Extensis Unveils Universal Type Server

Extensis unveils all new, blaz­ing­ly fast server-based font man­age­ment system–Universal Type Server. Last week I got a sneak peak. It was like going from dialup to broad­band all over again.

Quark: 'No Comment'

Ray Schiavone talks about QuarkXPress 8, com­pet­ing with InDesign, and Quark tech sup­port return­ing to the U.S. He hints at Quark going pub­lic, but then ducks the big ques­tions. We have what Schiavone said, and what he didn’t.

InCopy CS3: The Editor's Right Hand

CS3 release of Adobe’s edi­to­r­i­al col­lab­o­ra­tion tool pro­vides give-and-take with design­ers while allow­ing edi­to­r­i­al to get the job done.

Quark Expands Educational Licenses

New terms allow stu­dents to use QuarkXPress under an edu­ca­tion­al license to pro­duce com­mer­cial work while in school and after grad­u­a­tion, with an upgrade path to full com­mer­cial rights.