Illustrator CC Upgrade Bootcamp

Master the newest fea­tures and changes in Illustrator quick­ly with this focused Upgrade Bootcamp. No mat­ter what ver­sion of Adobe Illustrator you last used, the Upgrade Bootcamp will quick­ly edu­cate you …

Social Media Identity Illustrator Template

In this Illustrator CS5/CS6/CC tem­plate file (.AI, not .AIT for back­wards com­pat­i­bil­i­ty) you’ll find sep­a­rate art­boards for the fol­low­ing social media iden­ti­ty imagery. Just design, export to JPG or PNG, …

Illustrator CS6 Upgrade Bootcamp

Master the newest fea­tures and changes in Adobe Illustrator CS6 quick­ly with this focused Upgrade Bootcamp from Illustrator CS5, Illustrator CS4, or earlier

Graphs and Charts of Unlimited Creativity in Illustrator

Charts and graphs don’t have to be bor­ing. In fact, using Adobe Illustrator, they can be down right amaz­ing! Whether you import data from Excel, Apple Numbers, Google Docs Spreadsheet, or anoth­er data set or fill in the num­bers direct­ly in Illustrator, you can be cre­at­ing gor­geous, high­ly illus­tra­tive, option­al­ly 3D pie charts, bar charts, col­umn charts, radar charts, and many more in just minutes!


Used by illus­tra­tors, design­ers, artists, fash­ion design­ers, engi­neers, archi­tects, and Web and mobile design­ers, Adobe Illustrator is the vet­er­an vec­tor graph­ics pow­er­house that has dom­i­nat­ed the mar­ket for 30 years. Illustrator gives users both absolute pre­ci­sion and unfet­tered artis­tic free­dom to design logos, illus­tra­tions, prod­ucts, maps, charts, photo-realistic paint­ings, and much more.

Illustrator CS2 @Work

Adobe Illustrator CS2 @ Work: Projects You Can Use on the Job is a project-based guide that will help you com­plete work­place projects while you learn how to use Illustrator CS2.

Watch Out! Illustrator Breaks Em Dashes

Illustrator (CS2 and CS3) has a text ren­der­ing engine near­ly as advanced as InDesign’s. For that rea­son (and because Adobe final­ly added under­lin­ing as a type option in Illustrator), more and more …