InDesign Advanced

Adobe InDesign Training with world renowned InDesign guru and author Pariah Burke to mas­ter print and dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tion design and publishing.

InDesign to ePUB: Converting Print Books to eBooks

This focused course is for those already work­ing in print pub­lish­ing and need to incor­po­rate epub­lish­ing into the work­flow. You will learn not only how to cre­ate new ePUB ebooks but also how to con­vert your exist­ing print pub­li­ca­tions to ebook, all while using your actu­al pub­li­ca­tions and assets rather than some arbi­trary “exer­cise files.”

How do you customize training?

During our ini­tial con­ver­sa­tions with you we’ll pose the fol­low­ing ques­tions: Tell us about your work­flow. Tell us about the projects you pro­duce or want to pro­duce. What areas of …

InDesign Productivity Secrets: 10 Techniques You Can't Afford Not to Use

This 3‑hour work­shop will teach you 10 amaz­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tech­niques to speed your work in InDesign CS4/CS5/CS5.5 and reduce repet­i­tive, wast­ed effort. Real World InDesign Productivity Secrets will have you spend­ing less time on the bor­ing, repeative, creativity-sucking tasks and more time doing what you love: being cre­ative in InDesign for print design, tablet pub­lish­ing, ebook pub­lish­ing, and any oth­er use you have for InDesign.

Creative Community Bulletin

Share-worthy cre­ative com­mu­ni­ty news, tuto­ri­als, arti­cles, resources, and mis­cel­lany I’ve found for 10 August 2011: Instapaper to Share: Quark sold to merg­er and acqui­si­tion com­pa­ny | Publishing | Creative Notes | …

Do you offer open enrollment classroom training?

We do not offer open enroll­ment train­ing or main­tain our own pub­lic train­ing class­room. Our focus is on improv­ing real world cre­ative and pub­lish­ing work­flows. In an open enroll­ment setting, …


Adobe InDesign Training with world renowned InDesign guru Pariah Burke is an essen­tial part of design­ing suc­cess­ful print and dig­i­tal publications.

InDesign to iPad: Digital Magazine Design & Deployment, Start to Finish

A Master Class inten­sive 2‑day sem­i­nar using InDesign, Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, Aquafadas, and more to go from blank page through to pro­duc­ing a pol­ished inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal mag­a­zine run­ning on the iPad. The same pub­li­ca­tion will also run on Android-based tablets like the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the Motorola Xoom, and oth­er tablets. This course teach­es afford­able dig­i­tal magazine/catalog pro­duc­tion, not only Adobe’s $495 month­ly option.