Handling Legacy Text in Adobe Illustrator

Working with old­er Illustrator documents—your own or others—could give you a scary-looking warn­ing telling you that your doc­u­ment has Legacy Text. In this tuto­r­i­al clip you’ll learn what Legacy Text is …

Type Sizing Tricks in Adobe Illustrator

Learn tricks for siz­ing type with­out com­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty, unnec­es­sary men­tal acro­bat­ics, or los­ing your train of thought. In this tuto­r­i­al you will learn incred­i­bly handy, master-level type siz­ing tricks including: …

Illustrator CC Typography

From logo design to illus­tra­tion, from posters to sig­nage, from brochures to menus, your text is meant to be read, to con­vey a mes­sage. It can’t do that if it isn’t leg­i­ble, read­able, and well-styled. Making it so is the art of typog­ra­phy. In Illustrator CC Typography Pariah Burke will teach you all the skills you’ll need to cre­ate and style beau­ti­ful, per­fect typog­ra­phy in all your Illustrator draw­ings and doc­u­ments. You will learn not only the hows, but also the whys and whens, so that you will end the course not only with the skills to set per­fect type, but also the con­fi­dence and under­stand­ing to make the right type­set­ting deci­sions again and again, in every one of your designs.