
Services beyond train­ing and devel­op­ment can include any­thing from cus­tomized hybrid education-development events that result in your team learn­ing to cre­ate projects while actu­al­ly build­ing a deliv­er­able, ready-for-market project, all the way through me spend­ing time eval­u­at­ing and help­ing to revamp your cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al depart­ment on-site.

Photoshop Intro

Don’t be appre­hen­sive and take a Photoshop intro class. Pariah Burke was the best, and I could­n’t have picked a bet­ter instruc­tor. He was atten­tive and had unlim­it­ed patience with our class. Usually, …

InDesign Intro

Thank you for an Excellent class! I appre­ci­at­ed the instruc­tor’s patience and pace. My main project is an annu­al depart­ment newslet­ter. The skills learned dur­ing this course will help me to …

Adobe Acrobat Section 508 and Accessibility ADVANCED

The best edu­ca­tion­al class I have tak­en in many years. Making our site as acces­si­ble as pos­si­ble is impor­tant. Much of our con­tent is not ours though. Usually, we take the content …

Acrobat DC Advanced

Great atmos­phere and oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn safe­ly with­out trav­el. Knowledge of cre­at­ing forms, and mov­ing doc­u­ments back and forth between Word and Adobe should be extreme­ly help­ful at work.

Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 17 April 2019

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke. The Client’s Guide to Publishing Infographics When it comes to info­graph­ics, the …

Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 17 April 2019

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke. The Client’s Guide to Publishing Infographics When it comes to info­graph­ics, the …