Cisco Sues to Block Apple Use of iPhone Name

Tuesday Apple announced its iPhone iPod / cel­lu­lar phone hybrid, but Cisco, own­er of the iPhone trade­mark, alleges Apple did­n’t have the right do so, and has filed an injunc­tion seek­ing to bar the Cupertino-based iPod inno­va­tor to cease call­ing its yet to be released device the iPhone.

Rapidly Apply Sampled Colors

Everyone knows that the Eyedropper Tool picks up or sam­ples col­or, but did you also know it will apply col­or? With the Eyedropper Tool select­ed, hold OPT/ALT, and click on …

Quark Does Flash!

New Quark Interactive Designer adds Adobe Flash SWF out­put and mul­ti­me­dia tools to QuarkXPress 7.

Revise Paths with the Pencil Tool

Need to change the shape of a path? Click some­where on the path with the Pencil tool, and begin draw­ing. The path will incor­po­rate your revi­sion. This is also a gotcha. Drawing …

Sneak Peek: InDesign CS3

Adobe unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly takes the wraps off new fea­tures of InDesign CS3–a year early.

QuarkXPress 7 Goes On Tour

Seven-City Tour Will Introduce QuarkXPress 7 to Valued Customers across North America Press Release: DENVER–(BUSINESS WIRE)–May 3, 2006–Quark Inc. today announced a seven-city road show that will high­light the expert design, …