCat, ActiveCatalogs

TradingBell released today new ver­sions of TradingBell CMS, a cat­a­log cre­ation, man­age­ment, and pub­lish­ing solu­tion, and InCat, an Adobe InDesign plug-in for build­ing and man­ag­ing cat­a­logs with­in InDesign for either OS …

QuarkXPress 7: Quark's Last, Best Hope

QuarkXPress 7: It alone deter­mines whether the war–and Quark–ends this year. Adobe and Quark are both test-firing their mas­sive 10-megaton DTP mis­siles. Both will fire in 2005. Adobe’s InDesign 4 projectile …

Newest Quark Defectors Are Big Names

Three lead­ing adver­tis­ing and brand­ing agen­cies announce their for­mal switch from QuarkXPress for page lay­out to InDesign CS. Joining the who’s‑who pub­lish­ing, adver­tis­ing, and brand­ing ros­ter that includes Bernstein-Rein Advertising, …